martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

NGC Update Service: September 26, 2016 || Topic Nomination for AHRQ's EPC Program

NGC Update Service: September 26, 2016


Topic Nomination for AHRQ's EPC Program

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) Program wants to hear from you about important topics for systematic evidence reviews. You can nominate topics online until October 31.
The vision for AHRQ's EPC Program is that all health care decisions are based on the best available evidence, resulting in the best possible health outcomes. The EPC Program funds 13 EPCs across the United States and Canada to conduct rigorous, comprehensive evidence reviews of the scientific literature. These reviews focus on a variety of clinical, behavioral, economic, and other issues. EPC evidence reviews are publicly available and may be used to support and inform activities, such as the development of clinical practice guidelines, policies, and translation materials.
The EPC program's principles are to be: stakeholder-driven, scientifically rigorous, and independent and unbiased. Therefore, it’s critical that we hear from you regarding what topics you want us to examine.
We will review every proposed topic with these selection criteria:
  • Appropriateness
  • Importance
  • Duplication
  • Feasibility
  • Potential impact of a new systematic review
  • Value
For more information about the topic nomination process, please contact:
To see what others have suggested, visit the AHRQ Effective Healthcare Program Web site.

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