jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019

Staph infections can kill | VitalSigns | CDC

Staph infections can kill | VitalSigns | CDC

Take action against all staph. Progress is slowing but success is possible. US rates of hospital-onset MRSA infections dropped 17% each year until 2013. MSSA may be rising in communities and progress against MRSA has recently slowed in hospitals. 2005 2009 2013 2017. By 2017, US Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers reduced MRSA by 55% and MSSA by 12%. The VA reduced rates of staph infections after adding steps like screening new patients. 2005 2009 2013 2017. What puts people at risk for serious staph infection? In Communities: Uncovered or draining wounds, especially in high-contact sports or crowded living. Sharing personal items, such as towels or razors. Recent stays in a healthcare facility. Injection drug use, like opioids. In Hospitals: Hospital stays or surgery (during and shortly after)Sharing personal items, such as towels or razors. Exposure to patients carrying or infected with staph. Medical devices in the body, like intravenous lines (IVs). In Other Healthcare Facilities: Outpatient surgery and procedures, like dialysis. Nursing home stays. Medical devices in the body, like IVs.

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