Countdown: one year to a complete cure for cancer
by Michael Cook | 10 Feb 2019 |

In the Just-for-Fun Department: a team of Israeli scientists has claimed in the Jerusalem Post that they have developed a drug which will cure cancer for ever with minimal side effects. “We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer,” said Dan Aridor, of Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd (AEBi). “Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,” Aridor said. “Our solution will be both generic and personal.”
The article is dated January 28. BioEdge plans to check back on January 28, 2020 to see if the company has achieved its goal. Here’s hoping.
Overseas observers are sceptical. A blog post at the American Cancer Societynoted that the development of anti-cancer drugs is “a long and treacherous journey, filled with unforeseen and unanticipated obstacles”. Besides, the company’s research has not been published in peer-reviewed journals.
Hopefully the exciting news will not end up wreaking the havoc caused by a cancer researcher (played by Emma Thompson) in the great zombie movie I Am Legend.
Hi there,
Apologies for the non-publication of BioEdge last weekend. We're back on track now.
In the meantime, we have managed to create a new mobile site for BioEdge. More and more of our readers are accessing the newsletter with smartphones. The old links were hard, if not impossible, to read. I think that you will find the new links much better.
We'd appreciate your feedback, though. There are always bugs in every new system and we'd like to identify them as soon as possible.
Apologies for the non-publication of BioEdge last weekend. We're back on track now.
In the meantime, we have managed to create a new mobile site for BioEdge. More and more of our readers are accessing the newsletter with smartphones. The old links were hard, if not impossible, to read. I think that you will find the new links much better.
We'd appreciate your feedback, though. There are always bugs in every new system and we'd like to identify them as soon as possible.
Michael Cook Editor BioEdge |
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