miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

There’s a Celgene angle to the pandemic

The Readout
Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

There’s a Celgene angle to the pandemic

Here’s a not-unimportant thing that is low on the list of stuff imperiled by the novel coronavirus outbreak: the fate of Bristol Myers Squibb’s merger with Celgene.

Under that deal, every share of Celgene entitled its owner to a $9 payout if three of the company’s drugs won FDA approval on a certain timeframe. And as STAT’s Adam Feuerstein reports, timeframes have become unpredictable in the wake of a pandemic.

The first drug in the arrangement, a treatment for multiple sclerosis, is far enough along in the FDA process to likely be safe. But the other two could be suddenly at risk. One, a cancer treatment acquired from Juno Therapeutics, is manufactured in Washington, a state hit hard by the virus. The other, licensed from Bluebird Bio, has yet to be filed with regulators.

You can read more about that and more in “Biotech in the time of the coronavirus,” a new, semi-regular column on how the pandemic is affecting the business of inventing drugs.

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