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Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (9183)
- ▼ septiembre (500)
- Los hospitales tendrán que adoptar los nuevos códi...
- AHRQ’s Unique Role in Developing Surveys to Measur...
- Free Training Opportunities for Flint Area Communi...
- MercatorNet ► How can we settle 65 million refugee...
- CDER New September 14, 2016
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release | Preliminary Finding...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release | Zika Virus Disease ...
- Free Webinar: Successful Antibiotic Stewardship Pr...
- NHIS Early Release Reports - Updates
- Products - NHIS Early Release Program - Homepage
- CDER New September 13, 2016
- Public Health Grand Rounds on Tuesday, September 2...
- Improving Diagnosis in Health Care | The National ...
- Improving Diagnosis in Health Care | The National ...
- AHRQ Research Summit on Improving Diagnosis in Hea...
- There's Still Time To Register for Sept. 28 AHRQ R...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Fallo sobre psicólogos y se...
- CMS Blog: New data: 49 states plus DC reduce avoid...
- What's New at CBER Update
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Updated Draft Guidance Re...
- CDRH New Update
- La salud de más de 320 millones de personas está a...
- ProMED-mail
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Según CCOO, el gasto en Salud de los españoles sub...
- Ligero descenso del gasto farmacéutico hospitalari...
- Fallece un bebé en Cataluña por enterovirus - Diar...
- Las azucareras influyeron para culpar a la grasa d...
- La SEE avisa: los peores efectos de la crisis sobr...
- España volverá a aportar al Fondo Mundial contra e...
- El examen MIR se celebrará el próximo 28 de enero ...
- Lilly permite que terceros denuncien el incumplimi...
- Otro fallo recuerda que hay un año para reclamar l...
- La lista de espera quirúrgica en Cantabria se mant...
- España no cuenta con normativa para la Cirugía Plá...
- Ministerio y CC.AA. quieren impulsar los registros...
- La intervención farmacéutica incrementa la adheren...
- AMYTS exige la reactivación de la carrera profesio...
- Forensics @ NIST 2016 | NIST
- MercatorNet: Under Catholic name, group launches a...
- Guideline Matrix Selection | National Guideline Cl...
- NGC Update Service: September 12, 2016 | Neurocrit...
- NGC Update Service: September 12, 2016 | National ...
- NGC Update Service: September 12, 2016 | Departmen...
- NGC Update Service: September 12, 2016 | American ...
- Helping Workers Keep Their Jobs After an Injury, I...
- Why We Need Stronger Public Efforts to Prevent Wor...
- Military Drug Take Back Program offers safe drug d...
- What's New at AHRQ
- PA-16-420: Advances in Patient Safety through Simu...
- NOT-HS-16-017: AHRQ Retires Policy on Post-Submiss...
- NOT-HS-16-016: AHRQ Announces Interest in Innovati...
- FDA Law Blog: On Second Thought: DC District Court...
- CBER What's New
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La obra social debe mantene...
- Dedalus incrementa su presencia en Latinoamérica e...
- Digital Forensics Rescues Retro Video Games and So...
- CDRH New Update
- No es país para gordos ni fumadores / Reportajes /...
- CDC Research Finds Spinal Cord Injury is a Leading...
- Una mutua deberá restituir la prestación a una men...
- Un juez exige el CI para un parto programado, pero...
- Indemnizan un daño multiorgánico causado por la si...
- Patxi López, presidente de la Comisión de Sanidad ...
- CCOO: crecimiento del 53% en gasto en fármacos por...
- Sepeap: 'Avalamos, cobramos, no publicitamos; el m...
- El estilo de vida no debe penalizar la atención - ...
- DMedicina estrena su servicio de parafarmacia 'on ...
- 'En cooperación no podemos ser francotiradores' - ...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- AHRQ Research Summit on Improving Diagnosis in Hea...
- International Forum on Quality Safety in Healthcar...
- Making health care safer. Think sepsis. Time matte...
- The Joint Commission Big Book of Checklists. | AHR...
