martes, 9 de julio de 2019

MDM Prod Notification | New Provider ICD is available| 07/09/2019

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Summary: The new Master Data Management (MDM) Provider ICD Version 15 is available. The following changes were applied.
  • Section Added Physical Table Name and Full File Name under Table 5: T-MSIS Only Provider Data Mart Extract Files Names
  • P#MDD.COMPFULL.PDM.BDTH.Dyymmdd.Thhmmsst
  • Updated the embedded file in Appendix G: MDM Provider Data Mart Tables Data Attributes and Definitions to include newly added columns under MDD_PRVDR_DM_BED_TYPE_HSTRY.
  • Updated the embedded file in Appendix H: MDM 2.0 Provider Data Mart Extracts Layout to include newly added columns PDM.BTHST
  • Updated Appendix J with the latest version of the MDM Provider Data Mart Physical Data Model.
The ICD is available in CMS Sharepoint, if you have access already. If you do not have access, please reach out to below listed emails on the steps.
Please contact Jill Katz at or Nagesh Puli at for a copy of the ICD. 
Thank you,
MDM Support Tea

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