Australian Council on Healthcare Standards
Aged care: percentage of general medical patients 65 years and over who have a documented vitamin D deficiency who are prescribed vitamin D, during the 6 month time period.
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Aged care: percentage of medical patients 65 years and older who have had their cognition assessed using a validated tool such as the Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS) or Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), during the 6 month time period.
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Aged care: percentage of patients admitted to geriatric medicine or geriatric rehabilitation unit for whom there is documented objective assessment of physical function on admission and at least once more during the inpatient stay, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Cardiovascular disease: percentage of inpatients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafts within 24 hours of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PCTA) (with or without stenting) in the same admission, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Cardiovascular disease: percentage of patients discharged with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation who have no contraindication to the use of warfarin, who are prescribed warfarin, during the 6 month time period.
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Cardiovascular disease: percentage of patients discharged with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure who have no contraindications to the use of an ACE Inhibitor (ACEI) or Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist (A2RA) who are prescribed an ACEI or A2RA, during the 6 month time period.
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Cardiovascular disease: percentage of patients discharged with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure who have no contraindications to the use of beta blockers and who are prescribed beta blocker therapy, during the 6 month time period.
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Cardiovascular disease: percentage of patients discharged with any diagnosis of congestive heart failure who are referred for chronic disease management service that includes physical rehabilitation, during the 6 month time period.
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Cardiovascular disease: percentage of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) requiring thrombolysis who receive thrombolytic therapy within 1 hour of presentation to the hospital, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Cardiovascular disease: percentage of vessels in which percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) (with or without stenting) is undertaken where primary success, as defined, is achieved, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Endocrine disease: percentage of insulin treated diabetic inpatients having an elective operation, and a length of stay greater than or equal to 48 hours, whose medical record shows at least 4 blood glucose measurements on the first post-operative day, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Endocrine disease: percentage of insulin treated diabetic inpatients having an elective operation, and a length of stay greater than or equal to 48 hours, with a recorded blood glucose level less than 4 mmol/L in the post-operative period, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Endocrine disease: percentage of patients admitted with diabetes having assessment of lower limbs according to guidelines, during the 6 month time period.
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Gastrointestinal disease: percentage of patients admitted to hospital with haematemesis and/or melaena, who receive a blood transfusion and endoscopic therapy, who subsequently have an operation, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Gastrointestinal disease: percentage of patients admitted to hospital with haematemesis and/or melaena, who receive a blood transfusion and have a gastroscopy within 24 hours of admission, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Gastrointestinal disease: percentage of patients admitted to hospital with haematemesis and/or melaena, who receive a blood transfusion and subsequently die, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Gastrointestinal disease: percentage of patients admitted to hospital with haematemesis and/or melaena, who receive a blood transfusion, and have an operation, during the same admission, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Gastrointestinal disease: percentage of patients admitted to hospital with haematemesis and/or melaena, who receive a blood transfusion, for which there is documented evidence that a member of the surgical staff has been notified of their condition, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Gastrointestinal disease: percentage of patients admitted to hospital with haematemesis and/or melaena, who receive a blood transfusion, who are discharged with a specific diagnosis that explains the cause of bleeding, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Neurological disease: percentage of inpatients separated from hospital with a discharge diagnosis of stoke that had a documented CT scan, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of deliveries with birth weight less than 2750g at 40 weeks gestation or beyond. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of high risk women undergoing caesarean section who receive appropriate pharmacological thromboprophylaxis. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of inborn term babies transferred/admitted to a neonatal intensive care nursery or special care nursery for reasons other than congenital abnormality. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara sustaining a perineal tear and NO episiotomy. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara undergoing caesarean section. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara undergoing episiotomy and NO perineal tear while giving birth vaginally. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara undergoing episiotomy AND sustaining a perineal tear while giving birth vaginally. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara undergoing surgical repair of the perineum for fourth degree tear. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara undergoing surgical repair of the perineum for third degree tear. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara who have a spontaneous vaginal birth. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara who undergo an instrumental vaginal birth. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara who undergo induction of labour. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of selected primipara with an intact perineum. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of serious adverse events that are addressed within a peer review process. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of term babies born with an Apgar score of less than 7 at five minutes post delivery. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of women delivering vaginally following a previous primary caesarean section. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of women having a general anaesthetic for caesarean section. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of women who give birth vaginally who require a blood transfusion during the same admission. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of women who receive an appropriate prophylactic antibiotic at the time of caesarean section. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Obstetrics: percentage of women who undergo a caesarean section who require a blood transfusion during the same admission. This updates a previously published measure summary.
Oncology: percentage of pre-menopausal patients with stage II carcinoma of the breast for whom there is documented evidence of treatment, or intention to treat, with polychemotherapy, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Renal disease: percentage of inpatients having a renal biopsy who subsequently develop macroscopic haematuria in any of their voided urine specimens with 24 hours of the procedure, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Respiratory disease: percentage of patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of acute asthma for whom there is documented evidence of an appropriate discharge plan, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Respiratory disease: percentage of patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of acute asthma for whom there is documented objective assessment of severity in addition to the initial assessment, which facilitates ongoing inpatient management, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Respiratory disease: percentage of patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of acute asthma for whom there is documented objective assessment of severity on initial presentation, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.
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Respiratory disease: percentage of patients discharged from a general medical unit with any diagnosis of COPD who are referred for a chronic disease management service that includes physical rehabilitation, during the 6 month time period.
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