lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Prevalence and Nature of Financial Considerations Documented in Narrative Clinical Records in Intensive Care Units | Critical Care Medicine | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network

Prevalence and Nature of Financial Considerations Documented in Narrative Clinical Records in Intensive Care Units | Critical Care Medicine | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network

Morning Rounds

Megan Thielking

Do concerns about costs impact ICU care? 

It's not clear how often financial considerations come into play when providing costly care in the intensive care unit — but a new study takes a step toward better understanding the issue. Researchers studied narrative clinical notes from more than 45,000 admissions to the ICU at a large academic medical center. Of those cases, 4 percent had a note reflecting financial concerns during a patient's time in the ICU. The longer the hospital stay, the more likely it was there was a mention of money in a patient's notes. Cost discussions were also tied to changes in treatment or discharge plans in up to 0.7 percent of admissions, which the authors say suggests financial considerations can shape care. 

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