jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Communicating During a Crisis: What a Hospital Epidemiologist Needs to Know


Communicating During a Crisis: What a Hospital Epidemiologist Needs to Know

CDC invites you to join in a FREE upcoming webinar hosted in collaboration with the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) as part of the joint Outbreak Response Training Program (ORTP).  
This webinar is the first of the Effective Communication Webinar Series, designed to train hospital epidemiologists in the interpersonal skills important in an outbreak situation, and will include the following objectives:
  • Identify the 6 core principles of Crisis Emergency Risk Communication (CERC)
  • Develop crisis communication plans that integrate emergency preparedness and institutional stakeholders
  • Create effective crisis communication templates and messages prior to an emerging infectious disease event using available CDC-provided tools and resources
  • Understand how effective communication plans must be tailored to the intended audience

Featured speaker:
  • Yoko Furuya, MD, MS; Associate Professor of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center, Division of Infectious Diseases (ID); Medical Director of Infection Prevention & Control and Director of Antibiotic Stewardship for all New York-Presbyterian Hospital Campuses
Don’t miss this FREE webinar hosted by CDC in collaboration with SHEA!
Join Us   
Webinar:Communicating During a Crisis: What a Hospital Epidemiologist Needs to Know
Date:  Monday, February 6, 2017
Time: 1:30–3:00 p.m. EST
Sign up:Pre-register (at no cost): https://cc.readytalk.com/r/x054i38qprm3&eom

For more information about SHEA visit: http://dev.shea-online.org/

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