SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN ENERO de 2017 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2017. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (1000)
- ▼ enero (1000)
- Data sharing || Public Health Genomics Knowledge B...
- Data sharing in stem cell translational science: p...
- Genome privacy: challenges, technical approaches t...
- Barriers to clinical adoption of next generation s...
- Is the $1000 Genome as Near as We Think? A Cost An...
- Economic Evaluation of a Pharmacogenomics Test for...
- Access policies in biobank research: what criteria...
- The Adoption of Cloud Computing in the Field of Ge...
- An International Framework for Data Sharing: Movin...
- Ten Simple Rules to Enable Multi-site Collaboratio...
- Challenges in the health economics of familial hyp...
- A Systematic Review of Health Economic Evaluations...
- US Cancer Moonshot must strike a balance between r...
- Cost-Effectiveness of an Individualized First-Line...
- Cost-Effectiveness of Different Population Screeni...
- Health economics, genomics and the value of knowin...
- Prospective comparison of the cost-effectiveness o...
- Economics :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base...
- From HuGE Literature Finder Database || Public Hea...
- From Implementation Database :: Public Health Geno...
- From CDC-Authored Genomics Publication Database ||...
- MercatorNet: “Granny dumping” revived in Japan
- FDA Law Blog - Meet the Regenerative Advanced Ther...
- La tecnología española copa la final del Premio Mu...
- Genetic Screening and Public Health: Join the Conv...
- Data Sharing :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge B...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips || Public Healt...
- Cost-effectiveness of cytochrome P450 2C19 *2 geno...
- Whose Biobank? Should Biobanks Serve Research Inte...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- Popular Content | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Hospital-acquired severe sepsis associated with hi...
- NPSF Awards. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- 6th Annual Oregon Patient Safety Forum. | AHRQ Pat...
- Second Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Care Le...
- IHI Quick Course: Practical Skills in Patient Safe...
- Handoffs: transitions of care for children in the ...
- Implantable infusion pumps in the magnetic resonan...
- Proposed requirements related to pain assessment a...
- ISMP Survey on Verbal Orders. | AHRQ Patient Safet...
- On Patient Safety. | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Safer delivery of surgical services: a programme o...
- Safety huddles to proactively identify and address...
- The detection, analysis, and significance of physi...
- Understanding patient-centred readmission factors:...
- Incident and long-term opioid therapy among patien...
- What have we learnt after 15 years of research int...
- Management of a patient with a latex allergy. | AH...
- Improving communication and resolution following a...
- Complication rates, hospital size, and bias in the...
- Adverse event and error of unexpected life-threate...
- Too many, too few, or too unsafe? Impact of inappr...
- Economic evaluation of quality improvement interve...
- Breast cancer screening in Denmark: a cohort study...
- BioEdge: Who’s a pretty boy then?
- BioEdge: Scientists closer to growing human organs...
- Euthanasia debate heats up in New South Wales
- Lack of women in peer review – how do bioethics jo...
- Doctor-assisted suicide could save Canada $140 mil...
- BioEdge: Trump refuses to repudiate torture
- BioEdge: Nazi euthanasia victims honoured in Bunde...
- BioEdge: Swedish midwife fights for her conscience...
- Recortes: Sacar al sistema sanitario de la UCI | O...
- Reschedule - The next scheduled Long-Term Services...
- FISSEA Security Awareness, Training & Education Co...
- El 'temporal' de larga duración tiene el mismo der...
- En medicina satisfactiva se debe informar del ries...
- Sacyl investiga posibles irregularidades en las OP...
- CESM-CV pide que no se abra la bolsa hasta resolve...
- Asturias estima que pagar la carrera al interino c...
- Finaliza con éxito el primer 'BioTEI Lab' de Fipse...
- Cataluña: el Parlamento pide legalizar eutanasia y...
- Valencia: el abandono de tratamientos cae un 32% t...
- Epidemia de gripe: el 91% de servicios de Neumolog...
- Editado genético de embriones, dilema técnico y ét...
- Vías para integrar al paciente en la toma de decis...
- El reto de la salud global reside en las enfermeda...
- La prevención es el fármaco fundamental en los cam...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-4
- International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emer...
- 29th Fungal Genetics Conference March 14-19, 2017,...
- Society of Toxicology - Annual Meeting 2017
- BMC Bioinformatics | Proceedings of X-meeting 2015...
- BioMedical Engineering OnLine | Towards Active Low...
- BMC Bioinformatics | Proceedings of the 10th Inter...
- BMC Health Services Research | Unlocking community...
- BMC Bioinformatics | Proceedings of the 14th Annua...
- BMC Bioinformatics | Italian Society of Bioinforma...
- Smith to MHS and beneficiaries: Keep moving forwar...
- Registration is now open for the Model-Based Enter...
- CDER New January 27, 2017
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 03
- MercatorNet: A new type of retirement home
- MercatorNet: National Geographic’s ‘Gender Revolut...
- MercatorNet: ‘Emergency contraception’ can cause a...
- Modeling and Simulation in the Context of Health T...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ enero (1000)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (900)
- ▼ enero (900)
- La Unión de Colegios Sanitarios de Zaragoza analiz...
- La importancia de formar al médico cooperante, en ...
- El Sindicato Médico de Andalucía acusa a la Junta ...
- CSIT Unión Profesional firma acuerdos de mejora de...
- Médicos advierten del envejecimiento de la plantil...
- Castilla-La Mancha prepara un Plan de Salud para p...
- PP y PSOE acuerdan en el Senado promover un Pacto ...
- Fundación Ad Qualitatem premia proyectos de hospit...
- “Dejé mi carrera internacional en finanzas para in...
- Más de la mitad de las citas médicas en España se ...
- Sanidad alerta de un fallo en la transferencia de ...
- Pediatras de AP alertan de que la formación que pr...
- blog.aids.gov − HIV Care For Rural Veterans
- Muriendo como objeto | Internacional | EL PAÍS
- “La sanidad universal es clave en el éxito de los ...
- Mixing Kentucky Spirits with Food Safety to Protec...
- BLAST+ 2.6.0 offers improved support for accession...
- FDA Law Blog: No Final LDT Guidance, But FDA Provi...
- FDA Law Blog: 505(b)(2) NDA and ANDA Amendments: D...
- TIM Talks Webinar: Health IT and the Community Bas...
- The next scheduled Long-Term Services and Support ...
- 2017 ONC Annual Meeting - Save the Date
- CDER New January 24, 2017
- Drug Shortages Update
- CDER New January 26, 2017
- CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory: In...
