jueves, 21 de junio de 2018

NIAID Funding News, June 20, 2018


June 20, 2018 NIAID Funding News

Feature Articles 

Do NIAID Career Development Awards Increase Likelihood of Research Funding Success?

Whether you’re a postdoc or junior faculty, consider applying for a mentored career development (K) award from NIAID. Our analyses show a correlation between K awards and future success rates for independent NIH research awards.

Opportunities and Resources

Four NIH Director's Award Opportunities for High-Risk Research

This program seeks to identify scientists with high-impact ideas that may be risky or at a stage too early to fare well in the traditional peer review process.

Need Project Funding To Harness Big Data To Halt HIV?

This initiative funds innovative methods in Big Data Science to identify gaps in rare, unseen, and otherwise undiscovered biomedical, behavioral, social patterns, and other social determinants that shed light on HIV acquisition, transmission, and long-term control using Big Data Science.

In The News

Lessons Learned: Human Subjects System (HSS) and Inclusion

Find tips and reminders: For example, for multiproject awards—you should provide inclusion enrollment reports at the level of the subproject and not associated with the parent grant.

Save the Date for NIH Regional Seminar in San Francisco

The next NIH Regional Seminar will take place in San Francisco, California, from October 17 to 19, 2018. Register by next Friday, June 29, to receive an early bird discount.

Advice Corner

Your R01 Application Timeline and the Fiscal Year

Get a refresher on the timeline for an investigator-initiated R01 application and how that timing relates to the fiscal year's three review cycles.

Reader Questions

New Funding Opportunities

See other announcements at Opportunities & Announcements.
Send suggestions or comments to deaweb@niaid.nih.gov.

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