miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018

Biomedical and bioethical central issues of the beginning of the year Nº 62

nº 62

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1/31/ 2018


Brain death controversy. A JME paper authors argue the failure to distinguish appearance and reality to defend the view that ‘brain dead’ patients are dead

Death of a person based on neurological criteria. Brain death controversy

Authors object the conventional criteria of ‘brain death’ for establishing the death of the human being. In the September issue of the Journal of Medical Ethics, an article was published, addressed the significance of death by neurological criteria… Read more.
Frozen embryos donation figures. Human embryos transferred increased over the years

Frozen embryos donation figures. 

A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology has provided data on this topic in the U.S. With the use of IVF frozen embryos are growing daily... Read more.


CRISPR brings the possibility of performing pig-to-human transplantation closer. Medical and bioethical approach of the xenotransplantation risks benefits

CRISPR-Cas9 brings the possibility of performing pig-to-human xenotransplantation closer

Use chimeric animals as organ incubators, a hopeful means to resolve increasing organ shortage. CRISPR-Cas9 technique is being used to resolve…
A study proved internet pornography neurological effect and alteration in the gray matter volume of the cerebral cortex

A study proved alterations in the brain due to pornography consumption

A study published in JAMA Psychiatry has established a correlation between certain alterations in brain connectivity and functionality and pornography consumption. The accessibility of pornographic content on the Internet has greatly increased… Read more.
Palliative care is one of the most overlooked medical aspects but WHO omits palliative care access in its universal health coverage project.

Why is not palliative care included in WHO Universal Health Coverage (UHC) goals?

“Sustainable Development” objectives programmed until 2030 by WHO. They do not, however, include palliative care. In order to try… 
Penis transplantation risks surgery and need for long-term immunosuppressant therapy may also entail eventual psychological problems

Penis transplantation. Ethical aspects that should not be ignored

The reasons for which penis transplantation may be required are varied and include work accidents, tumors and severe congenital abnormalities of the penis. In relation to this, the satisfactory results of the first penis transplant have now been published... 
A key conclusion of this conference was that Science and religion disciplines collaboration should be based on true dialogue, rather than on confrontation

Must science and religion disciplines confront themselves?

According to an article published in The Lancet in April 2017, a large group of experts met in Rome, to reflect on the future of humanity through the science  … Read more.


Consciousness in patients in a vegetative state. New diagnostic test open a new window to evaluate them

Consciousness in patients in a vegetative state. New diagnostic test open a new window to evaluate them

Determining whether a person in a vegetative state  is essential for their treatment, recovery and quality of life. Until now, these diagnoses have centered on an analysis of the brain. However, scientists…
The law bans abortion of a foetus with more than 20 weeks. "It will protect those children who have proven can feel pain said, Congressman.

Finally law bans abortion. United States banned abortion of fetuses of more than 20 weeks

Abortion is legal in many States of the USA. Now, the US House of Representatives has given the green light – by 237 votes in favor to 189 against. The decision is …
Organs waiting list. Shortage of organs for transplantation is increasing. What could be the reasons and measures to take in this health crisis.

4,000 Europeans die while awaiting transplantation 

We have occasionally spoken of the need to encourage organ donation. There are 59,168 patients on organs waiting lists in Europe alone... Read more.

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