Statistical Brief | Title |
#217 | Burn-Related Hospital Inpatient Stays and Emergency Department Visits, 2013 (PDF file, 224 KB; HTML) |
#216 | Trends in Emergency Department Visits Involving Mental and Substance Use Disorders, 2006-2013 (PDF file, 174 KB; HTML); Appendix (PDF file, 139 KB). |
#215 | Trends in Hospitalizations With a Red Blood Cell Transfusion, 2000-2013 (PDF file, 236 KB; HTML). |
#214 | Trends in Hysterectomies and Oophorectomies in Hospital Inpatient and Ambulatory Settings, 2005-2013 (PDF file, 192 KB; HTML). |
#213 | Characteristics of Safety-Net Hospitals, 2014 (PDF file, 190 KB; HTML). |
#212 | Hospital-, Health Care-, and Community-Acquired MRSA: Estimates From California Hospitals, 2013 (PDF file, 132 KB; HTML). |
#211 | Variation in the Rate of Cesarean Section Across U.S. Hospitals, 2013 (PDF file, 180 KB; HTML). |
#210 | Characteristics of Hospital Stays Involving Malnutrition, 2013 (PDF file, 261 KB; HTML). Infographic (PDF file, 734 KB; HTML). |
#209 | Geographic Variation in Hospital Inpatient List Prices in the United States, 2013 (PDF file, 594 KB; HTML). |
#208 | Teen Hospital Stays for Childbirth, 2004-2013 (PDF file, 594 KB; HTML). |
#207 | Sports-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Inpatient Stays, 2013 (PDF file, 651 KB; HTML). |
#206 | HIV Hospital Stays in the United States, 2006-2013 (PDF file, 481 KB; HTML). |
#205 | An All-Payer View of Hospital Discharge to Postacute Care, 2013 (PDF file, 306 KB; HTML). |
#204 | National Inpatient Hospital Costs: The Most Expensive Conditions by Payer, 2013 (PDF file, 308 KB; HTML). |
#203 | Emergency Department Visits for Children and Young Adults With Diabetes, 2012 (PDF file, 482 KB; HTML). |
#202 | Mental and Substance Use Disorders Among Hospitalized Teenagers, 2012 (PDF file, 504 KB; HTML). |
#201 | Trends in Bilateral and Unilateral Mastectomies in Hospital Inpatient and Ambulatory Settings, 2005-2013 (PDF file, 439 KB; HTML). |
#200 | Procedures to Treat Benign Uterine Fibroids in Hospital Inpatient and Hospital-Based Ambulatory Surgery Settings, 2013 (PDF file, 342 KB; HTML). |
#199 | All-Cause Readmissions by Payer and Age, 2009-2013 (PDF file, 342 KB; HTML). |
#198 | Hospital Stays in Medicare Advantage Plans Versus the Traditional Medicare Fee-for-Service Program, 2013 (PDF file, 294 KB; HTML). |
#197 | Characteristics and Quality of Inpatient Stays at Hospitals Affiliated With Health Systems, 2009-2012 (PDF file, 360 KB; HTML). |
#196 | Trends in Hospital Readmissions for Four High-Volume Conditions, 2009-2013 (PDF file, 625 KB; HTML). |
#195 | Trends in Potentially Preventable Inpatient Hospital Admissions and Emergency Department Visits (PDF file, 152 KB; HTML). |
#194 | Trends in Observed Adult Inpatient Mortality for High-Volume Conditions, 2002-2012 (PDF file, 152 KB; HTML). |
#193 | Neonatal and Maternal Hospital Stays Related to Substance Use, 2006-2012 (PDF file, 175 KB; HTML). Infographic (PDF file, 256 KB; HTML). |
#192 | Potentially Preventable Pediatric Hospital Inpatient Stays for Asthma and Diabetes, 2003-2012 (PDF file, 152 KB; HTML). |
#191 | Hospitalizations Involving Mental and Substance Use Disorders Among Adults, 2012 (PDF file, 221 KB; HTML). |
#190 | Characteristics of Hospital Stays for Super-Utilizers by Payer, 2012 (PDF file, 149 KB; HTML). |
