jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

EvidenceNOW: Achievements in Primary Care | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

EvidenceNOW: Achievements in Primary Care | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

AHRQ--Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Advancing Excellence in Health Care

EvidenceNOW: Achievements in Primary Care

Ten EvidenceNOW Practices Recognized as 2018 Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Champions
AHRQ congratulates the 2017 Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Champions, including five primary care practices and clinicians participating in EvidenceNOW.
The Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Challengeis a competition to identify clinicians, practices, and health systems that have demonstrated exceptional achievements in working with their patients to control hypertension.
AHRQ congratulates the 2018 Million Hearts®Hypertension Control Champions and the ten participating EvidenceNOW primary care practices and providers selected as champions.

New York City Cooperative
New York City:
  • Dr. Terence Chun Hun Hsuih (Brooklyn, NY)
  • Jia Hong (Flushing, NY)
  • Dr. Mark Tsinker (Bay Park, NY)
  • Dr. Patel Himanshu (Brooklyn, NY)
  • Dr. Shelly Shi (New York City, NY)

  • Pacific Family Medicine (Astoria, OR)

  • Hinman Family Medicine (Longmont, CO)
  • Dr. David Yamamoto (Arvada, CO)
  • Southern Colorado Medicine (Colorado Springs, CO)
  • High Plains Community Health Center Holly Clinic (Holy, CO)

Helping primary care practices use evidence to improve blood pressure control is a key focus of AHRQ’s EvidenceNOW initiative, in addition to improving aspirin use, cholesterol management, and smoking cessation to prevent heart attacks and stroke among people at high risk.
Learn more about how EvidenceNOW is working with primary care practices to improve quality of care and patients’ heart health. The selected Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Champions have worked with their patients to achieve blood pressure control rates at or above 70% through innovations in health information technology and electronic health records, patient communication, and team-based care approaches.
Page last reviewed November 2018
Page originally created November 2017
Internet Citation: EvidenceNOW: Achievements in Primary Care. Content last reviewed November 2018. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/evidencenow/about/stories/achievements/index.html

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