8:00 a.m.
| Registration
9:00 a.m. | Opening Plenary |
| Welcome and Conference Overview David Chambers, Associate Director, Dissemination and Implementation Research, National Institute of Mental Health Lisa Simpson, President and CEO, AcademyHealth Keynote Address Peter Pronovost, Senior Vice President for Patient Safety and Quality, Johns Hopkins Medicine
10:30 a.m. | Break
11:00 a.m. | Plenary Panel on D&I and Health Equity |
| Kick Off Speaker: Thomas LaVeist, Director, Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Moderator: Kenneth Sherr, Associate Professor, Global Health, University of Washington Speakers: Barbara Israel, Professor, Health Behavior & Health Education, University of Michigan
Faith Mitchell, President and CEO, Grantmakers In Health
David Takeuchi, Professor and Dorothy Book Scholar, Boston College Graduate School of Social Work
Clyde Yancy, Chief, Division of Medicine-Cardiology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
12:30 p.m. | Lunch RoundtablesTopic areas forthcoming.
2:00 p.m. | Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
| Hospital-Based D&I Research Moderator: Michael Engelgau, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Speakers: - Steven Bernstein, Yale University
Design and Implementation of Decision Support for Tobacco Dependence Treatment in an Inpatient Electronic Medical Record
- Heather Kaplan, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Dissemination of a Quality Improvement Intervention to Reduce Early Term Elective Deliveries and Improve Birth Registry Accuracy at Scale in Ohio
- Andrew Masica, Baylor Scott & White Health
Implementation of the ABCDE Bundle: Results from a Real-World, Pragmatic Study Design
- Tannaz Moin, University of California, Los Angeles and VA Greater Loa Angeles
The Association of a Diabetes-Specific Health Plan with ER and Inpatient Hospital Utilization:A Natural Experiment for Translation in Diabetes (NEXT-D)
Implementation Science Across the Cancer Continuum Moderator: Gila Neta, National Cancer Institute Speakers: - Joan Cates, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Evaluating Dissemination Strategies to Promote Preteen HPV Vaccination
- Brad Rindal, HealthPartners Institute for Education & Research
Implementation Of An Electronic Dental Record Tool To Increase Referrals To A Tobacco Counseling Quit Line
- Peter Selby, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Patient-mediated Scale-up of Guideline Implementation in Primary-care: An Open-label Trial
- Jonathan Tobin, Clinical Directors Network
Prevention Care Management Increases Cancer Screening Among Women: From Efficacy to Effectiveness to Dissemination, Implementation & Scale-up
The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research: Project Exampes and Future Plans Moderator: Michael Harrison, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality Speakers: - Laura Damschroder, VA Ann Arbor Center for Clinical Management Research
The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR): Progress to Date, Tools and Resources, and Plans for the Future
- Lily Liang, Emory Prevention Research Center
Measuring Constructs from the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research in the Context of Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening at Community
- Julie Lowery, VA Medical Center
Comparison of Implementation Success Across Three National Initiatives to Improve Veterans' Access to Specialty Care
- Lucia Rojas Smith, RTI International
The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research: Advancing Implementation Science through Real-world Applications, Adaptations, and Measurement
Advancing the Science of Dissemination and Implementation: Three "6th NIH Meetings" on Training, Measures, and Methods Chair: Enola Proctor, Washington University in St. Louis Discussant: Gregory Aarons, University of California, San Diego Panelists: - C Hendricks Brown, Northwestern University
- Christopher Carpenter, Washington University in St. Louis
Pressing Ahead: Developing and Testing of New Measures in Implementation Science Chair: Bryan Weiner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Discussant: Stephen Taplin, National Cancer Institute Panelists: - María Fernández, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- Shuting Liang, Emory University
- Sara Jacobs, RTI International
Implementation of a System-Wide Health Promotion Intervention to Reduce Early Mortality in High Risk Adults with Serious Mental Illness and Obesity Chair: Stephen Bartels, Dartmouth University Discussant: Gail Daumit, Johns Hopkins University Panelists: - Stephen Bartels, Dartmouth University
