viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Trump wants coronavirus science to move faster than it can

The Readout
Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Trump wants coronavirus science to move faster than it can

President Trump, addressing the public yesterday, undermined the FDA norms of emphasizing data and avoiding promises, particularly those that can't be kept. Trump claimed one drug — yet to be proved safe and effective — was now “approved or very close to being approved” for Covid-19. He said another drug — also not approved for Covid-19 —would be “available almost immediately." 
Minutes later, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn delicately scaled back each of the president's remarks, which reflect Trump's long-simmering frustration with the pace and process of drug development. 
“Trump entered the White House fuming at bureaucrats, moaning about the deep state, but in particular trying to bring down the FDA,” one bioethics professor told STAT. “That’s pure ideology, and it turns out that ideology is barren and impotent in the face of a pandemic.” 
Read more.

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