Dear Partners
The Third Open Enrollment Period for 2016 had come to a close! We are happy to report that, thanks in part to the hard work and dedication of many faith-based and community partners around the country, 12.7 million Americans have selected affordable, quality health plans for 2016 coverage through the Marketplace. Thanks to partners who held enrollment events, worked phone banks, tweeted, blogged, hosted webinars and promoted materials and information through their newsletters and social media, millions of new people enrolled, and more customers came back to the Marketplace and actively selected a new plan relative to last year. The Affordable Care Act has become a crucial part of health care in America, and families across our country have the health and financial security that health coverage provides. We hope you will join as we now strive to move folks from “Coverage to Care” and help people with new health care coverage understand their benefits and connect to primary care and the preventive services that are right for them, so they can live long and healthy lives.
In this newsletter, we include information about upcoming webinars on viral hepatitis as well as strengthening child care and pre-K programming. On these and so many issues that we work on through HHS, we are excited to connect and work with you in the year ahead.
Acacia Bamberg Salatti, Director
Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Health Ministers Can Empower Congregants to Respond to Viral Hepatitis and Liver Cancer
Thursday, February 18 at 11:30 AM EST
(10:30 am CT, 9:30 am MT, 8:30 am PT)
Viral hepatitis is a leading cause of liver cancer in the U.S. In 2013, more people died of hepatitis C than all 60 other infectious diseases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) combined. These outcomes are preventable if people are aware of their status and take action.. On this webinar, cohosted by our Center and the Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy, speakers will highlight opportunities for screening, linkage to care, and curative treatment, as well free resources and strategies to connect communities around May awareness events and to achieve the goals of the national Viral Hepatitis Action Plan.
Supporting High Quality Services and Preventing Expulsions in Faith-based and Community Early Childhood Programs
Wednesday, February 24 at 1:30 PM EST
(12:30 PM CT, 11:30 am MT, 10:30 am PT)
The beginning years of any child’s life are critical for to building the early foundation of learning, health, and wellness needed for success in school and later in life. This webinar will increase awareness of the expulsion and suspension issues in early childhood settings, and spotlight policies and practices that support healthy development. Participants will learn how they can help strengthen the overall quality of child care and pre-K programs to ensure the best services possible for children in their community. Dr. Walter Gilliam, Director of the Zigler Child Policy Center at Yale and a leading researcher on child development and early childhood education will be a featured presenter on the webinar.
National African American History Month: Preparing Communities through Partnerships
Thursday, February 25 at 1:00 PM EST
(12:00 PM CT, 11:00 am MT, 10:00 am PT)
In celebration of National African American History Month, FEMA’s Individual and Community Preparedness Division invites you to a webinar focusing on engaging the public on nationwide disaster preparedness and resilience efforts serving African American communities.
Grant Opportunities
Communities Addressing Childhood Trauma (ACT)
Description: This grant seeks to address unhealthy behaviors in minority youth and provide them with opportunities to learn coping skills and gain experiences that contribute to more positive lifestyles and enhance their capacity to make healthier life choices.
Application Deadline: April 18, 2016
Grant Administered by: Office of Minority Health within the Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS
Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program: Implementation and Expansion Grants
Description: Funds will support 5-year grants (cooperative agreements) between the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and federally-recognized Indian tribes (or a consortium of Indian tribes), tribal organizations, or urban Indian organizations that are currently operating an evidence-based home visiting program and propose to sustain and/or expand their established infrastructure for home visiting services in tribal communities.
Application Deadline: March 23, 2016
Grant Administered by: Office of Child Care within the Administration for Children and Families, HHS
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