viernes, 1 de marzo de 2019

Is this the age of the big biotech buyout?

The Readout
Damian Garde

Is this the age of the big biotech buyout?

Is cold brew a business expense? And how do you pronounce “Gonzalez”?

We discuss all that and more on the latest episode of “The Readout LOUD,” STAT’s biotech podcast. First, STAT’s Matt Herper joins us to break down the Senate Finance Committee hearing that saw seven pharmaceutical executives taken to task on the topic of drug pricing. Then, Matt sticks around to talk about what a spate of billion-dollar deals means for the future of biotech. Later, STAT reporter Kate Sheridan stops by to talk about what you can — and can’t — learn about stealthy biotech startups when you do a little digging.

You can listen to the episode here. To listen to future episodes, be sure to sign up on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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