- Effect of warning symbols in combination with educ...
- The aging surgeon. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Building a highway to quality health care. | AHRQ ...
- Improving patient safety culture in primary care: ...
- Measuring adverse events in hospitalized patients:...
- Patients' perception of types of errors in palliat...
- Caregiver fatigue: implications for patient and st...
- Why 'Universal Precautions' are needed for medicat...
- Medication double-checking procedures in clinical ...
- Delayed recognition of deterioration of patients i...
- Pediatric chest radiographs: common and less comm...
- Healthcare professionals' views on feedback of a p...
- Electronic approaches to making sense of the text ...
- Patient and family empowerment as agents of ambula...
- Program director perceptions of surgical resident ...
- Allocation of physician time in ambulatory practic...
- The "Seven Pillars" response to patient safety inc...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: All the lonely people - have they no ...
- MercatorNet: Obamacare now has a transgender manda...
- Lanzan el primer programa de aceleración de startu...
Archivo del blog
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (9083)
- ▼ septiembre (400)
- Lanzan el primer programa de aceleración de startu...
- CDER New September 12, 2016
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Final Rule on Safety and ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC :...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC :...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC |...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC :...
- Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Primary Care Quality ...
- Health and Nutrition Literacy and Adherence to Tre...
- Lessons From the Community-Centered Health Home De...
- Electronic Cigarette Use Among High School Student...
- Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening Among Mexican...
- Developing a Tool to Assess the Capacity of Out-of...
- Comparison of 2 Disability Measures, Behavioral Ri...
- Using Photovoice and Asset Mapping to Inform a Com...
- Patient Perspectives on Low-Dose Computed Tomograp...
- Environmental Scanning as a Public Health Tool: Ke...
- Association Between the Built Environment in Schoo...
- Clearing the Air: Smoke-Free Housing Policies, Smo...
- Can States Simultaneously Improve Health Outcomes ...
- The Precarious Health of Young Mexican American Me...
- The “Retrofitting” Approach to Adapting Evidence-B...
- Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake by Race/...
- “You have the right to protect your health”: Perce...
- Erratum, Vol. 13, July 14 Release
- A Novel Strategy to Increase Identification of Afr...
- Chronic Disease Disparities by County Economic Sta...
- Improving Adjuvant Hormone Therapy Use in Medicaid...
- Promoting Sleep Health Among Families of Young Chi...
- A Community Health Record: Improving Health Throug...
- Ecological Analysis of Parking Prices and Active C...
- Diabetes Screening in US Women With a History of G...
- Differences in Receipt of Three Preventive Health ...
- Regulatory bioinformatics for food and drug safety...
- The FDA's Experience with Emerging Genomics Techno...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content ▲ Publi...
- Known unknowns: building an ethics of uncertainty ...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- The Biorepository Portal Toolkit Integrated Appli...
- The biorepository portal toolkit: an honest broker...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- Precision Medicine and Population Health: Forging ...
- Precision Public Health: More Precision Ahead for ...
- MedSun Newsletters
- AHRQ Grant Funding Opportunity on Safe Use of Medi...
- Rethinking disability and procreation
- US judiciary rolls back pro-life reforms
- Debate over chimera embryos intensifies
- BioEdge: Biological ties are unimportant, says bio...
- La OMS se reunirá con los miembros de la Región Eu...
- La calidad de la Sanidad pública andaluza se mide ...
- La SEHH expresa su inquietud por la financiación d...
- O’Mega reclama la recuperación de la carrera profe...
- Las CCAA recibirán 3 millones para sistemas de inf...
- Las crisis humanitarias, cada vez más prolongadas ...
- El PPdeG defiende sus logros; PSdeG, En Marea y BN...
- Free Continuing Education (CE) Webinar: Advances i...
- Webinar: Translating Evidence-Based Dementia Inter...
- La confianza en el médico, clave para acceder a pa...
- Hepatitis in Communities of Color: Strategies and ...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 35
- CDER New September 8, 2016
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Investigation of Fi...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Investigation of Es...
