01/01/2019 12:00 AM EST
Source: Humanity & Inclusion. Published: 2019. This self-paced, four-part course provides an understanding of how to plan for and use the Washington Group Questions (WGQs) to identify persons with disabilities in humanitarian action. Users will start by learning the approach to understanding persons with disabilities that sits behind this methodology (module 1), and the importance of collecting data on disability (module 2), before uncovering the essential elements of planning and using the WGQs and the data they provide (modules 3 and 4). (Video or Multimedia)
01/01/2019 12:00 AM EST
Source: Humanity & Inclusion. Published: 2019. Before learning more about using the Washington Group Questions (WGQs) to collect data on people with disabilities in humanitarian action, it is important to reflect on how to access data on persons with disabilities. This two-page flow chart will help users to see when they need to collect data, and if the WGQs are the right set of questions. (PDF)
01/01/2019 12:00 AM EST
Source: Humanity & Inclusion. Published: 2019. This one-page fact sheet provides information about the Washington Group Questions (WGQs), a short set of questions designed to identify people who have difficulties in basic, universal activities and are at greater risk than persons without such difficulties. In humanitarian action, the WGQs can provide data on persons with disabilities that can help to understand demographics, measure access, and disaggregate indicators. (PDF)
01/01/2019 12:00 AM EST
Source: Humanity & Inclusion. Published: 2019. In situations where a humanitarian project is focused on mental health and psychosocial support, or it is expected that the affected population is likely to experience trauma, consider using the enhanced short set of questions in this one-page fact sheet to identify people with anxiety and depression. The questions are based on the Washington Group Questions, which identify and collect data about persons with disabilities in humanitarian action. (PDF)
12/01/2018 12:00 AM EST
Source: Humanity & Inclusion. Published: 12/2018. This one-page checklist will support the planning of adding the Washington Group Questions (WGQs) into a data collection tool in humanitarian action. The WGQs are used to identify and collect data about persons with disabilities in humanitarian action. The checklist covers planning to use the WGQs, adapting data collection tools and processes to include the WGQs, and administration of the WGQs. (PDF)
12/01/2018 12:00 AM EST
Source: United Nations (UN). Published: 12/2018. This 390-page report represents the first United Nations system-wide effort to examine disability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the global level. It reviews data, policies, and programs; identifies good practices; and uses the evidence it reviewed to outline recommended actions to promote the realization of the SDGs for persons with disabilities. (PDF)
10/01/2018 12:00 AM EDT
Source: Humanity & Inclusion. Published: 10/2018. This 36-page summary report outlines the key findings, analysis, and conclusions from studies that aim to understand how the Washington Group Questions (WGQs) have been used by development and humanitarian actors, and the impact of using the methodology. The WGQs are used to identify and collection data about persons with disabilities in humanitarian action. The report concludes with a number of recommendations for different stakeholders. (PDF)
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