Living Proof: Recovery Supports for People with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) or Co-occurring Disorders Considering or Using Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Wednesday | July 24, July 31, and August 7, 2019 | 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT
SAMHSA’s Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS TACS) invites you to join a three-part virtual learning series focusing on recovery supports for people considering or using MAT for OUD or co-occurring disorders.
MAT leads to better treatment outcomes than behavioral therapies alone. There is strong evidence that combining MAT with recovery support services improves outcomes for people with OUD. Peer support workers are uniquely positioned to provide recovery support services. They offer lived experience of recovery from substance use disorders, mental health conditions, or both, and have specialized training to support people seeking recovery.
- Session one of the Living Proof series will examine the neurobiology of OUD and share information about three medications commonly used to treat this disorder. Presenters will highlight important considerations for people with co-occurring disorders who are considering using MAT or currently using this treatment approach.
- Session two will examine peer-delivered recovery supports for people using MAT.
- Session three will explore the role of peer support workers in engaging and supporting people with OUD who are considering the use of MAT.
In each session, presenters will address common misperceptions about MAT; provide current, accurate information; and recommend ways to learn more and educate others about OUD, co-occurring disorders, and MAT.
The presenters will share information and strategies that strengthen peers’ ability to provide:
- peer recovery supports for people considering MAT, including identifying goals, determining individual preferences, and using an informed decision-making process;
- peer recovery supports for people with OUD who currently use MAT; and
- appropriate strategies to apply important considerations for people with co-occurring disorders who are considering using MAT.
Join us for these free, interactive virtual events moderated by Steven Samra, BRSS TACS Deputy Director, and Devin Reaves, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Pennsylvania Harm Reduction Coalition.
Click here to register
Session 1, July 24: "Neurobiology of OUD and Medications for OUD: Implications for Co-occurring Disorders"
Ayana Jordan, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor at Yale and an attending physician at Connecticut Mental Health Center
David Marcovitz, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Vanderbilt University
Session 2, July 31: "Delivering Recovery Supports to People with OUD Who Are Participating in MAT"
Brooke Feldman, President, Sparking Solutions LLC
Carlos Hardy, MHS, Founder and Executive Director, Maryland Recovery Organization Connecting Communities
Amelia Murphy, Peer Recovery Coach Educator and Medication-Assisted Recovery Support (MARS) Trainer
Rollin Oden, MD, MPH, Director, CCH-WAGEES Program Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Session 3, August 7: "Delivering Recovery Supports to People with OUD Who Are Considering MAT"
Sharon LeGore, Founder and President, MOMSTELL
David Marcovitz, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Vanderbilt University
Sara Schade, Executive Director, Unlimited Alternatives
You must register for each session in the series.
Registration will close 60 minutes before the event start time.
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