sábado, 8 de febrero de 2020

Is peer review underrated?

The Readout
Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Is peer review underrated?

Can biotech stop an outbreak? And would you mind giving us a call?
We discuss all that and more on the latest episode of “The Readout LOUD,” STAT’s biotech podcast. First, STAT’s Sharon Begley joins us to explain how early access to scientific papers has been crucial — and occasionally problematic — during the novel coronavirus outbreak. Then, we discuss the drug industry’s attempts to find a treatment for the virus. Later, our colleague Matthew Herper joins us for a thought experiment: If biotech had a Mount Rushmore, who would be on it?
Also: We’re coming up on the 100th episode of this podcast, and we’re using the occasion to actualize our long-held dream of running a call-in show. Dial us at 617-517-6130 and leave a message with any question you’d like us to answer on the podcast, and you may just hear it on air in the coming weeks.

Listen here.

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