sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020

Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates

Disaster Lit® Database Daily Updates

Disaster Information and Emergency Response

02/19/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: United Kingdom Department of Health (DH). Published: 2/19/2020. This page provides resources and guidance for schools and other educational settings in providing advice about the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The 14 topics include how to help prevent spread of all respiratory infections, including COVID-19; what to do if someone confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19 has been in a school or other educational setting; and what advice to give to individuals who have traveled from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, or Thailand within the last 14 days. (Text)
02/19/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Published: 2/19/2020. This webinar from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Emergency Partners Information Connection discusses the U.S. Department of Education's Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance (REMS TA) Center—the national TA center serving public and nonpublic education agencies with their comprehensive school preparedness efforts, including school safety, security, and emergency management. The center also provides direct technical assistance in the aftermath of an emergency. (Video or Multimedia)
02/18/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: European Union, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Published: 2/18/2020. This three-page document, updated on February 18, 2020, aims to provide guidance about the environmental cleaning in non-healthcare facilities (e.g., rooms, public offices, transports, schools) where 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) confirmed cases have been before being admitted to hospital. It details cleaning options, cleaning approaches, and recommended personal protective equipment (PPE). (PDF)
02/18/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). Published: 2/18/2020. This one-hour webinar, co-sponsored by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC), American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), and National Ebola Training and Education Center (NETEC), features experts who discuss the current state of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and share identification, isolation, and treatment strategies for symptomatic patients. They review how to identify and isolate, and notify the proper officials, if a patient with symptoms and epidemiological risk presents at points of entry to health care staff. They also discuss personal protective equipment, patient transport, and tech issues. (Video or Multimedia)
02/14/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: United Kingdom Department of Health (DH). Published: 2/14/2020. This web page provides guidance resources on COVID-19 (2019 novel coronavirus) for the transport sector, including general precautions for staff and guidance on the assessment and management of arrivals into the United Kingdom. It also includes information on signs and symptoms of COVID-19, case definition, and transmission. (Text)
02/11/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: United Kingdom Department of Health (DH). Published: 2/11/2020. This web page provides advice for first responders and others who may have close contact with symptomatic people with potential COVID-19 (2019 novel coronavirus). The 13 topics include what to do if required to assist someone who is symptomatic and suspected of having COVID-19; what to do if the responder becomes unwell following contact with someone who may be at risk of COVID-19; and additional advice for police officers, police staff and police volunteers, Border Force, and Immigration Enforcement officers. (Text)
02/11/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED). Published: 2/11/2020. This three-page protocol is a screening tool for possible cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Questions cover symptoms, travel history, and patient contact history. It does not require a specific order or number of questions to ask. Geographically, areas of recent travel concern can change daily. The specifics of when to use this tool and the extent of questioning within this tool must remain user-defined. (PDF)
02/10/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: Congressional Research Service [Library of Congress] (CRS). Published: 2/10/2020. This 17-page report discusses selected actions taken by the federal government to quell the introduction and spread of 2019-nCoV (2019 novel coronavirus) in the United States. The Health and Human Services Secretary has taken several specific actions to address the 2019-nCoV threat. While some of these actions are based in generally applicable authorities of the Secretary, other authorities may be contingent upon the Secretary or another federal official making a determination or declaration, specific to that authority, regarding the existence of a public health emergency or threat. (PDF)
02/06/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: Congressional Research Service [Library of Congress] (CRS). Published: 2/6/2020. This three-page report provides information about the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19/2019-nCoV), developments in China, global cases and the World Health Organization response, and the U.S. response. It includes a map of locations with confirmed 2019-nCoV cases globally, as of February 5, 2020. (PDF)
02/01/2020 12:00 AM EST

Source: U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). Published: 2/2020. This 67-page report addresses the extent to which the National Biodefense Strategy and implementation efforts are designed to enhance national biodefense capabilities and any implementation challenges that exist. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) analyzed the Strategy, plans, and National Security Presidential Memorandum-14 , and compared them to selected characteristics of GAO's work on effective national strategies, enterprise risk management, organizational transformation, and interagency coordination. The report makes four recommendations for executive action. (PDF)
12/01/2019 12:00 AM EST

Source: U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Published: 12/2019. This 18-page report compiles statistical data regarding 277 active shooter incidents in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018. Each of the pages focuses on a particular active-shooter topic, such as casualty breakdown, shooter’s weapon, and incident locations, including a page on health care facilities. The information in the report is intended for a wide variety of stakeholders, including law enforcement officers, other first responders, corporations, educators, and the general public. (PDF)

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