viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

MMWR Vol 63 / No. 18

MMWR Vol 63 / No. 18

MMWR Weekly
Vol. 63, No. 18
May 9, 2014
PDF of this issue

In this Issue

Hepatitis Awareness Month and National Hepatitis Testing Day — May 2014 
MMWR 2014;63:393

Expanding Primary Care Capacity to Treat Hepatitis C Virus Infection Through an Evidence-Based Care Model —
Arizona and Utah, 2012–2014

Kiren Mitruka, MD, Karla Thornton, MD, Susanne Cusick, et al.
MMWR 2014;63:393-8

Both hepatitis B and C can be associated with cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Both hepatitis B and C can be associated with cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Early Identification and Linkage to Care of Persons with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection —
Three U.S. Sites, 2012–2014

Geoff A. Beckett, MPH, Gilberto Ramirez, MBA, Aaron Vanderhoff, et al.
MMWR 2014;63:399-401

Primary and Secondary Syphilis — United States, 2005–2013
Monica E. Patton, MD, John R. Su, MD, Robert Nelson, MPH, et al.
MMWR 2014;63:402-6

Vital Signs: Disability and Physical Activity — United States, 2009–2012
Dianna D. Carroll, PhD, Elizabeth A. Courtney-Long, MA, MSPH, Alissa C. Stevens, MPH, et al.
MMWR 2014;63:407-13

Announcement: Healthy Vision Month — May 2014 
MMWR 2014;63:414

Announcement: Drinking Water Week — May 4–10, 2014 
MMWR 2014;63:415

Erratum: Vol. 63, No. 16 
MMWR 2014;63:416

QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 18–64 Years Who Have Seen a Dentist Within the Past Year, by Family Income Group and Sex — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2012
Brandy Lipton, PhD, Sandra Decker, PhD.
MMWR 2014;63:417

Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables
Link to PDF for Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables
Link to additional formats for Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables

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