domingo, 24 de enero de 2010

AHRQ Innovations Exchange | Creation of Unit-Based, Clinically Focused Nurse Leader Position Expedites Discharge, Improves Quality, Reduces Turnover, and Enhances Patient and Physician Satisfaction

Creation of Unit-Based, Clinically Focused Nurse Leader Position Expedites Discharge, Improves Quality, Reduces Turnover, and Enhances Patient and Physician Satisfaction


Lakeland Regional Medical Center developed a new, unit-based nurse leadership position, the Clinical Resource Nurse, who ensures continuity of care, facilitates interdisciplinary care planning, serves as a physician liaison, encourages adherence to evidence-based practices, and mentors and coaches less experienced nurses. Data from a pilot unit show that the program has led to more timely discharges, fewer facility-acquired pressure ulcers and falls, lower nurse turnover, and higher patient, nurse, and physician satisfaction.

Evidence Rating
The evidence consists of before-and-after comparisons of key process and outcomes measures including patient discharge, patient fall rates, and patient/physician satisfaction.

Developing Organizations
Lakeland Regional Medical Center

Date First Implemented
The initial pilot test was conducted on a 48-bed cardiac step-down unit and occurred in July 2006.

abrir aquí para acceder al documento AHRQ completo:
AHRQ Innovations Exchange | Creation of Unit-Based, Clinically Focused Nurse Leader Position Expedites Discharge, Improves Quality, Reduces Turnover, and Enhances Patient and Physician Satisfaction

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