domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2019

Barriers and facilitators to incident reporting in mental healthcare settings: a qualitative study. | PSNet

Barriers and facilitators to incident reporting in mental healthcare settings: a qualitative study. | PSNet

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Barriers and facilitators to incident reporting in mental healthcare settings: a qualitative study.

Archer S, Thibaut BI, Dewa L, Ramtale C, D'Lima D, Simpson A, Murray K, Adam S, Darzi A. Barriers and facilitators to incident reporting in mental healthcare settings: a qualitative study. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. Oct 22, 2019.

Researchers conducted focus groups in this qualitative study of staff in mental healthcare settings and assessed the barriers and facilitators to incident reporting. The authors identified unique challenges to incident reporting in mental health, including the incidence of violence and aggressive behavior. Participants often underreported violent or aggressive events because they attributed the behavior to the patient’s diagnosis, and cited dissatisfaction with how reported incidents were handled by police.

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