domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Call for Posters: Genomics: the Power & the Promise (Ottawa, Canada) «

Call for Posters: Genomics: the Power & the Promise (Ottawa, Canada) «

conference room

Call for Posters: Genomics: the Power & the Promise (Ottawa, Canada)

Call for Poster Abstracts: Notice to all genomics & GE3LS research trainees
Genomics: The power & the promise
When: November 24-26, 2014
Where: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
LinkClick Here
Travel Awards are available to attend Genomics: the Power & the Promise, November 24-26, 2014, in Ottawa, hosted by Genome Canada and The Gairdner Foundation.
This conference will celebrate the achievements in genomics research in Canada and explore how the environment impacts human health and natural resources at the genomic* level, as well as related ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social considerations (i.e., GE3LS).
The purpose of the poster session is to create opportunities for trainees in all sectors (agriculture, energy, environment, fisheries, forestry, health, mining) as well as GE3LS to share their research with delegates. This is open to all trainees, and not restricted to Genome Canada funded research.
All poster abstracts will be reviewed by a committee after the August 1, 2014 deadline and up to 30 posters will be accepted for the conference. You will be notified by e-mail about whether or not your abstract has been accepted by mid-September 2014. Decisions of the selection committee are final.
Accepted abstracts will be published in a special edition of Genome, an international scientific journal published by the NRC Research Press that will also be distributed to conference delegates.
Travel Awards: travel, hotel and registration costs (including the Gala dinner) will be covered for all those who are selected to present a poster.
Deadline for Abstracts – August 1, 2014
The competition is open to trainees in Canada (e.g., graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, clinical fellows) from all sectors, and is not restricted to Genome Canada funded research.
Abstracts must be on genomics* or GE3LS research.
*includes related disciplines such as bioinformatics, epigenomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, nutrigenomics, pharmacogenomics, proteomics and transcriptomics.
Abstract Instructions
Submit your abstract using this ONLINE FORM
A maximum of 350 words may be used
No tables, graphs or structural formulae may be included
Abstracts must be submitted in English (for review purposes)
Abstracts must describe in a succinct manner the purpose and results of the research so that the quality, originality and comprehensiveness of the work can be evaluated by the Review Committee. Each abstract should contain:
Objectives: State the purpose and goals of the study.
Methods: Briefly discuss the methodology used, including the type of data analysis.
Results: Describe as clearly as possible the key observations, findings, and outcomes of the study.
Conclusion: Briefly discuss the significance and potential impact of the research; posters related to genomics must include a GE3LS aspect most relevant to the application of their results.
Poster Prizes
All posters presented at the conference will – unless the presenter specifically requests otherwise – be considered for cash prizes. Prizes will be awarded for excellence, relevance, quality of the research and overall presentation.
Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three genomics posters, and the highest ranking GE3LS poster. The decisions of the judges are final. Winners will be announced and presented at the Gala Dinner, in the Trillium Ballroom of the Ottawa Convention Centre, on November 25, 2014.
Poster Requirements
Specifics of poster size and other logistical details will be communicated directly to those whose poster abstracts are accepted.

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