- Los gestores ven necesario un gran cambio cultural...
- Castrodeza: Gracias al Plan de Hepatitis C, 65.000...
- IRF and LTCH Quality Reporting Program Data Submis...
- Janssen dona 20.000 euros a la Fundación Josep Car...
- Un estudio avala el coste-efectividad de la polipí...
- Baleares aprobará el viernes el concurso de 1.294 ...
- Los centros españoles participan en 17 de las 23 r...
- El consejero Sáez Aguado niega “colapso” en los ho...
- La mayoría de médicos jubilados de Málaga aseguran...
- El PSOE logra consenso para reclamar una ley que f...
- Rajoy asegura que no va a cambiar el copago de med...
- Facme, preocupada por las repercusiones fiscales d...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Save the Date for a Pub...
- FDA Law Blog: Orphan Drug Approvals and Designatio...
- Free Continuing Education Webinar
- FDA Guidance Document Update: Recently posted guid...
- Communicating During a Crisis: What a Hospital Epi...
- CDER New January 25, 2017
- Hepatitis C: los datos de prevalencia, dos años de...
- What's New at CBER
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Toolbox and Guide for C...
- Empowering Sustained Patient Safety: The Benefits ...
- AHRQ News Now: ICU ventilator patients, uninsured ...
- AHRQ Offers Updated Tutorials on Use of Hospital D...
- Navigating venous access: a guide for hospitalists...
- A failure to communicate: a qualitative exploratio...
- Developing and Evaluating a Website to Guide Older...
- Temor al impacto fiscal de las transferencias en m...
- Valencia medirá y rendirá cuentas del impacto en s...
- Murcia: protocolo único para medicamentos hospital...
- Castilla-La Mancha aumenta su presupuesto sanitari...
- Del Busto defiende la colaboración entre áreas sin...
- Novartis cierra 2016 en negativo - DiarioMedico.co...
- El 98% de los CSUR ha superado la evaluación - Dia...
- PP y PSOE intentan resucitar el pacto de Estado po...
- El Ministerio trabaja en un plan estratégico para ...
- La Red Europea de Excelencia de Genética Forense e...
- Anulado el nombramiento de la directora de la Agen...
- Condena por tardar 16 meses en diagnosticar un cán...
- Differences in Use of High-quality and Low-quality...
- CUSP Toolkit | Agency for Healthcare Research & Qu...
- Age and sex differences in long-term outcomes foll...
- Longitudinal outcomes of using a fluoride performa...
- Opioid-Related Inpatient Stays and Emergency Depar...
- Reporting and Using Near-miss Events to Improve Pa...
- Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement Rates for Nurs...
- HCUP-US Methods Series
- Drug Approvals and Databases > Approved Drug Produ...
- MercatorNet: The upside of a growing population
- FDA Law Blog: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger: Th...
- NOT-OD-17-035: Reminder: New Appendix policy for N...
- Toolkit To Improve Safety for Mechanically Ventila...
- Bringing Moneyball to Medicine | Agency for Health...
- Safety Communications > Safety Concerns with Impla...
- CDRH New Update
- Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory ...
- 2017 Student Research Paper Contest Open | PCD Stu...
- 2017 Student Research Paper Contest Open | Top 10 ...
- Developing Animal Models for Infection: Request fo...
- MercatorNet: President Trump makes good on abortio...
- La AP, "preocupada" por el nuevo modelo de formaci...
- Extremadura fomentará con los COMs la prescripción...
- El gasto hospitalario roza los 5.700 millones de e...
- La Fe avanza el prototipo de una app que mejorará ...
- Los médicos de familia extremeños ya pueden prescr...
- Con Vithas y Hospitales Nisa nace el segundo gran ...
- España deberá doblar el gasto sanitario público ac...
- CMS National Training Program Webinar "Marketplace...
- Oncobytes, el big data que extrae información sobr...
- La SED actualiza, después de una década, su ya clá...
- El PSOE pide al Gobierno que financie ya la invest...
- El Dr. Carlos Molina seguirá presidiendo el CM de ...
- NGC Update Service: January 23, 2017
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ enero (900)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (800)
- ▼ enero (800)
- El Gobierno catalán destinará más recursos a la AP...
- Junta y Colegios extremeños acuerdan que los medic...
- Pediatras de AP, preocupados por el modelo de form...
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ...
- National Blood Authority: Patient blood management...
- Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma: Pre...
- American Academy of Dermatology: Guidelines of car...
- NQMC Update Service: January 23, 2017 || AHRQ Anno...
- NQMC Update Service: January 23, 2017 || British T...
- NQMC Introduction to Searching (Official Tutorial)...
- Technical Assistance Videocast: "NIH Health Care S...
- Register for Prevention Day
- FDA Law Blog: Winter Freeze Descends on Nation’s C...
- Hospital goes low, high tech to ensure patient saf...
- Webinar: New Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Rec...
- El nuevo sistema de partes no ha reducido ni la du...
- Los estudiantes valoran mejor Familia tras las prá...
- Siete CCAA, a favor de revisar la troncalidad - Di...
- 'El médico debería formarse para valorar la madure...
- Declarar no apto a un médico sin explorarlo puede ...
- MSD y GFF ayudan a poner fin a las muertes materna...
- Violar la “reserva respecto a datos del centro” es...
- Condiciones de trabajo que son denunciables y denu...
- Francisco Igea, un médico 'de base' para dirigir l...
- Gripe: como cada año, problema multifactorial e ¿i...
- La OMS, en alerta por el avance de la gripe aviar ...
- 2016 CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Database Submi...
- Toolkit To Improve Safety for Mechanically Ventila...
- CDER New January 23, 2016
- FDA webinar: Referencing Approved Drug Products in...
- ProMED-mail
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: Update on the DeCosters’ Case: Here ...
- Impronta génica | Observatorio de Bioética, UCV
- MercatorNet: Freedom of community: the next fronti...
- MercatorNet: Should mothers be paid to stay home?
- MercatorNet: A flight from mystery
- Population-based genetic screening|Events|Genomics...
- Informatics and Data Analytics to Support Exposome...
- Ethical, legal and social issues :: Public Healt...
- Informed consent 2 :: Public Health Genomics Know...
- Informed consent 1 :: Public Health Genomics Knowl...
- Access Governance for Biobanks: The Case of the Bi...
- Biobanks :: Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base ...
- DATA SHARING || Public Health Genomics Knowledge B...