- AHRQ’s Health Care Innovations Exchange Looks at P...
- Convening a Learning Community To Advance Medicati...
- Using Learning Communities To Support Innovation A...
- Pharmacist-Led Medication Therapy Management Innov...
- − USCA Workshop Series Will Highligh...
- Serve your Community. Volunteer with the Medical ...
- New health preparedness rule means withstanding th...
- Federal prize competition seeks innovative ideas t...
- Drug Shortages Update
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Los desafíos de la salud pú...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Provides $21.8 Mill...
- Desigualdades por cáncer - National Cancer Institu...
- Las infecciones por bacterias resistentes suponen ...
- HHS awards $350,000 to American Academy of Pediatr...
- NIST and Navy Tests Suggest Telecom Networks Could...
- La medicina regenerativa puede alcanzar los 68.000...
- El NICE no distinguirá entre biológicos originales...
- FIPSE lleva 6 proyectos españoles de innovación sa...
- Acuerdo SEMI- Farmaindustria para reforzar la cred...
- El apoyo social está directamente relacionado con ...
- La ONU abordará la resistencia a los antibióticos ...
- "Los antibióticos pueden dejar de funcionar si no ...
- Rodríguez Sendín (OMC): "El 60% de mis colegas no ...
- El Consejo Europeo de Investigación financiará con...
- Cataluña dispondrá de un fondo para que sus médico...
- MercatorNet: Taiwan’s imminent population decline
- SNF Provider Training Questions and Feedback on MD...
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention MMWR Su...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Invites Industry to Participate in Medical Dev...
- Federal prize competition seeks innovative ideas t...
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8983)
- ▼ septiembre (300)
- CDER New September 8, 2016
- CMS BLOG: Accountable Health Communities Track 1 F...
- CMS NEWS: Next Steps for the State Innovation Mode...
- − What’s Your Story?
- − CMS Awards Consumer Assistance Fun...
- Drug Shortages Update
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- CMS NEWS: Competitive bidding program continues to...
- CMS BLOG: "Plans for the Quality Payment Program i...
- CMS NEWS: CMS finalizes rule to bolster emergency ...
- Laboratorios ya no deberán justificar el valor de ...
- ¿Hacia dónde va el sistema de salud en Argentina?
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ordenan al gobierno porteño...
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) FDA/CFSAN Co...
- Chartbook on Effective Treatment | Agency for Heal...
- FDA Law Blog: How Many Federal Agencies Does it Ta...
- El Foro de la Profesión, preocupado por la parális...
- Cataluña apuesta por la universalidad, la Atención...
- SEMI y Farmaindustria afianzan su colaboración con...
- Farmaindustria impulsa un plan para mejorar la adh...
- Effect of Medicare's nonpayment for Hospital-Acqui...
- Sports-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hos...
- Consensus recommendations for systematic evaluatio...
- National assessment of early β-blocker therapy in ...
- New AHRQ Chartbook Examines Trends in Coverage, Pr...
- Variations in Asian Americans: How Neighborhood Co...
- Effectiveness and Implications of Alternative Plac...
- Prevalence of Total Hip and Knee Replacement in th...
- Improving Diagnosis in Health Care | The National ...
- Register Now: Sept. 28 AHRQ Research Summit on Dia...
- On the Outskirts of National Health Reform: A Comp...
- Half of 30-Day Hospital Readmissions Among HIV-Inf...
- National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Res...
- Increasing Access to Medication-Assisted Treatment...
- U.S. Surgeon General, AHRQ Support Efforts To Redu...
- AHRQ Study on Pediatric Quality Reports: Physician...
- Register Now: Sept. 16 Webinar on Using Public Rep...
- AHRQ Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit...
- AHRQ Health Literacy Toolkit Supports Better Healt...
- Telemedicine and Patient Safety | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- In Conversation With… Reed V. Tuckson, MD | AHRQ P...
- Wrong-Time Error With High-Alert Medication | AHRQ...
