jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Coronavirus Disease PHGKB|Home|PHGKB

Coronavirus Disease PHGKB|Home|PHGKB

Conoravirus Disease Portal

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What is the natural origin of the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 pandemic? We don’t yet have a precise answer. But they do offer two possible scenarios: In the first scenario, the virus evolved in its natural hosts, possibly bats or pangolins. The second scenario is that the virus crossed from animals to humans before it became capable of causing disease
Because COVID-19 has never been seen in humans before, there are currently no vaccines to prevent or drugs to treat COVID-19 approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Fraudulent products that claim to cure, treat, or prevent COVID-19 haven’t been evaluated by the FDA for safety and effectiveness and might be dangerous to you and your family.
As the new coronavirus continues to spread around the globe, researchers say the virus is changing its genetic makeup slightly. But does that mean it is becoming more dangerous to humans? And what would the impact be on any future vaccines? So far, "there is no credible evidence of a change in the biology of the virus either for better or for worse."
We model the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic in South Korea, Italy, France, and Germany. We predict the cumulative number of reported cases to a final size. The key features of our model are timing of implementation of major public policies restricting social movement, identification and isolation of cases, and impact of asymptomatic infectious cases.

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