- Information in Specialized Databases ▲ Public Heal...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- New Vaccines against Epidemic Infectious Diseases ...
- Federal Register :: Federal Policy for the Protect...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Content :: Publ...
- Cancer Genetic Counselors' Current Practices and A...
- Cost-effectiveness of the Decipher Genomic Classif...
- Impact of Payer Constraints on Access to Genetic T...
- Using Administrative Data to Ascertain True Cases ...
- Engaging Hmong adults in genomic and pharmacogenom...
- "The Pharmacogenomics Research Network Translation...
- Acceptance and Access to Gene Editing: Science and...
- ClinGen Pathogenicity Calculator: a configurable s...
- Access Governance for Biobanks: The Case of the Bi...
- An International Framework for Data Sharing: Movin...
- Different concepts and models of information for f...
- Ethical signposts for clinical geneticists in seco...
- Incidental findings of uncertain significance: To ...
- Human Genomics across the Lifespan || Public Healt...
- SEFH: las decisiones de posicionamiento deben toma...
- La FADSP incide en la necesidad de retirar el copa...
- Se necesita más implicación frente al problema de ...
- 2017 International Symposium on Human Factors and ...
- Patient Safety Executive Development Program. | AH...
- Third National Primary Care Ambulatory Patient Saf...
- A National Web Conference on Improving Health IT S...
- Improving Patient Safety Through Learning Laborato...
- ASHP IV Adult Continuous Infusions. | AHRQ Patient...
- Standardization of inpatient handoff communication...
- Inpatient Notes: mistakes in the hospital communic...
- Changes in physician practice patterns after imple...
- Processes for identifying and reviewing adverse ev...
- War games and diagnostic errors. | AHRQ Patient Sa...
- Problems with health information technology and th...
- Ensuring staff safety when treating potentially vi...
- Association between hospital penalty status under ...
- A 'busy day' effect on perinatal complications of ...
- How communication among members of the health care...
- A patient-centered prescription drug label to prom...
- Considering chance in quality and safety performan...
- A concept analysis of systems thinking. | AHRQ Pat...
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Given hypothetical scenarios, health care provider...
- Delayed workup of rectal bleeding in adult primary...
- Safety of overlapping surgery at a high-volume ref...
- Readmission rates after passage of the Hospital Re...
- BioEdge: A doctor at the centre of the capital pun...
- BioEdge: First British man to give birth
- BioEdge: Duterte vows to roll out contraceptive pl...
- BioEdge: Catholic healthcare in Colorado may clash...
- BioEdge: Using patents to restrict harmful applica...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
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Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (700)
- ▼ enero (700)
- BioEdge: Stem cells 2: Was California sold a stem ...
- BioEdge: Stem cells 1: ‘Be patient,” says Nobel la...
- ProMED-mail
- BSL-4 data quality course registration open | Emer...
- Social Norms | VetoViolence
- Cellular & Gene Therapy Products > Regenerative Ad...
- Drug Shortages Update
- AHRQ Releases New Modules on Informed Consent
- Act Against AIDS Campaigns: New on the HIV Web
- Surviving Sepsis Campaign | Guidelines
- Report to Congress: Protecting Our Infants Act
- Working Together to Reduce the Devastating Effects...
- #CoverageMatters: Finding Health Care in a Gig Eco...
- Reflections on Recovery: An Interview With Michael...
- Childhood Blood Lead Levels in Children Aged < 5 Y...
- Never miss a Tune in to Safe Healthcare webinar
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 2
- La medicina integrativa, nueva apuesta del turismo...
- MercatorNet: Inauguration Day. Autism and trans ki...
- All-Cause Readmissions Following Hospital Stays fo...
- Association of Intensive Care Unit Admission With ...
- Managing Urolithiasis. - PubMed - NCBI
- Variation in infection prevention practices in dia...
- Infrequent air contamination with Acinetobacter ba...
- Potential Overtreatment of Older, Complex Adults W...
- Comparative Health System Performance (CHSP) Initi...
- Director Andy Bindman Leaving AHRQ
- Safety huddles to proactively identify and address...
- Performance of the present-on-admission indicator ...
- Does Age Influence Cardiac Resynchronization Thera...
- Alignment of Do-Not-Resuscitate Status With Patien...
- 2017 Summer Intramural Fellowship Program | Agency...
- TeamSTEPPS® Webinars | Agency for Healthcare Resea...
- Glasgow Coma Scale for Field Triage of Trauma: A S...
- CAHPS Patient Narrative Elicitation Protocol | Age...
- Download the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey 3.0 an...
- You’re Invited: Join Our Conversation about Learni...
- HRSA eNews January 19, 2017
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates (01/19...
- La SEPAR apoya incluir los tratamientos del tabaqu...
- La Clínica Universidad de Navarra abrirá su sede e...
- Canarias examinará si la colaboración público-priv...
- El CM de Huesca advierte de la “situación límite” ...
- El nuevo Reglamento europeo de Protección de Datos...
- CCOO denuncia la falta de planificación en las pla...
- Montserrat explicará en el Congreso sus declaracio...
- Sanidad prepara Plan de Garantías de Abastecimient...
- FDA Law Blog: OPDP Doubles Enforcement Letters, Bu...
- New Guidances on Medical Product Communication and...
- Event Registration (EVENT: 1335440 - SESSION: 1) ...
- Questions & Answers: The CAHPS Patient Narrative E...
- CAHPS Patient Narrative Elicitation Protocol | Age...
- Reminder: Obtaining Patient Comments Using CG-CAHP...
- FDA publishes draft guidance for industry: Compara...
- FDA/CFSAN's News for Educator: January - March 201...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Requests Comments o...
- DGHT News: South African Study Provides Compelling...
- CMS NEWS: Independence at Home Demonstration Corre...
- CCOO critica que la oferta MIR estaría guiada por ...
- El grupo de expertos que analiza los expedientes d...
- Murface deberá reintegrar a un paciente lo gastado...
- 'No está en la agenda del Gobierno incrementar el ...
- 'La política sanitaria también debe gestionar pobr...
- Fernando Lamata: 'Hay alternativas al modelo actua...
- Montserrat llama a la calma sobre la situación de ...
- 'No puede ser que el médico formado por la industr...
- Vithas y Nisa cierran su acuerdo de unión tras mes...
- La SEIS reconoce a los mejores en informatización ...
- FDA Advisory Committees: Independent, Informed, Es...
- CDER SBIA Webinar - Draft Guidance for Industry: R...
- CMS NEWS: New Participants Join Several CMS Altern...