- Complaints as Safety Surveillance | AHRQ Patient S...
- A Pill Organizing Plight | AHRQ Patient Safety Net...
- La recuperación del dinero para el rescate bancari...
- Concepción Grau se incorpora como nueva directora ...
- Listas de espera, quirófanos y asistencia especial...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Draft Guidance on Infan...
- MercatorNet: 'Sully', the movie. Video games vs wo...
- Científicos hallan letal bacteria de fiebre de los...
- AHRQ’s Unique Role in Developing Surveys to Measur...
- Products - NHIS Early Release Program - Homepage
- SPECIAL ANNOUCEMENT: Call for Technical Expert Pan...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitat...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: El consentimiento informado...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Tries New Approach to Removing M...
- CDRH New Update
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitativ...
- Tomorrow: SAMHSA To Unveil Key Data at Press Confe...
- Nace la Cátedra de Educación Médica USC-SEMERGEN -...
- “La compra de tecnología innovadora no puede basar...
- Báñez asume las funciones de Alonso como ministra ...
- Don't Miss the Sept. 20 CERSI Lecture Series: Anti...
- Register for the FDA‒University Maryland CERSI Cos...
- Valencia mantiene su idea de reordenar las práctic...
- Médicos del Mundo achaca 2.500 casos de vulneració...
- Comunidad Valenciana: Más de 860.000 beneficiarios...
- La Región Europea de la OMS tendrá un plan contra ...
- Condenadas dos clínicas por tardar 21 meses en dia...
- Castilla y León: enfrentamiento entre PP y oposici...
- Aragón reduce la mortalidad por ictus un 23 por ci...
- Lista de espera, AP, transparencia y humanización,...
- Médicos y abogados de Madrid ofrecen su mediación ...
- MHS officials delay MHS GENESIS release to improve...
- Tratar la transexualidad. UNICEF defiende la eutan...
- EHC Program Update: Draft Reports on Medical and S...
- Mammography Update: Mammography Facility Adverse E...
- MercatorNet: Ireland's marriage decline. The presi...
- Disclaimer for | National Qu...
- Home | National Quality Measures Clearinghouse
- NGC Update Service: September 5, 2016 || National ...
- NGC Update Service: September 5, 2016 || National ...
- NGC Update Service: September 5, 2016 || American ...
- NGC Update Service: September 5, 2016 || American ...
- What's Happening in Health IT
- Health Literacy & Interpreter Services HCAHPS Supp...
- CDER New September 7, 2016
- CMS BLOG: Round One State Innovation Model Initiat...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ordenan a obra social mante...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Casos de zika de transmisión local en Florida supe...
- Gobierno de Osaka confirma 35 casos de sarampión |...
- ProMED-mail
- In One Month: Our Work Protecting Americans from t...
- AHRQ Summit to Highlight Challenges, Strategies to...
- CDRH New Update
- Appropriate Use Criteria Program - Centers for Med...
- Carotid Artery Stenting Facilities - Centers for M...
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2016 (8883)
- ▼ septiembre (200)
- Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement - Centers f...
- MEDCAC Meeting 7/20/2016 - Lower Extremity Chronic...
- FDA Law Blog: Rehearing Sought in Colchicine 505(b...
- FDA Law Blog: ACI’s Food Law Regulation Boot Camp
- Late Breaker IMED 2016 Abstract Deadline
- NIOSH eNews - September, 2016
- Register Now for Fall TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer On...
- Grandparents Day
- CMS NEWS: CMS awards consumer assistance funding t...
- Final Recommendation Statement: Screening for Late...
- Medical Device Recalls > Cook Medical Recalls Road...
- Farmaindustria presidirá el consejo del sistema de...
- El gasto público en medicamentos en 2015 asciende ...
- Los partidos apuestan por una Sanidad universal, d...
- Sindicatos del SACYL: el nuevo modelo de gestión c...
- La OMS pone en marcha un plan para reducir las enf...
- Recopilados 388 casos de vulneraciones del derecho...
