An article recently published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine titled Expanding theParadigm of Occupational Safety and Health: A New Framework for Worker Well-Being describes NIOSH’s newly developed conceptual framework for worker well-being. Historically, worker well-being has been measured through job satisfaction, employee engagement, positive emotions, and good mental and physical health.
This framework seeks to define and operationalize the concept of worker well-being through the following domains:
This framework seeks to define and operationalize the concept of worker well-being through the following domains:
- work evaluation and experience,
- workplace physical environment and safety climate,
- workplace policies and culture,
- health status, and
- home, community, & society.
This framework can make a valuable contribution to the efforts of researchers, policymakers, employers, workers, and communities as they take steps to better investigate, understand, and improve the well-being of workers. To learn more about the framework and what it means for applications in occupational safety and health, please read the article here: https://journals.lww. com/joem/Fulltext/2018/07000/ Expanding_the_Paradigm_of_ Occupational_Safety_and.3.aspx and share with your colleagues and networks using DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001330.
As the Total Worker Health® program continues to strengthen the evidence base for Total Worker Health®approaches, we look forward to sharing the latest scientific research dedicated to advancing worker safety, health, and well-being.
In good health,
NIOSH Office for Total Worker Health®
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