#189 | Hospital Readmissions Involving Psychiatric Disorders, 2012 (PDF file, 146 KB; HTML). |
#188 | Surgeries in Hospital-Owned Outpatient Facilities, 2012 (PDF file, 219 KB; HTML). Infographic (PDF file, 1.0 MB; HTML). |
#187 | Overview of Hospital Stays for Children in the United States, 2012 (PDF file, 188 KB; HTML). |
#186 | Most Frequent Operating Room Procedures Performed in U.S. Hospitals, 2003-2012 (PDF file, 192 KB; HTML). |
#185 | Utilization of Intensive Care Services, 2011 (PDF file, 140 KB; HTML). |
#184 | Characteristics of Hospital Stays for Nonelderly Medicaid Super-Utilizers, 2012 (PDF file, 117 KB; HTML). |
#183 | Trends and Projections in Hospital Stays for Adults With Multiple Chronic Conditions, 2003-2014 (PDF file, 192 KB; HTML). |
#182 | Characteristics of Medicaid and Uninsured Hospitalizations, 2012 (PDF file, 192 KB; HTML). |
#181 | Costs for Hospital Stays in the United States, 2012 (PDF file, 168 KB; HTML). |
#180 | Overview of Hospital Stays in the United States, 2012 (PDF file, 204 KB; HTML). |
#179 | Trends in Emergency Department Visits, 2006-2011 (PDF file, 120 KB; HTML). |
#178 | Geographic Variation in Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations for Acute and Chronic Conditions, 2005-2011 (PDF file, 158 KB; HTML). |
#177 | Hospital Inpatient Utilization Related to Opioid Overuse Among Adults, 1993-2012 (PDF file, 158 KB; HTML). |
#176 | Trends and Projections in U.S. Hospital Costs by Patient Age, 2003-2013 (PDF file, 201 KB; HTML). |
#175 | Trends and Projections in Inpatient Hospital Costs and Utilization, 2003-2013 (PDF file, 346 KB; HTML). |
#174 | Overview of Emergency Department Visits in the United States, 2011 (PDF file, 168 KB; HTML). |
#173 | Complicating Conditions Associated With Childbirth, by Delivery Method and Payer, 2011 (PDF file, 204 KB; HTML). |
#172 | Conditions With the Largest Number of Adult Hospital Readmissions by Payer, 2011 (PDF file, 129 KB; HTML). |
#171 | Trends in Operating Room Procedures in U.S. Hospitals, 2001-2011 (PDF file, 125 KB; HTML). |
#170 | Characteristics of Operating Room Procedures in U.S. Hospitals, 2011 (PDF file, 132 KB; HTML). |
#169 | Trends in Pediatric and Adult Hospital Stays for Asthma, 2000-2010 (PDF file, 144 KB; HTML). |
#168 | Costs for Hospital Stays in the United States, 2011 (PDF file, 179 KB; HTML). |
#167 | Emergency Department Visits for Adults with Diabetes, 2010 (PDF file, 138 KB; HTML). |
#166 | Overview of Hospital Stays in the United States, 2011 (PDF file, 138 KB; HTML). |
#165 | Most Frequent Procedures Performed in U.S. Hospitals, 2011 (PDF file, 167 KB; HTML). |
#164 | Characteristics of Adverse Drug Events Originating During the Hospital Stay, 2011 (PDF file, 127 KB; HTML). Infographic (PDF file, 1.3 MB; HTML). |
#163 | Hospital Stays for Newborns, 2011 (PDF file, 132 KB; HTML). |
#162 | Most Frequent Conditions in U.S. Hospitals, 2011 (PDF file, 147 KB; HTML). |
#161 | Trends in Septicemia Hospitalizations and Readmissions in Selected HCUP States, 2005 and 2010 (PDF file, 150 KB; HTML). |
#160 | National Inpatient Hospital Costs: The Most Expensive Conditions by Payer, 2011 (PDF file, 135 KB; HTML). Infographic (PDF file, 275 KB; HTML). |
#159 | Trends in Rates of Perforated Appendix, 2001-2010 (PDF file, 304 KB; HTML). |
#158 | Origin of Adverse Drug Events in U.S. Hospitals, 2011 (PDF file, 125 KB; HTML); Appendix (PDF file, 192 KB). |
