martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

Worth your time

D.C. Diagnosis
Nicholas Florko

Worth your time 

Jason Kander made history last year when took a break from politics, citing PTSD-related nightmares, depression, and suicidal thoughts. But the political landscape for people with mental health conditions might be changing, the New York Times writes. — Lev Facher

Polls say drug pricing is a major issue in the 2020 campaign. But at a Trump rally earlier this month in New Hampshire, the issue — and the Trump White House's efforts to lower those prices — hasn't yet broken through, STAT reports. — Erin Mershon

The New York Times has an eye-opening new report about how drugs for rare diseases can often be exponentially more expensive than companies disclose to Wall Street, and how those prices are threatening to cripple employers. — Nicholas Florko

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