- CMS NEWS: Biweekly Enrollment Snapshot
- CMS NEWS: CMS Awards $66.1 Million in American Sam...
- Magnetic Resonance Angiography and Magnetic Resona...
- MEDCAC Meeting 3/22/2017 - Health Outcomes in Hear...
- Decision Memo for Leadless Pacemakers (CAG-00448N)...
- REMS@FDA: Approved Risk Evaluation and Mitigation ...
- CDC - January 2017 Edition - Public Health Law New...
- Apply Now! PHAP Host Site Application Period Close...
- País Vasco gasta 5,6 millones en compensar el copa...
- El presupuesto de 2017 para la Sanidad riojana es ...
- Rajoy pide esfuerzo a las CC.AA para llegar a un e...
- Las urgencias hospitalarias suben un 63% en Madrid...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues Final Guidance Addressing...
- CDER New January 19, 2017
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Announces Draft Gui...
- ¿Es el embrión humano un ser vivo de nuestra espec...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Se legaliza en Europa la primera terapia génica ce...
- Libro Análisis de la ley de transexualidad promovi...
- ¿Es el embrión una cosa, mera potencia o una vida?...
- Donación de embriones congelados, algunos datos de...
- Sex-gender debate, new scientific findings. Human ...
- MercatorNet: Can pensioners live in student halls?...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
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Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (600)
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- Extremadura: CESM critica el 'agravio comparativo'...
- Condena por “manifiesto error” en diagnosticar una...
- Galicia: el Sergas concedió la prórroga del servic...
- Unidos Podemos defenderá en el Congreso regular la...
- Cataluña prevé aumentar en 400 millones de euros e...
- FAQS: Federal Funding for Services “Received Throu...
- blog.aids.gov − HRSA and HUD Launch Data Integrati...
- blog.aids.gov − ONC Announces Winners Of Consumer ...
- FDA’s Science-based Approach to Genome Edited Prod...
- CDER New January 18, 2017
- HHS and 15 other Federal Departments and Agencies ...
- MercatorNet: Paris’s population declines
- MercatorNet: How bullying at school starts feuds a...
- Drug and Device Manufacturer Communications With P...
- FDA announces new draft guidances on medical produ...
- Introducing IMEDS, a Public-Private Resource for E...
- Medical Product Communications That Are Consistent...
- First ANDA approval for sodium oxybate (branded as...
- Practicing Recovery: Recovery-Oriented Practices i...
- Webinar: State Solutions in Workforce
- CDRH New Update
- Final Update Summary: Folic Acid for the Preventio...
- CMS BLOG: CMS partners with commercial and state i...
- Medscape en Español - Informaciones & Recursos par...
- EHC Program Update: Glasgow Coma Scale for Field ...
- CDER New January 17, 2016
- CMS BLOG: CMS partners with commercial and state i...
- FDA Releases Draft Guidance for Industry: “Conside...
- Sánchez Fierro pide que se garantice la libertad d...
- Bajas tasas de fertilidad y natalidad ensombrecen ...
- OSE Immunotherapeutics y Servier firman un acuerdo...
- El Parlamento de Galicia insta a la Xunta a impuls...
- Abierta hasta el 30 de septiembre la cuarta convoc...
- Médicos españoles y brasileños condenan la trata d...
- El Sescam habilita 80 camas más y contrata a 61 pr...
- CSIF respalda eliminar la tasa de reposición y rec...
- Sanidad acuerda con los sindicatos crear grupos de...
- AHRQ Evidence-Based Practice Update
- Webinar on the Final Rule on Postmarketing Safety ...
- CMS BLOG: CMS announces extension of 2016 reportin...
- Demonstrating Interchangeability With a Reference ...
- NIOSH Science Blog: New NIOSH Sound Level Meter Ap...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: UPDATE - Import...
- FDA publishes draft guidance for industry: Referen...
- CMS BLOG: Data Brief: Sharp reduction in avoidable...
- The Reality of the Marketplace: 11.5 Million Ameri...
- #CoverageMatters: Getting Good Care for My Physica...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA’s Publishes (Yet Another) Interi...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC: ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC: ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC: ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC: ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC: ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC: ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC: ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC: ...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC: ...
- Addendum, Vol. 13, October 27 Release
- County-Level Variation in Per Capita Spending for ...
- A Physical Activity Intervention and Changes in Bo...
- Strengthening the Connection Between the Supplemen...
- Racial/Ethnic Differences in Associations Between ...
- Comparative Analysis of Five Observational Audit T...
- Influences and Practices in Colorectal Cancer Scre...
- Pathways to Health: Association Between Trail Use,...
- Differences in Food and Beverage Marketing Policie...
- Community Perspectives on Access to and Availabili...
- Preventing Chronic Disease: Current Volume | CDC
- Prevalence of Mindfulness Practices in the US Work...
- The Relationship Between Self-Rated Health and Use...
- Using School Staff Members to Implement a Childhoo...
- Nutrition Standards for Food Service Guidelines fo...
- Designing a Text Messaging Intervention to Improve...
- Screening for Food Insecurity in Six Veterans Admi...
- Concordance Between Life Satisfaction and Six Elem...
- A Cooking Intervention to Increase Vegetable Consu...
- US Adults’ Perceptions of the Harmful Effects Duri...
- Retraction Notice, Vol. 13, August 4 Release
- An Evaluability Assessment of the West Virginia Ph...
- Community Health Workers as Allies in Hypertension...
- Using Health Information Technology and Data to Im...
- Geographic Variations in Incremental Costs of Hear...
- Association Between Sitting Time and Cardiometabol...
- Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement ► Healt...
- Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement ► Adult...
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons || NGC Up...
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons | NGC Upd...
- Glasgow Coma Scale for Field Triage of Trauma: A S...
- NQMC Update Service: January 16, 2017
- Diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy: proportion of ad...
- 2017 Summer Intramural Fellowship Program | Agency...
- III Edición de Fitur Salud
- MercatorNet: Technology and marriage in crime prev...
- MercatorNet: Stem cell biology may revolutionise r...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: First Circuit Rejects Fraud-on-FDA A...
- Spike in Traffic from google.com on saludequitativ...
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- Una indemnización por pérdida de un testículo incl...
- El TSJ catalán admite una incapacidad permanente t...
- El retraso en detectar una malformación congénita ...
- El deber de conservar la HC es de 5 años tras el a...
- La Deontológica de la OMC avala el 'vientre de alq...
- OGS Suite, la plataforma de triple solución de Fuj...