- Last Call for Sept. 8 FDA Grand Rounds Registratio...
- CDC - Grantee Highlights - Preventive Health and H...
- September 2016 CMS National Training Program Updat...
- Bristol-Myers Squibb anuncia una nueva colaboració...
- Grifols intensifica su apuesta por Oriente Medio c...
- La convocatoria a los "Premios Humanizando la sani...
- Actelion recibe la autorización de comercializació...
- La alemana Helios compra Quirón Salud para crear u...
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New September 6, 2016
- FDA-TRACK Update: Expediting the review of biologi...
- MercatorNet: Will IVF change human history?
- MercatorNet: Is bioscience spinning its wheels?
- FDA Law Blog: International Pharmaceutical and Med...
- FDA Law Blog: Ready or Not, CRISPR and Gene Editin...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Proyecto de Ley para la apr...
- Los hematólogos, preocupados por el coste de los n...
- El CM de Madrid pide que se revise la situación ep...
- Gran reconocimiento internacional a la formación e...
- El Colegio de Médicos de Las Palmas condena las ag...
- UGT gana una sentencia sobre el derecho de los MIR...
- Sindicatos del SACYL: el nuevo modelo de gestión c...
- Las dos mujeres ingresadas no padecen fiebre hemor...
- El ejemplo inglés: mejor organización, pero tambié...
- No inventemos de nuevo la rueda -
- Castilla-La Mancha crea una red de expertos en edu...
- Los seguros de salud crecen un 4,2 por ciento en e...
- Condena por demorar cinco días el diagnóstico de u...
- Indemnizan un fallo 'evidente' al valorar una RM c...
- Absolución por un CI que incluye error de diagnóst...
- Castilla-La Mancha ultima un marco de negociación ...
- Murcia: 2.700 inmigrantes sin recursos en el progr...
- Las sociedades piden un tope de 1.500 tarjetas por...
- Diferencias autonómicas de casi el doble en el cup...
- El grado, un reto de y para todos - DiarioMedico.c...
- Los titulados en Medicina, entre la élite del sist...
- La profesión se prepara para la recertificación - ...
- MercatorNet: Uzbekistan. Bearded and breastfeeding...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC: E is for Epi
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC: CDC’s Public Health...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC: Preventing a Millio...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC: Hot Training Topic:...
- ASPE alerta sobre los seguros de viaje para turist...
- Preocupación en la Sanidad Privada por el parón in...
- Spike in Traffic from on saludequitat...
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Home | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Patient Safety Curriculum. | AHRQ Patient Safety N...
- Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality Improvement ...
- Just Culture: Application of an Accountability Mod...
- Learning From Mistakes. | AHRQ Patient Safety Netw...
- The problem with medication reconciliation. | AHRQ...
- A literature review of the training offered to qua...
- Patient safety implications of electronic alerts a...
- Burnout in the nursing home health care aide: a sy...
- The multidisciplinary approach to GI cancer result...
- Applying the high reliability health care maturity...
- Standardization of compounded oral liquids for ped...
- Context-sensitive decision support (infobuttons) i...
- Patient safety climate strength: a concept that re...
- Vital signs are still vital: instability on discha...
- Operating room to-ICU patient handovers: a multidi...
- Improving the communication between teams managing...
- Error disclosure in pathology and laboratory medic...
- Case report of a medication error: in the eye of t...
- Leading article: how can I optimise my role as a l...
- The thinking doctor: clinical decision making in c...
- Learning from lawsuits: using malpractice claims d...
- Relationship between operating room teamwork, cont...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content || Publ...
- WHO releases new guidelines for treatment of STDs
- Achieving global targets for antimicrobial resista...
- Academics and scientists: Beware of predatory jour...
- Who should have access to genomic data and how sho...
- The Deceptive Appeal of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic...
- Addressing ethical challenges in the Genetics Subs...
- US personalized-medicine industry takes hit from S...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan :: Public Healt...
- Labor Day 2016: A Statement by NIOSH Director John...
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