- Mary Brunette, Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center
- Kelly Aschbrenner, Dartmouth University
University of California Center for Health Quality and Innovation: Experiences from a System Approach to Scaling Up Effective Interventions Chair: Karyn DiGiorgio, University of California Center for Health Quality and Innovation Panelists: - Edith O'Neil-Page, University of California, Los Angeles
- Maxime Cannesson, University of California, Irvine
- Nathaniel Gleason, University of California, San Francisco
3:30 p.m. | Break
4:00 p.m. | Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
| D&I Research Theory, Assessment, and the Use of Evidence Moderator: Bridget Gaglio, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Speakers: - Jennifer Hill, Department of Veterans Affairs
Assessing the Extent and Quality of Documentation of Fidelity to the Implementation Strategy: A Proposed Scoring Mechanism
- Sara Jacobs, RTI International
The Missing Link: A Test of Klein & Sorra's Proposed Relationship between Implementation Climate, Innovation-Values Fit &Implementation Effectiveness
- Lisa Rubenstein, University of California, Los Angeles
The Minimum Quality Criteria Set (MQCS) for Critical Appraisal: Advancing the Science of Quality Improvement
- Lawrence Palinkas, University of Southern California
Association Between Inter-organizational Consensus on Use of Research Evidence and Stage of Implementation of an Evidence-based Practice
Global D&I Research Moderator: Melanie Bacon, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Speakers: - Maureen Dobbins, McMaster University
Building Capacity for Evidence-informed Decision Making in Canadian Public Health
- Theresa Hoke, FHI 360
Serving the Contraceptive Needs of HIV-positive women in Africa: The Need for a Health Systems Focus
- Keng-Yen Huang, New York University
Use of Task-Shifting to Scale-up Child Mental Health Services in Low-Resource Ugandan Schools: Role of Contextual Factors on Program Implementation
- Shan Qiao, Northwestern University
Individual Attitude Toward Innovation, Occupational Stress and Social Support for Work among HIV Health Care Providers in Southwest China
Collaborative Learning and Supports to Implement Effective Mental Health Interventions Moderator: Amy Kilbourne, VA QUERI, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, University of Michigan Speakers: - Alicia Bunger, Ohio State University
Supporting Implementation through Collaborative Learning: Facilitating Access to Clinical Expertise
- David Goodrich, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System
Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Standard versus Enhanced Implementation Strategies for Improving Outreach to Persons with SMI: 12-Month Results
- Shari Hutchison, Community Care Behavioral Health
Adoption of Strategies to Improve Decision Support in Community Mental Health Centers
- Kate Sherman, New York State, Office of Mental Health
A HIT-supported, Multi-hospital Learning Collaborative to Reduce Cardiometabolic Risk in Antipsychotic Prescribing
Computational and Technical Approaches to Improve the Implementation of Prevention Programs Chair: C Hendricks Brown, Northwestern University Discussant: Craig PoVey, Utah Department of Human Services Panelists: - C Hendricks Brown, Northwestern University
- Arthur Hjorth, Northwestern University
- Carlos Gallo, Northwestern University
Improving Care Quality through Hybrid Implementation/Effectiveness Studies: Best Practices in Design, Methods, and Measures Chair: Amy Cohen, VA Greater Los Angeles and University of California, Los Angeles Discussant: Alexander Young, VA Greater Los Angeles and University of California, Los Angeles Panelists: - Alison Hamilton, VA Greater Los Angeles and University of California, Los Angeles
- Mona Ritchie, VA Mental Health QUERI and University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Testing a Comprehensive Model of Implementation and Sustained Use for EBTs for PTSD: A National Investigation in VA Residential Settings Chair: Joan Cook, Yale University Panelists: - Richard Thompson, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Paula Schnurr, Dartmouth University and National Center for PTSD
- Josef Ruzek, National Center for PTSD
Going to Scale: Dissemination and Implementation of EBPs Across Large Publicly-Funded Health Care Systems – Initiatives Targeting System-Level Change Chair: Stephen Crystal, Rutgers University Panelists: - Sheree Neese-Todd, Rutgers University