- Un estudio halla potenciales sesgos de patrocinio ...
- Forbes elige a Arantxa Unda para encabezar la list...
- Las 10 tecnologías emergentes en el sector salud q...
- DEA Administrator Visits China to Address Syntheti...
- CFSAN Constituent Update: FDA Issues Revised Draft...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Public Hearing on Partn...
- Primary Care Physicians' Experiences With and Atti...
- Helpful Information from the National Evaluation
- You’re Invited: Join Our Conversation about Learni...
- CDRH New Update
- Increasing Incidence and Economic Burden of Injuri...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Bayer Recalls M...
- CDC: Pink Book (Epi & VPD) Manual update
- Perspectives on Safety | AHRQ Patient Safety Netwo...
- WebM&M Cases | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Did You Know | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
- Medication groups that trigger drug allergy alerts...
- ACHE Congress on Healthcare Leadership. | AHRQ Pat...
- Patient Safety Executive Development Program. | AH...
- Analysis of reported drug interactions: a recipe f...
- Disclosure of adverse events in pediatrics. | AHRQ...
- Technical Series on Safer Primary Care. | AHRQ Pat...
- Concurrent and Overlapping Surgeries: Additional M...
- Traditions of research into interruptions in healt...
- What patients' complaints and praise tell the heal...
- Design and testing of the safety agenda mobile app...
- Closing the loop: a process evaluation of inpatien...
- TeamSTEPPS in long-term care an academic partnersh...
- Operating room traffic as a modifiable risk factor...
- Education for the next frontier in patient safety:...
- Instrument count sheets and set reviews as patient...
- Qualitative study about the experiences of colleag...
- Building comprehensive strategies for obstetric sa...
- A patient feedback reporting tool for OpenNotes: i...
- Impact of Medicare's nonpayment program on hospita...
- Opioid-Related Inpatient Stays and Emergency Depar...
- Safety in Long-term Care | AHRQ Patient Safety Net...
- FDA Law Blog: FDA Issues “One-Stop Shop” Draft Gui...
- NIST Announces 2017 Research Funding Opportunity f...
- FDA publishes draft guidance for industry: 180-Day...
- MercatorNet: These eight US states have shrunk in ...
- MercatorNet: Canadian bioethicists call for organ ...
- MercatorNet: Experts warn Australians against foll...
- ProMED-mail
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Cobertura con donación de ó...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Obtaining Patient Comments Using CG-CAHPS: Registe...
- Save the Date: MAHC Network January Webinar
- CMS Coverage
- CDRH Industry: Announcing Factors to Consider When...
- El Foro de la Profesión insiste en que hay que pla...
- Médicos vascos censuran que más del 36% de profesi...
- Gobierno y CC.AA acuerdan suprimir la tasa de repo...
- Murcia trabaja en un pacto que vele por la univers...
- Feijóo admite dificultades por la gripe que seguir...
- La Sanidad riojana afronta la saturación de las Ur...
- El Sacyl contrata a 229 profesionales y abre 282 c...
- La Fundación IDIS trabajará en 2017 en beneficio d...
- Disminuyen las aprobaciones de nuevos medicamentos...
- CMS NEWS: Pennsylvania Rural Health Model aims to ...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- State Laws Requiring Hand Sanitation Stations at A...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. 1
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-2 ► Reducing Potentially Exc...
- CMS NEWS: Nearly 12 million people with Medicare h...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Abierta la Inscripción al P...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Disposición sobre la inscri...
- CDRH Industry: FDA Makes Correction to Compliance ...
- #CoverageMatters: The ACA Helped Me Make My Side G...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / No. SS-1 ► Leading Causes of Death ...
- ACL Guidance for Outreach and Providing Services f...
- SAMHSA is accepting applications for up to $44.6 m...
- Report Shows Cocaine Use Among Young Adults Up in ...
- Matrix Intensive Outpatient Treatment for People W...
- Webinar: Pre-Application Technical Assistance for ...
- CDER New January 13, 2017
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: FUJIFILM Medica...
- #CoverageMatters: Health Insurance Is No Mystery t...
- MLK and the Journey Towards Health Equity
- New Rule Improves Exchange of Medical Information ...
- FDA Guidance Document Update: Recently posted guid...
- BioEdge: Ohio makes assisted suicide a felony
- BioEdge: Spain, organ donation champion of the wor...
- BioEdge: “Anti-psychiatry” gets official recogniti...
- BioEdge: Destination Laos: the ever-changing surro...
- BioEdge: Dutch IVF clinic tries hard, could do bet...
- BioEdge: Sperm and eggs grown in a Petri dish coul...
- BioEdge: Finland set to debate euthanasia
- BioEdge: Canadian bioethicists call for organ dono...
- MercatorNet: The treachery of divorce
- MercatorNet: A nine-year-old boy is spreading a ‘c...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Provides Additional...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
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- One Dose, Two Errors | AHRQ Patient Safety Network...
- Suicidal Ideation in the Family Medicine Clinic | ...
- A Potent Medication Administered in a Not So Viabl...
- Hazards of Loading Doses | AHRQ Patient Safety Net...
- The Missing Abscess: Radiology Reads in the Digita...
- Engaging Staff in Daily Improvement. | AHRQ Patien...
- Workplace Safety in Health Care | AHRQ Patient Saf...
- In Conversation With… Paul H. O'Neill, MPA | AHRQ ...
- Hospital Affiliation With Health Systems and Manag...
- The Impact of Clinical Decision Rules on Computed ...
- External Validation of the STONE Score, a Clinical...
- Long-Term Uninsured the Largest Group To Gain Affo...
- The Evolution of Self-Reported Urinary and Sexual ...
- A New Paradigm of Technology-Enabled ‘Vital Signs’...
- Sustainability of evidence-based healthcare: resea...
- AHRQ Webinar Will Outline How Natural Language Pro...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network Chronicles More Than a...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network Chronicles More Than a...
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network Chronicles More Than a...
- Effect of Tamsulosin on Stone Passage for Ureteral...
- Precision medicine to precision care: managing mul...
- Emergency Department Weekend Presentation and Mort...
- Trends in Emergency Department Visits Involving Me...
- NIST Releases Update to Cybersecurity Framework
- FDA Safety Communication: Safety Concerns with Imp...
- #CoverageMatters: Artists Day of Action
- [Drug Compounding Guidances]: Final repackaging gu...
- CDER New January 12, 2017
- FDA releases final guidance for "Nonproprietary Na...
- Drug Information Update - FDA releases final guida...
