Reviews, News & Commentaries
Biobanks and electronic medical records: Enabling cost-effective research
Erica Bowton et al. Science Translational Medicine, Apr 30
Erica Bowton et al. Science Translational Medicine, Apr 30
Mutations in 115-year-old provide perspective for personal genome sequencing,
by Ricki Lewis, PLoS Blogs, May 1
Global Alliance sets initial priorities for genomics and health,
by Dr Philippa Brice, PHG Foundation, Apr 30
Embedding genomics in the National Health Service in the UK,
by Olivia Solon, Wired, Apr 29
The structure of DNA, 61 years later: How they did it,
by Ashutosh Jogalekar, Scientific American, Apr 29
Two human genomes per hour: New technology to boost genome studies,
Wellcome Trust., Apr 29
From volunteers, a DNA database,
by Albert Sun, New York Times, Apr 28
Cleaning up your genetic code,
by Caleb Hellerman, CNN Health, Apr 27
Studying the future of disease,
by Julie Sidoni, WNEP, Apr 25
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