martes, 26 de noviembre de 2019

Survey on HIV knowledge among young adults finds stigmatizing, unsafe behaviors

Morning Rounds
Shraddha Chakradhar

Survey on HIV knowledge among young adults finds stigmatizing, unsafe behaviors 

new survey from HIV drug maker Merck and the health equity initiative Prevention Access Campaign finds that young adults are misinformed about HIV and how it’s transmitted. Here’s more: 
  • Overall trends: 41% of Gen Zers (born between 1996-2010) without HIV said they were not or only somewhat informed about HIV, compared to 23% of millennials (born after 1981).
  • Protection: More than half of HIV-negative respondents did not report using condoms or preventive treatment. But 75% of millennials and 60% of Gen Zers who are HIV-positive said they acquired it because they didn’t use protection. 
  • Stigmatizing behaviors: About 28% of HIV-negative millennials said they avoid hugging or being friends with HIV-positive individuals. The same percentage of HIV-positive millennials — and 39% of HIV-positive Gen Zers — said they have trouble forming new romantic relationships because of their status. 

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