- Sunday: Deadline for Coverage Starting Feb. 1
- [DRUG COMPOUNDING]: FDA's Human Drug Compounding P...
- #CoverageMatters: Medicaid Is Helping Me Stay Aliv...
- HHS Collaborates with the Private Sector to Encour...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA warns cancer patients not to use PNC-27 produc...
- MercatorNet: What can we do about fake news that w...
- La subida de impuestos a bebidas azucaradas es sal...
- El SAS constituye la mesa de seguimiento de la int...
- Navarra culmina la implantación de la receta elect...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Obligan a las obras sociale...
- Actualización urgente (2017): Cómo el financiamien...
- FDA Law Blog: Drug Compounding: FDA Issues Final G...
- La ministra se compromete a aprobar una Estrategia...
- “La integración supone la mejora del proceso asist...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- Spike in Traffic from google.com on saludequitativ...
- Safety Concerns with Implantable Infusion Pumps in...
- Antibióticos: ¿beneficio para la salud o para las ...
- La epidemia de gripe satura los hospitales frances...
- Fiebre amarilla pudo ser causa de 14 muertes en Mi...
- Casi una decena de cubanos hospitalizados con palu...
- CDER New January 11, 2017
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Calendario 2017 para descar...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Una depilación para el olvi...
- Nominations due February 3 to state/territory prog...
- Drug Shortages Update
- CDER New January 6 & 9, 2017
- FDA-Patented Invention Earns 2016 Patents for Huma...
- MMWR Vol. 66 / Early Release
- Most Talked About MMWR Reports of 2016
- 2017 NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program Applicatio...
- NURSE Corps Stories: Josh Hughes
- FDA Law Blog: HRSA Issues Final Rule Regarding the...
- CMS NEWS: Establishment of Special Payment Provisi...
- Reminder: FDA Webinar on Postmarket Management of ...
- #CoverageMatters: The ACA Makes Coverage Stronger ...
- DHA, DLA save millions on military medical materie...
- MercatorNet: Angry social media posts are never a ...
- El consumo de medicamentos en unidades sólo ha cre...
- NdP_Chiesi otorga una beca a New Born Solutions pa...
- CDRH New Update
- Europa refuerza su normativa sobre salud laboral -...
- El Tribunal de Cuentas 'bloquea' la fiscalización ...
- Muere Joan Rodés - DiarioMedico.com
- El Gobierno registra con seis meses de retraso el ...
- En el Sacyl la jubilación se impone a los 65 años ...
- Ciudadanos avisa Montserrat que no apoyará una sub...
- El proyecto europeo 'Kristina' permitirá ofrecer a...
- El español Joaquín Duato, al frente de PhRMA - Dia...
- CMS NEWS: Outpacing last year, more than 11.5 mill...
- ESRD QIP: Payment Year 2020 Final Rule Call — Janu...
- What's New at CBER Update
- No es la gripe, son los recortes, dice la Asociaci...
- El Servicio Navarro de Salud ha emitido ya 282.000...
- El PSOE reclama al Gobierno una ley contra la obes...
- El CM de Vizcaya reitera su ofrecimiento de colabo...
- Baleares “lamina” el derecho a los módulos sustitu...
- CESM Murcia denuncia la situación actual de colaps...
- “Hay que comenzar a utilizar metodologías más acti...
- CCOO reclama personal y planificación en las Urgen...
- La OMC y Comisiones Obreras abordan los graves pro...
- Dolors Montserrat convocará en febrero el CISNS - ...
- La ministra rectifica y asegura que no se va a sub...
- CSIF reitera a Montserrat su rechazo a nuevos copa...
- Spike in Traffic from google.com on saludequitativ...
- National Food Safety Education Conference: Registr...
- La SEFH, la OMC y la SESP lucharán para legalizar ...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ enero (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (300)
- ▼ enero (300)
- La investigación en la AP andaluza pone el foco en...
- Un sensor para la detección de infecciones nosocom...
- El Foro de médicos de Atención Primaria dice no a ...
- La EMA da su "ok" a Ultragenyx y Kyowa Kirin para ...
- Fujitsu apuesta por prevenir incidencias en las in...
- NOT-OD-17-030: NIH & AHRQ Update Font Guidelines f...
- La ministra de Sanidad admite que estudia subir el...
- Expertos piden eliminar deducciones de IVA e IRPF ...
- Copago: Sanidad quiere que los jubilados que más i...
- copago farmacéutico: PSOE y Podemos piden eliminar...
- Conference News
- Domain Framework | National Quality Measures Clear...
- NQMC Update Service: January 9, 2017 | British Tho...
- National Guideline Centre |||| Sepsis: recognition...
- National Guideline Centre ||| Non-alcoholic fatty ...
- National Guideline Centre || Cirrhosis in over 16s...
- National Guideline Alliance || Non-Hodgkin's lymph...
- Management of Acute Uncomplicated Diverticulitis
- National Guideline Clearinghouse: Expert Commentar...
- Webinar: Cultural Awareness in Dementia Care
- Joint Trauma System takes shape from lessons learn...
- CDRH New Update
- MercatorNet: Euthanasia: it’s a long, long, long w...
- Plain Language: Improving Communications from the ...
- Agenda: Hospital Open Door Forum
- What's New at CBER
- CMS NEWS: CMS Finalizes New Medicare and Medicaid ...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Les piden a los turistas ar...
- FDA Law Blog - FDA Finalizes its Guidance Regardin...
- Spike in Traffic from google.com on saludequitativ...
- Transfer of Health Information and Care Preference...
- Drug Shortages Update
- WEBINAR: Register for the OMH Draft Guidance Webin...
- El Consejo de Sanidad del PSOE pide a Sanidad acla...
- La inversión interna en I+D biotecnológica se va r...
- Diario Médico cumple 25 años - DiarioMedico.com
- El sector biofarma reactivará su actividad en fusi...
- La EMA acepta la solicitud para KRN23 - DiarioMedi...
- La Paz coordina la Red de Referencia Europea en tr...
- Nueve comunidades tienen o están elaborando un pla...
- Condena por “demora excesiva” para diagnosticar un...
- ¿Menos abortos tras 5 años de la ley? - DiarioMedi...
- Obama: 'Derogar Obamacare primero para sustituirlo...
- El autor de un ‘gran' avance en diabetes se retrac...
- El liberado sindical puede trabajar hasta los 70 a...
- Vacunarse, la mejor arma para prevenir daños negli...
- El Foro de AP reclama cambios en la troncalidad - ...
