martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Bioethics Observatory Medical ethics consistent values are needed to request our enormous scientific and medical progress

Bioethics Observatory Medical ethics consistent values are needed to request our enormous scientific and medical progress


Health professional most decisive questions aren't scientific but ethical and without medical ethics consistent values it would be impossible to answer them

JME publication. Importance of philosophy in the context of medical ethics.

Julian Savulescu, Thomas Douglas and Dominic Wilkinson reflect on the importance of philosophy in the context of medical ethics... Read more.
Pope Francis on abortion A repeated condemnation. Words, comparisons examples and speeches that for hardness have no precedent in the previous pontificates.

Pope Francis clear and categorical position about abortion.

An article was published in La Stampa with this suggestive title: The Pope on abortion and those memory-less commentators made a detailed review of the different papers and speeches from the very beginning… Read more.


Nature changes its policy allowing experimentation with human embryos. Why?

Nature Group does not explain the reasons for this change. In any case, the question remains if its decision is based on new scientific evidence. Research using human embryos and embryonic stem cells has prompted a fierce ethical debate. As editors of these types of studies, the journal Nature and journals published by the Nature group take this responsibility very …
A recent report of UNAIDS show neglect suffered by some key groups. Lights and shadows of HIV/AIDS global pandemic.

HIV/AIDS fall in some countries but in Spain,Middle East,North Africa, new infections have increased significantly

UNAIDS conclusions in their annual report on the evolution of the pandemic. The UN programmed to …
CRISPR-Cas9 causes more damage in the genome than thought

CRISPR-Cas9 causes more damage in the genome than thought

At present CRISPR-Cas9  produce off-target effects See video below The CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing system causes more damage in the cellular DNA than previously believed, and this is not detected by standard tests, according to a study published in Nature Biotechnology. While it was already known that CRISPR-Cas9 can produce off-target effects, i.e. outside the desired genome sequence, this study also …
The gene drive produce genome modification effects in the entire species so the risk to affect ecosystems delicate balance

Gene drive used in mammals for the first time

Gene drive technology allows genome of entire species to be modified, has been used for the first time in mammals (mice). Many media have reported the news, among them Nature and Science. Gene …


Conscientious objection in medical profession. Has the severe burnout manifested by the collective some relation to the restrictions in this matter

Savulescu proposes to restrict the conscientious objection of healthcare practitioners

Professionals must always perform any treatment that a patient may request?… Read more.
The kidney transplant global project would legalize the commodification of donor-recipient pairs from low/middle-income countries is denounced

Europe rejects "Global Kidney Exchange Project". Why?

 The European Committee on Organ Transplantation has unanimously approved the absolute rejection of the project promoted from the United States of global kidney exchange…
A recent report of UNAIDS show neglect suffered by some key groups. Lights and shadows of HIV/AIDS global pandemic.

HIV/AIDS fall in some countries but in Spain,Middle East,North Africa, and eastern Europe have increased

UNAIDS in their annual report on the evolution of the pandemic (see HIV/AIDS latest statics) The UN programmed to …
Microchip inserted under skin would encounter significant legal and ethical challenges relating to data protection and human rights and sanctity body

Sweden in the forefront of inserting microchips under skin.

More than 4,000 Swedes are being implanted with a microchip that contains details about their identity and between 2,000 and 3,500 people in Germany have implanted a microchip under their skin…
Must Western loneliness epidemic be approached from early education? Isolation trend effects produce loneliness epidemic medical risks

Loneliness. An epidemic that is mobilizing English Government and its worrying  western countries

By the 21st century, loneliness has become ubiquitous. Commentators call it "an epidemic," a condition akin to "leprosy," and a "silent plague" of civilization. This year, the U.K. went so far … Read more.
Is it used by homosexual and frequently by AIDS infected persons. The chemex public health issue is worrying sanitary authorities

Chemsex on the rise among homosexuals. How will it affect public health?

Figures have shot up in the last five years with the arrival of mobile applications focused. Chemsex effects in public health …

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