martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

Is the FDA quietly trying to stymie drug importation?

The Readout
Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Is the FDA quietly trying to stymie drug importation?

The concept of importing cheaper drugs from abroad has been kicked around for decades. Now, in response to pressure from the Trump administration, the FDA has proposed a regulation that seemingly expedites state-run importation plans. However, one health care management consultant opines that this FDA policy is a false step. 
Reading between the lines, the 44-page proposal makes it exceedingly difficult to import drugs from countries such as Canada. Importers would have to screen the drugs to ensure they're not damaged or counterfeit, have samples of each shipment tested at an FDA-approved lab, and much more — to say nothing of the reams of paperwork importers would have to complete to get any of this done. 
So, sure, drug importation may be a possibility. But who will actually do it?

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