- Montserrat convocará un Interterritorial en febrer...
- Canarias: las listas de espera, principal reto par...
- Los médicos británicos alertan de la 'grave situac...
- New Vector Control Training for Environmental Heal...
- Navy corpsmen continue support of Marine operation...
- Affordable Care Act mandates reporting minimum ess...
- Apply Now! PHAP Candidate Application Period Close...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA Law Blog: DEA Finalizes Amendments on Imports ...
- MercatorNet: Euthanasia: no one is ever satisfied
- MercatorNet: New Congress quick to focus on aborti...
- MercatorNet: The continuing saga of efforts to den...
- ProMED-mail
- Zimbabue prohíbe venta de comida en la calle para ...
- Ancianos mueren por gripe | ELESPECTADOR.COM
- Dois casos de Zika em Angola - Renascença
- Saúde investiga casos suspeitos de febre amarela
- Identifican en Argentina un subtipo africano del m...
- The human genome as public: Justifications and imp...
- Access policies in biobank research: what criteria...
- Informed choice and decision making in women offer...
- Genomics & Health Impact Weekly Scan || Public Hea...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips || AMD Clips
- Laboratory and clinical genomic data sharing is cr...
- Geneticists should offer data to participants : Na...
- Challenges in the health economics of familial hyp...
- Economic Evaluation of a Pharmacogenomics Test for...
- Health economics, genomics and the value of knowin...
- Economics 5 | Public Health Genomics Knowledge Bas...
- Economics 4 | Most Recent Scientific Publications ...
- Economics 3 | From CDC-Authored Genomics Publicati...
- Economics 2 | From Implementation Database
- Economics 1 | From HuGE Literature Finder Database...
- Advanced Big Data Analytics for -Omic Data and Ele...
- Text Mining for Precision Medicine: Bringing Struc...
- Integrating pharmacogenomics into electronic healt...
- The power of big data must be harnessed for medica...
- Increasing the Detection of FH Using General Pract...
- The Application of Genomics in Diabetes: Barriers ...
- Bridging the Gap from Bench to Bedside--An Informa...
- Distribution and clinical impact of functional var...
- PHG Foundation | Combining health records and geno...
- The Adoption of Cloud Computing in the Field of Ge...
- Clinical Genomic Profiling of a Diverse Array of O...
- NIOSH eNews - January, 2017
- El Hospital Lorenzo Guirao tendrá una sala blanca ...
- An Innovative Approach to Combatting Infectious Di...
- 2016 PHEMCE Strategy and Implementation Plan - PHE...
- ONC Health IT Certification Program Updates (01/06...
- New Funding Opportunity Announcements from HHS OMH...
- What are the health impacts of nanomaterials in ca...
- 2017 CDC National Cancer Conference
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
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Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2017 (200)
- ▼ enero (200)
- The January 2017 MedSun Newsletter is now availabl...
- Drug Shortages Update
- Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables | MMWR
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52 ► QuickStats: Rates of Drug ...
- Notice to Readers: Final MMWR Issue Including Tabl...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52 ► Notes from the Field: Dete...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52 ► Escherichia coli O157:H7 I...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52 ► Notes from the Field: Comp...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52 ► Notes from the Field: Botu...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52 ► Human Rabies — Puerto Rico...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52 ► Adverse Health Effects Ass...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52 ► Traumatic Brain and Spinal...
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52 ► Quitting Smoking Among Adu...
- What's New at CBER Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Catamarca: se crea el Regis...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA To Provide Addition...
- Mobile-Based Nutrition and Child Health Monitoring...
- Pilot Research as Advocacy: The Case of Sayana Pre...
- GHSP Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4
- NIAID Funding Opportunity: HIV-1 Infection of the ...
- Chile confirma presencia de influenza aviar en cen...
- ProMED-mail
- MMWR Vol. 65 / No. 52
- Rescheduled: Skilled Nursing Facilities/Long Term ...
- Uninsured rate for Americans with pre-existing con...
- HRSA eNews January 5, 2017
- CIB: The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic ...
- CMS Seeks Input on PACE Innovation Act
- Mammography Update: Mammography Record Retention -...
- AHRQ, CMS, ONC Integrate Electronic Clinical Quali...
- AHRQ Webinar on how Natural Language Processing ca...
- CDER New January 6, 2017
- Zika Virus —10 Public Health Achievements in 2016 ...
- CMS BLOG: Transforming Health Care Delivery throug...
- CMS National Training Program's “Exemptions from t...
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- Combination Products/ Botanical Drugs/ Electronic ...
- What’s New for Biologics
- CDRH New Update
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Una norma aclara qué deben ...
- FDA Law Blog: 21st Century Cures Act: Three Notabl...
- La Gestión Clínica a debate - Tribunas - Elmedicoi...
- El desafío del big data: su empleo en gestión y en...
- Crear un Catálogo de Prestaciones Básicas común, p...
- “Debería alcanzarse entre los diferentes partidos ...
- Madrid y Barcelona copan el comité calificador del...
- El TC declara inconstitucional la 'estatutarizació...
- Valencia refuerza con 33 médicos su plantilla para...
- Cantabria: la lista de espera quirúrgica baja un 9...
- Trump actuará contra el 'Obamacare' 'desde su prim...
- Advierten acerca de una nueva droga de diseño 85 v...
- CDER New January 5, 2017
- La FDA revisa los resultados en nuevas advertencia...
- Bad reaction to a cosmetic? FDA needs to know
- FDA Patient Network
- FDA Information about Expanded Access
- FDA meetings
- Drug Safety and Availability > Comunicaciones de l...
- Consumer Updates > La FDA actúa para prevenir más ...
- National Health Service Corps Site: Presbyterian M...
- NHSC Ambassadors are Available!
- CDRH New Update
- What’s New for Biologics
- Armed Services Blood Program celebrates National B...
- Medical Device Safety and Recalls: Nurse Assist In...
- CMS NEWS: Biweekly Enrollment Snapshot
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Discapacidad y Daños puniti...
- FDA Law Blog: CDRH Finalizes Post-Market Cybersecu...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- FDA Guidance Document Update
- Hospital-, Health Care-, and Community-Acquired MR...
- AHRQ Seeks Research Proposals on Using Health IT T...
- AHRQ Develops New Safety Program for Healing Press...
- Comparison of Approaches for Heart Failure Case Id...
- Using trip diaries to mitigate route risk and risk...
- Conflict of Interest Policies and Industry Relatio...