- Joel Cantor, Rutgers University
- Todd Gilmer, University of California, San Diego
5:30 p.m. | Poster Session |
Tuesday, December 9 |
8:00 a.m. | Weaving the D&I Research Tapestry: A Town Hall Forum |
| Moderator: David Chambers, Associate Director, Dissemination and Implementation Research, National Institute of Mental Health Speakers: - Mary Dixon-Woods, Professor of Medical Sociology, University of Leicester
- Karen Emmons, Director, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute
- Gregory Curfman, Executive Editor, The New England Journal of Medicine
- Steven Goodman, Professor of Medicine and Health Research and Policy, Stanford University
- Enola Proctor, Shanti K. Khinduka Distinguished Professor, Washington University in St. Louis
9:30 a.m. | Break
10:00 a.m. | Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
| Care Coordination and Prevention: Optimizing Interventions and Outcomes Moderator: Donna Jo McCloskey, National Institute of Nursing Research Speakers: - Joie Acosta, RAND
An Intervention to Improve Program Implementation: Findings from a Two-year Cluster Randomized Trial of Assets-Getting To Outcomes
- Yuhua Bao, Weill Cornell Medical College
Unpacking Collaborative Depression Care: Examining Two Essential Tasks for Implementation
- Matthew Chinman, RAND
A Novel Test of the GTO Implementation Support Intervention in Low Resource Settings: Year 1 Findings and Challenges
- Mary Janevic, University of Michigan
Adaptation Reconceptualized: “Retrofitting” Ongoing Organizational Activities with Essential Elements of Evidence-based Interventions
Improving D&I Training for Research and Practice Moderator: Belinda Sims, National Institute on Drug Abuse Speakers: - Donna Burton, University of South Florida
Transforming Research Education for Translational Science and Implementation of Evidence-based Practices
- Heidi Ekstrom, HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research
Development, Validation, and Dissemination of a Simulated Case-Based Diabetes Learning Tool for Primary Care Residents and Providers
- Brian Mittman, Department of Veterans Affairs, Kaiser Permanente Southern California, and University of California, Los Angeles
Expanding D&I Science Capacity and Activity within NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Programs: Guidance and Successful Models from National Leaders
- Margaret Padek, Washington University in St. Louis
Developing Dissemination and Implementation Competencies for Training Programs
D&I Research to Improve Mental Health Services Moderator: Denise Pintello, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Speakers: - Eric Bruns, University of Washington
How Research-Based is our Policy-Making? Implementation of Evidence-Based Treatments by State Behavioral Health Systems, 2001-2012
- Edith Kealey, New York State, Office of Mental Health
Organizational Factors Associated with Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices: Multiple Family Group Psychoeducation in New York State
- Lawrence Palinkas, University of Southern California
Influence of Organizational Role, Consensus and Innovation Status on Perceived Facilitators and Barriers to Adoption of Evidence-based Practices
- Peter Wyman, University of Rochester
A Method for Assessing Implementation Success of a Peer-Led Suicide Prevention Program
Juvenile Justice – Translating Research Interventions for Adolescents in the Legal System (JJ-TRIALS): A Multi-Site, Cooperative Implementation Science Chairs: Tisha Wiley and Dionne Jones, National Institute on Drug Abuse Discussant: Gregory Aarons, University of California, San Diego - John Bartkowski, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Steven Belenko, Temple University
- Angela Robertson, Mississippi State University
Innovative Methods for Using Expert Panels in Identifying Implementation Strategies and Obtaining Recommendations for Their Use Chair: Thomas Waltz, Eastern Michigan University Discussant: Enola Proctor, Washington University in St. Louis Panelists: - Byron Powell, University of Pennsylvania
- Thomas Waltz, Eastern Michigan University
- Monica Matthieu, Saint Louis University
Improving the Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain in Primary Care: Results of a Multifaceted Quality Improvement Initiative Chair: Daren Anderson, Weitzman Institute/Community Health Center, Inc. Panelists: - Daren Anderson, Weitzman Institute/Community Health Center, Inc.
- Ianita Zlateva, Weitzman Institute/Community Health Center, Inc.
