martes, 4 de febrero de 2020

When Trump talks drug pricing, who wins?

D.C. Diagnosis
Nicholas Florko

When Trump talks drug pricing, who wins? 

President Trump is all but guaranteed to say something about drug prices during tonight’s State of the Union speech. Our question: Who benefits when Trump again promises America he will drastically slash their drug prices, Democrats or Republicans?
In a new story out for STAT today, Lev and I unpack why tonight’s speech is likely to set the tone for the 2020 election’s health care debate, and why Democrats are likely to revel in anything Trump says tonight about drug pricing in particular. Polls show voters trust their party more on all manner of health care issues, drug pricing included — and that's why they're essentially daring Trump to bring it up.  
The politics make tonight’s speech something of a tightrope for Trump, said William Howell, a professor of American politics at the University of Chicago. 
“You can’t entirely ignore the issue of health care, but what you don’t want to do if you’re Trump is linger on it.”
Read the story.

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