miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2020

Your drug pricing questions for Sen. Grassley, answered

The Readout
Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Your drug pricing questions for Sen. Grassley, answered

Sen. Chuck Grassley has long argued that the out-of-pocket costs for many drugs have ballooned out of control, and he insists both parties can come together to do something about it. So how’s he going to make that happen?

We invited STAT Plus subscribers to ask questions of the Senate Finance Committee chairman, and he came through with answers on Medicare for All, reining in middlemen, and preventing patent abuse.

And the Iowa Republican stayed on brand, noting that “the jig is up” with intellectual property, pointing out that pharma’s profits “won’t amount to a hill of beans” if no one can afford its products, and insisting “you can bet your boots” that the rising cost of medicine will be on the minds of voters in November.

Read more.

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