viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

New data in sickle cell show biotechs tackling disease in novel ways

New data in sickle cell show biotechs tackling disease in novel ways

The Readout

Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Experimental sickle cell therapies aplenty

There is no shortage of data on sickle cell therapies at this year’s meeting of the European Hematology Association. Thirty-two research abstracts in all.

Luckily, STAT’s Adam Feuerstein did a lot of reading. And what he found was a host of companies conducting early-stage studies of experimental drugs. From Imara to Forma Therapeutics and Bluebird Bio — among others — the hope is that there are novel ways to target different disease pathways.

“Like with HIV or cancer, we’re learning that in sickle cell disease, it’s not enough to focus on one target,” one clinician said. “We have to attack the disease in multiple ways. We’re starting to see this approach take shape in drug development right now.”

Read more.

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