viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

AMA delegates to weigh a plan for personal importation of drugs from Canada - STAT

AMA delegates to weigh a plan for personal importation of drugs from Canada - STAT

Morning Rounds

Megan Thielking

Doctors weigh idea of importing drugs from Canada

Delegates to the American Medical Association are meeting this weekend to consider additions to the group's health care agenda. One proposal to watch: a motion to endorse letting Americans purchase prescription drugs in Canada, which are often cheaper than in the U.S. An AMA council that recommended the resolution said it should only apply to drugs purchased from brick-and-mortar pharmacies — not any purchased online — and that there should be quantity limits and safety assurances in place. It's far from a long-term solution, the council says — but “patients that face high and unaffordable costs for their prescription drugs need relief in the meantime," they write.

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