domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

SAMHSA News - Fall 2014

SAMHSA News - Fall 2014


SAMHSA Releases New Strategic Plan
SAMHSA just released "Leading Change 2.0" its strategic plan for fiscal years 2015 to 2018. Check out the six Strategic Initiatives that will support and promote behavioral health across the nation!
Serious Mental Illness: A New Block Grant Priority
Serious Mental Illness: A New Block Grant Priority
People with a serious mental illness typically experience the first signs during adolescence or early adulthood. Yet long intervals frequently occur before they receive assistance. SAMHSA is helping states use part of their Community Mental Health Services Block Grant to address the need.
"Crisis Response": An Alternative
Hospital emergency rooms are not the only option when a mental health crisis occurs. Learn more about crisis services that offer an array of prevention and response alternatives.
Link Between Underage Substance Use and Problems in Adulthood
Link Between Underage Substance Use and Problems in Adulthood
New findings show that using alcohol early in life can increase the odds of substance use issues in adulthood. SAMHSA programs and resources are available to prevent and reduce youth drug use.
National Survey Shows Decline in Youth Substance Use
National Survey Shows Decline in Youth Substance Use
SAMHSA's 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows areas of continued improvement – especially for youth.
States and Federal Efforts Curb Tobacco Sales to Minors
States and Federal Efforts Curb Tobacco Sales to Minors
SAMHSA's recently released annual report on federal and state efforts to comply with the Synar Regulation show that all states continue to meet their goals of reducing illegal tobacco sales to minors.
Experts Convene on Bullying Prevention
Experts Convene on Bullying Prevention
Looking for ways to prevent bullying? The Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summit highlighted successful strategies and resources to prevent bullying and promote a positive school climate.
Prevent Bullying – the Smart(phone) Way
Prevent Bullying – the Smart(phone) Way
The new KnowBullying app from SAMHSA provides parents and caregivers with information about bullying, warning signs, conversation starters to talk with children, and tips for working with schools.
New SAMHSA Office of Tribal Affairs and Policy
New SAMHSA Office of Tribal Affairs and Policy
A new SAMHSA Office of Tribal Affairs and Policy focuses on reducing behavioral health disparities among American Indian/Alaska Native populations.
25th Recovery Month Offers Resources, Statistics
25th Recovery Month Offers Resources, Statistics
Recovery Month featured the release of new study findings and SAMHSA resources to address important behavioral health issues.
View from the Administrator: Solving the Workforce Crisis
New Resources and SAMHSA Events
New Resources and SAMHSA Events
Check out SAMHSA’s latest resources and recent events.

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