martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

Most Republicans ran from Pelosi’s drug plan. This one’s running on it

The Readout
Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Most Republicans ran from Pelosi’s drug plan. This one’s running on it

Some Republicans dismissed it as a “socialist takeover of the health care system,” or, more concisely, the “Fewer Cures Act.” But to GOP Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, the House Democrats’ drug negotiation bill is more than just a good policy; it’s a cornerstone of her re-election campaign.

As STAT’s Lev Facher reports, Herrera Beutler is facing a tough campaign in her southern Washington district, one Democratic leaders see as flippable in 2020. She was one of only two Republicans to vote for Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Lower Drug Costs Now Act, and that might be the issue that keeps her in her seat.

Herrera Beutler’s is illustrative of a problem some House Republicans will face in November. Voters increasingly see high drug prices as a key priority, and polling suggests they favor the Democrats’ approach to the issue.

Read more.

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