martes, 25 de febrero de 2020

And speaking of Covid-19 …

STAT China
Jonathan Chan

And speaking of Covid-19 …

A top World Health Organization official said Monday that, so far, there's only one drug — remdesivir, from Gilead — that might be effective against Covid-19. The drug is currently being run in clinical trials. In the meantime, though, Chinese scientists have compiled a list of provisional guidelines for potential therapies to be used.

Based on positive results from some clinical trials, experts have proposed that antimalarial drug chloroquine phosphate be included in the guidelines, among other treatments, state-run news agency Xinhua has reported. According to Sun Yanrong, deputy head of China National Center for Biotechnology Development, the 80-year-old drug has been used in clinical trials in over 10 hospitals and shown some efficacy in patients.

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