02/07/2019 12:00 AM EST
Source: U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). Published: 2/7/2019. In October 2018, the Government Accountability Office reported on what the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) were doing about family separations and reunifications at the U.S. border. This 22-page Congressional testimony updates that report and provides new data from the government on the number of children subject to the reunification order and the number of children in custody as of December 11, 2018. It discusses DHS and HHS planning efforts, systems for indicating children were separated from parents, and actions to reunify families. (PDF)
02/07/2019 12:00 AM EST
Source: National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO). Published: 2/7/2019. This 114-page toolkit was developed to guide aging and disability networks in increasing their ability to plan for and respond to public health emergencies and disasters. It helps programs that serve people with access and functional needs, including older adults and people with disabilities, through the emergency planning process of preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation activities. It can also help organizations of all types conduct more inclusive emergency planning by facilitating personal preparedness among aging adults and people with disabilities, and expanding organizational knowledge of the unique challenges facing these populations during emergencies. (PDF)
12/12/2018 12:00 AM EST
Source: European Union, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Published: 12/12/2018. This three-page report on Ebola and Marburg fevers is based on data for 2016 retrieved from The European Surveillance System (TESSy) on April 4, 2018. In 2016, no cases of Ebola viral hemorrhagic fever and Marburg hemorrhagic fever were reported in the European Union/European Economic Area, with 26 countries reporting case-based data. (PDF)
12/01/2018 12:00 AM EST
Source: Illinois Emergency Medical Services for Children (IL EMSC). Published: 12/2018. These guidelines are a resource to assist hospitals and healthcare entities in addressing the unique needs of children in disaster planning. Hospitals should strive to incorporate pediatric components into their organization’s emergency operations plan (EOP). This 56-page document also provides a hospital pediatric preparedness checklist that is designed to be used with the guidelines, providing a consistent approach for Illinois hospitals as they work to develop and integrate pediatric components into their hospital’s disaster planning and EOP. (PDF)
11/01/2018 12:00 AM EDT
Source: European Union, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Published: 11/2018. The main objective of this 85-page guidance is to provide scientific advice, based on an evidence-based assessment of targeted public health interventions, to facilitate effective screening and vaccination for priority infectious diseases among newly arrived migrant populations to the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA), including refugees, asylum seekers, and irregular migrants who are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases and may have worse health outcomes than the host population. It is intended to support EU/EEA Member States to develop national strategies to strengthen infectious disease prevention and control among migrants, and meet the health needs of these populations. (PDF)
10/30/2018 12:00 AM EDT
Source: National Quality Forum (NQF). Published: 10/30/2018. Despite the magnitude and expense of traumatic injuries, few performance measures address the quality of trauma care. This 33-page environmental scan report identifies 49 performance measures and 238 measure concepts, along with a literature review of risk adjustment, attribution, and data source considerations in developing trauma outcome measures. Results of the scan will serve as a foundation for a measurement framework that will identify measurement gaps in trauma care and provide recommendations. (PDF)
06/01/2018 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation. Published: 6/2018. This 32-page report examines flooding resulting from climate change, and how residential basement flooding impacts areas of interest to life, health, and disability insurers, such as mental and physical health impacts, and lost time from work. It discusses the need to put measures in place to limit residential basement flood risk in Canada, and address this gap in adaptation to climate change. (PDF)
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