viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019

It’s peanut allergy day at the FDA

The Readout
Damian Garde

It’s peanut allergy day at the FDA

Experts are gathering this morning at FDA’s White Oak campus to review a novel but controversial treatment from Aimmune Therapeutics that uses calibrated quantities of ingested peanut powder to protect people against severe peanut allergy. Aimmune’s “peanut immunotherapy” (brand name: Palforzia) is effective, but it’s not easy for people to tolerate and comes with some safety concerns, which is where the crux of today’s advisory panel debate is expected to focus. 

I will be watching a live feed of today’s advisory panel and posting updates to STAT throughout the day, including the penultimate vote on whether experts believe FDA should approve Palforzia, or not. You can read a preview of the Palforzia meeting here.

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