- Brent Moore, VA Connecticut Healthcare System
Evaluation of an Implementation Facilitation Strategy for Settings that Experience Significant Implementation Barriers Chair: Mona Ritchie, VA Mental Health QUERI and University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Discussant: Amy Kilbourne, VA QUERI, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, University of Michigan Panelists: - JoAnn Kirchner, VA Mental Health QUERI, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Louise Parker, VA Mental Health QUERI, University of Massachusetts
11:30 a.m. | Poster Session
12:45 p.m. | Lunch RoundtablesTopic areas forthcoming.
2:00 p.m. | Concurrent Breakout Sessions |
| Advances in D&I Theory and Use of Evidence Moderator: Richard Putty, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Speakers: - Neelum Arya, University of California, Los Angeles
Policy Dismantling as Evidence-Based Practice
- Sarah Gollust, University of Minnesota
Mutual Distrust: Understanding and Bridging the Science to Policy Gap
- Marieke Hartman, University of Texas
Disseminating Evidence-based Interventions to New Populations: A Systematic Approach to Consider the Need for Adaptation
- Ozge Karanfil, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A Dynamic Model for Health Screening: Misperceptions, Feedback and Long Term Trends in Screening Mammography
- Prashant Mittal, University of Southern Maine
Implementing for Impact: Rearranging the American Health Landscape
- Elizabeth Neilson, National Institutes of Health, Office of Disease Prevention
Moving Research Into Practice: The Diffusion of Evidence-Based Recommendations Through Professional Societies
D&I Research to Reduce Disparities in Underserved Communities Moderator: Helena Mishoe, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Speakers: - Stella Gukasyan, AIDS Project Los Angeles
Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating the Patient Navigation Model: Filling the Gaps in the HIV Continuum of Care in Los Angeles County
- Kelli Komro, University of Florida
Implementation of a Multi-level Intervention in Underserved Communities: Prevention RCT in the Cherokee Nation
- Katrina Kubicek, Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Promotoras (Community Health Workers) Improve Heart Health among Latinos in Rural and Urban Settings
- Karin Johnson, MacColl Center for Healthcare Innovation
Time for Prevention: Workforce and Population Management Approaches to Implementing High-value Preventive Services in Primary Care
- Emily Mader, State University of New York Upstate Medical University
Practice Facilitation and Academic Detailing Improves Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates in Safety Net Primary Care Clinics
- Melissa Simon, Northwestern University
Community Navigators for Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening and Follow-up
Health Information Technologies: Opportunities to Optimize D&I Efforts Moderator: Christine Hunter, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Speakers: - Margaret Handley, University of California San Francisco
Coordinated Performance Measurement and Improvement Efforts in California’s Safety Net Systems: Early Experience and Lessons
- Rachel Gold, Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research
Impact of Implementing EHR-Based Diabetes Decision Support Tools In the Safety Net
- Cheryl Holt, University of Maryland, College Park
Using Technology for Improving Population Health: Comparing Classroom vs. Online Training for Peer Community Health Advisors in African American Churches
- Monika Kastner, St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto
A Knowledge Translation Tool Improved Osteoporosis Disease Management in Primary Care: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis
- D. Keith McInnes, VA New England Healthcare System
Disseminating Information Systems across the Atlantic: Collaboration between U.K. National Health Service and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Lori Orlando, Duke University
Lessons Learned from Pre-Implementation Activities to Integrate a Web-based Personalized Health Risk Assessment Program in Diverse Healthcare Settings
Organizational and Contextual Challenges in D&I Research: Harnessing Complexity Moderator: Suzanne Heurtin-Roberts, National Cancer Institute Speakers: - Carole Estabrooks, University of Alberta
Does Organizational Context Influence the Use of Best Practices by Healthcare Aides in Residential Long Term Care?
- Dorothy Hung, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute
Acceptance and Adoption of Lean Redesigns in Primary Care: A Contextual Analysis of Implementation Among Frontline Providers
- Simon Kitto, University of Toronto
Adapting the Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program (CUSP) to Improve Patient Outcomes in Intensive Care Units (ICUs)
- Rosa Lau, University College London
Effectiveness of Strategies to Facilitate Uptake or Implementation of Complex Interventions: a Systematic Review of Reviews
- Sarah Shoemaker, Abt Associates Inc.