- Association of Obesity, BMI, and Hispanic Ethnicit...
- Reliability of 30-Day Readmission Measures Used in...
- Evolving use of seizure medications after intracer...
- Ready for Change? The Role of Physician and Staff ...
- Centralized Reminder/Recall to Increase immunizati...
- Jan. 11 Webinar To Explore Learning Strategies To ...
- EH | eCQI Resource Center
- USHIK: United States Health Information Knowledgeb...
- eCQI Resource Center | The one-stop shop for the m...
- AHRQ, CMS, ONC Integrate Electronic Clinical Quali...
- AHRQ-Sponsored Continuing Education Activities | A...
- Intermountain Healthcare Uses AHRQ-funded "OpenInf...
- Meeting the electronic health record "meaningful u...
- Featured Case Study: Utah Health Care System Uses ...
- AHRQ Health IT Funding Opportunity Announcement: P...
- CDC Grand Rounds - January 17, 2017 - "Addressing ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Two Guidance Documents ...
- A Review of CDER’s Novel Drug Approvals for 2016 |...
- Support National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
- A Look Back and New Updates
- Registration is Now Open for the 30th Annual FISSE...
- Safety update for health care providers: IgM tests...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
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- ▼ 2017 (100)
- ▼ enero (100)
- CMS National Training Program Marketplace Webinar ...
- CDRH Industry: CDRH to Post Early Notification of ...
- CDER New January 4, 2017
- CDRH New Update
- CDRH Industry: Premarket Notification (510(k)) Sub...
- FDA Law Blog: In Time for the Holidays, FDA Grants...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: Ipross deberá cubrir un tra...
- CFSAN Constituent Update: FDA Begins Posting Adver...
- Spike in Traffic from facebook.com on saludequitat...
- CDER New January 3, 2017
- Cotec: pese a la mayor inversión en I+D, España si...
- La inequidad en prestaciones a oncológicos protago...
- Baleares: módulos para exentos de guardia, sujetos...
- Crece casi un 2% la plantilla de la sanidad públic...
- En 2016 se han aprobado menos medicamentos que en ...
- El Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona y Centro Médico ...
- Advierten acerca de una nueva droga de diseño 85 v...
- La primera inversión en salud de 2017 en España re...
- La CNMC pide mejoras y cambios sobre los IMF de pr...
- Luces y sombras para la sanidad gallega en el arra...
- Recognizing the Biosafety Levels (for CNE) (Access...
- How to Be An Effective Spokesperson | CDC TRAIN - ...
- Pathways to Safer Opioid Use | CDC TRAIN - an affi...
- Hot Training Topic: Zika Training Resources
- Apply Now to Host a PHAP Associate!
- Apply Now to Become a PHAP Associate!
- Detectado un segundo caso humano de gripe aviar en...
- CDRH New Update
- NGC Update Service: January 2, 2017 || Announcemen...
- NGC Guideline Syntheses | National Guideline Clear...
- NGC Update Service: January 2, 2017 ||| American U...
- NGC Update Service: January 2, 2017 || American U...
- NGC Update Service: January 2, 2017 | American Uro...
- NGC Update Service: January 2, 2017 | Neurocritica...
- NGC Update Service: January 2, 2017 | Screening fo...
- NQMC Update Service: January 2, 2017 | Announcemen...
- Diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy: proportion of pa...
- Diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy: proportion of br...
- Diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy: proportion of ad...
- Diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy: proportion of ad...
- DCoE hot-topic blogs of 2016 | Health.mil
- FDA Law Blog: 21st Century Cures Act Clarifies (An...
- OMS | Cobertura sanitaria universal
- Salud universal en las Américas
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La mitad de los porteños se...
- Invitation to Submit to Research Integrity and Pee...
- Una asociación pediátrica de neurorrehabilitación ...
- Una aplicación desarrollada en el Virgen del Rocío...
- Aragón aprueba la OPE de 1.483 plazas - Nacional -...
- La Gestión Clínica a debate - Tribunas - Elmedicoi...
- El SESPA cede a la presión sindical y cambia los b...
- El Sergas valorará la investigación y la docencia ...
- El SERMAS reconoce el derecho a la exención de gua...
- Los tribunales y un permanente bloqueo parlamentar...
- Castilla-La Mancha amplía el acceso a la reproducc...
- Valencia: el plan de RRHH, gran objetivo profesion...
- La Rioja: Sanidad abre la puerta a la jubilación a...
- País Vasco: la jornada de 35 horas, pendiente del ...
- Cantabria permitiría el cobro de la carrera hasta ...
- ProMED-mail
- Transsexuality diagnosis and treatment | BIOETHICS...
- Clonación humana. Muerte cerebral, hidratación y a...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Investigación con quimeras, ¿cuál es su estado act...
- Suicidio, primera causa de muerte entre la gente j...
- Embriones “cíbridos” citoplasmáticos, ¿es ético su...
- Evolución de la infección por VIH y el sida en Eur...
- ¿Es el embrión humano un ser vivo de nuestra espec...
- Labco lanza una guía con consejos para el manejo y...
- El intercambio de divisiones de salud entre Sanofi...
- La alianza europea en vacunas de Sanofi Pasteur y ...
- El mercado de Sistema Nervioso sale del túnel
- BMC Emergency Medicine | Home page
- BMC Nursing | Home page
- BMC Family Practice | Home page
- BMC Medical Research Methodology | Home page
- World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017,...
- BMC Medical Education | Home page
- BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making | Home...
- BMC International Health and Human Rights | Home p...
- BMC Medical Ethics | Home page
- BMC Health Services Research | Home page
- BMC Bioinformatics | Home page
- BMC Proceedings | Home page
- BMC Public Health | Home page
- BMC Medical Genomics | Bioinformatic and algorithm...
- Study design and data analysis considerations for ...
- Unsolved challenges of clinical whole-exome sequen...
- Known unknowns: building an ethics of uncertainty ...
- Translation in healthcare: ethical, legal, and soc...
- Protecting genomic data analytics in the cloud: st...
- BMC Medical Genomics | 15th International Conferen...
- ProMED-mail
- From the ASPR Blog: Resolve to be Ready! Five Lif...
- CAPT Robert Tosatto: Volunteering and Service to ...
- Emergency Preparedness and You|CDC
- Prevention | Zika virus | CDC
- MMWR Vol. 65 / Early Release ► Zika Virus —10 Publ...
- SMDL: Community First Choice State Plan Option
- EURORDIS wishes you a Happy New Year!
- ▼ enero (100)


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