viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010

Prevention Research Centers - Newsroom - PRC


New Journal Articles Highlight Help for People with Epilepsy
Two interventions can help people with epilepsy avoid depression and manage the condition, according to studies published by researchers collaborating in the Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) network.

▲ Prevention Research Centers - Advancing the Science of Community Intervention: Frameworks, Processes, Methodologies, and Outcomes - PRC
Prevention Research Centers - Advancing the Science of Community Intervention: Frameworks, Processes, Methodologies, and Outcomes - PRC

► ► Seminar on Mental Health in an Aging Population
Dr. Paul Ciechanowski of the University of Washington PRC discusses with a CDC audience a home-based treatment for depression in the elderly and adults with epilepsy.

▲ CDC - Research Highlights - A Seminar on a Home-based Treatment for Depression - PRC
CDC - Research Highlights - A Seminar on a Home-based Treatment for Depression - PRC

▲ PEARLS Program | Evidence Based Treatment for Depression | Geriatric Depression & Epilepsy-Related Depression
PEARLS Program | Evidence Based Treatment for Depression | Geriatric Depression & Epilepsy-Related Depression

► ► ►New Study Confirms Outcomes of an Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Program
Researchers, with support from the Texas A&M Health Science Center PRC [Prevention Research Centers - Texas A&M Health Science Center Center for Community Health Development - PRC: Prevention Research Centers - Texas A&M Health Science Center Center for Community Health Development - PRC], evaluated the dissemination and implementation of A Matter of Balance/Volunteer Lay Leader, an evidence-based falls prevention program for older adults, in Texas. The program was found to decrease fear of falling and improve the overall physical activity levels of participants, which are consistent with original study findings. See the November 2010 issue of Preventing Chronic Disease [Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice and Policy], article titled “Implementing and Disseminating an Evidence-Based Program to Prevent Falls in Older Adults, Texas, 2007-2009.”[Preventing Chronic Disease: November 2010: 09_0224]

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Prevention Research Centers - Newsroom - PRC

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