Transforming into a Patient-Centered Medical Home: Understanding Facilitators, Barriers and Context from a Synthesis of Implementation Studies
- Sarah Szanton, Johns Hopkins University
Complexities and Actualization: Embedding a Home-based Functional Improvement Intervention Within a Medicaid Waiver
Innovations in D&I Research Methods and Measurement Moderator: Lori Ducharme, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Speakers: - Gregory Aarons, University of California, San Diego
Implementation Leadership: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Supervisor- Clinician Discrepancy in Ratings on the Implementation Leadership Scale (ILS)
- Ian Bennett, University of Pennsylvania
Creation and Evaluation of a Fidelity Measure of Collaborative Care for Maternal Depression in Federally Qualified Health Centers
- Caroline Emsermann, University of Colorado
Achieving a Well-Balanced Cluster Randomized Design
- Steve Makkar, Sax Institute
Using Conjoint Analysis to Develop SAGE: A Measure of Research Engagement Actions and Research Use in Health Policy
- Alison Hamilton, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System and University of California, Los Angeles
Conceptualizing and Measuring External Context in Implementation Science: Studying the Impacts of Regulatory, Fiscal, Technological and Social Change
- Lisa Saldana, Oregon Social Learning Center
Standardized Measurement of Implementation: The Universal SIC
Behavioral Health D&I Research Moderator: Kate Stoney, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Speakers: - Elizabeth Gifford, Substance Use Disorders QUERI, VA Palo Alto Health Care System
Implementation Outcomes in Context
- Hildi Hagedorn, Substance Use Disorders QUERI, Minneapolis VA Health Care System
Improving Access to Alcohol Use Disorder Pharmacotherapy and Treatment in Primary Care Settings
- Jennifer Johnson, Brown University
Implementation of Evidence-based Mental Health Practices in Criminal Justice Settings: Implications from a Hybrid Type I Cost-effectiveness Trial
- Bradley Karlin, Education Development Center and Johns Hopkins University
Impact, Lessons Learned and Implications from the National Dissemination of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies: Informing Research & Future D&I Directions
- Jason Lang, Child Health and Development Institute & University of Connecticut Health Center
Statewide Implementation & Sustainment of Evidence-Based Treatment using Learning Collaboratives: A Five-Year Mixed-Methods Study
- Sheree Neese-Todd, Rutgers University
Meaningful Antipsychotic Metrics for State Medicaid Programs: Strategies for Sustainable Change and Quality Mental Health Care
Transforming Systems, Maximizing Health, and Building Capacity for D&I Research Moderator: Kristen Huntley, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Speakers: - Rinad Beidas, University of Pennsylvania
Supporting Implementation Science Capacity in a University Setting
- Maureen Dobbins, McMaster University
Engaging Public Health Decision Makers in Partnership Research
- Agnes Kiragga, Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala
Nurse-targeted Care for HIV Positive Persons with CD4<100 Improved Time to ART Initiation and Retention in Uganda
- Susan Moore, Denver Health
Texting for Health in the Safety Net: Improving Health Promotion and Outreach
- Cindy Roberts-Gray, Third Coast R&D, Inc.
Measuring User Experience to Forecast Use & Sustainability of Behavior Change Interventions: Theory and Data from the Trial for Lunch is in the Bag
- Thomas Wickizer, Ohio State University
Health System Intervention: Back of the Envelope to Statewide Transformation of Occupational Health Care Delivery
3:30 p.m. | Break
4:00 p.m. | Maximizing the Relevance of D&I Research: Lessons from Systems, Communities, and Families |
| Moderator: Lisa Simpson, President and CEO, AcademyHealth Speakers: - Elizabeth Battaglino, CEO, HealthyWomen
- Jeffrey Kang, Senior Vice President of Health and Wellness Services and Solutions, Walgreens
- Matt Longjohn, Senior Director of Chronic Disease Prevention, YMCA of the USA
- David Pryor, Executive Vice President, Ascension Health
- William Tierney, Associate Dean for Clinical Effectiveness Research, Indiana University
5:30 p.m. | Conference Concludes |
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