#157 | Overview of Children in the Emergency Department, 2010 (PDF file, 126 KB; HTML). |
#156 | Causes of Injuries Treated in the Emergency Department, 2010 (PDF file, 129 KB; HTML). |
#155 | Emergency Department Transfers to Acute Care Facilities, 2009 (PDF file, 167 KB; HTML). |
#154 | Readmissions to U.S. Hospitals by Procedure, 2010 (PDF file, 198 KB; HTML). Infographic (PDF file, 258 KB; HTML). |
#153 | Readmissions to U.S. Hospitals by Diagnosis, 2010 (PDF file, 319 KB; HTML). Infographic (PDF file, 258 KB; HTML). |
#152 | Characteristics of Homeless and Non-Homeless Individuals Using Inpatient and Emergency Department Services, 2008 (PDF file, 236 KB; HTML). |
#151 | Trends in Potentially Preventable Hospital Admissions among Adults and Children, 2005-2010 (PDF file, 236 KB; HTML). |
#150 | Infectious Enteritis and Foodborne Illness in the United States, 2010 (PDF file, 417 KB; HTML). |
#149 | Most Frequent Procedures Performed in U.S. Hospitals, 2010 (PDF file, 218 KB; HTML). |
#148 | Most Frequent Conditions in U.S. Hospitals, 2010 (PDF file, 208 KB; HTML). |
#147 | Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Inpatient Stays for Seasonal and 2009 H1N1 Influenza, 2008-2009 (PDF file, 480 KB; HTML). |
#146 | Costs for Hospital Stays in the United States, 2010 (PDF file, 741 KB; HTML). |
#145 | Readmissions following Hospitalizations with Clostridium difficile Infections, 2009 (PDF file, 220 KB; HTML). |
#144 | Overview of Hospital Stays in the United States, 2010 (PDF file, 469 KB; HTML). |
#143 | Emergency Department Visits for Dental-Related Conditions, 2009 (PDF file, 665 KB; HTML). |
#142 | Post-Surgical Readmissions among Patients Living in the Poorest Communities, 2009 (PDF file, 356 KB; HTML). |
#141 | Transitions between Nursing Homes and Hospitals in the Elderly Population, 2009 (PDF file, 261 KB; HTML). |
#140 | Readmissions for Heart Attack, 2009 (PDF file, 109 KB; HTML). |
#139 | Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Admissions for Kidney Stone Disease, 2009 (PDF file, 102 KB; HTML). |
#138 | Obesity in Children: Hospitalizations from 2000 to 2009 (PDF file, 199 KB; HTML). |
#137 | Obesity-Related Hospitalizations, 2004 versus 2009 (PDF file, 161 KB; HTML). |
#136 | Hospital Visits in the U.S. for Firearm-Related Injuries, 2009 (PDF file, 183 KB; HTML). |
#135 | Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Inpatient Stays for Bicycle-Related Injuries, 2009 (PDF file, 183 KB; HTML). |
#134 | Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations Associated with Animal Injuries, 2009 (PDF file, 263 KB; HTML). |
#133 | Components of Cost Increases for Inpatient Hospital Procedures, 1997–2009 (PDF file, 251 KB; HTML). |
#132 | Pediatric Cancer Hospitalizations, 2009 (PDF file, 115 KB; HTML). |
#131 | Complicating Conditions of Vaginal Deliveries and Cesarean Sections, 2009 (PDF file, 285 KB; HTML). |
#130 | Emergency Department Visits and Inpatient Hospital Stays for All-Terrain-Vehicle-Related Injuries, 2009 (PDF file, 270 KB; HTML). |
#129 | Rates of Obstetric Trauma, 2009 (PDF file, 152 KB; HTML). |
#128 | Hospital Stays with Cardiac Stents, 2009 (PDF file, 134 KB; HTML). |
#127 | 30-Day Readmissions following Hospitalizations for Chronic vs. Acute Conditions, 2008 (PDF file, 148 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#126 | Circumcisions Performed in U.S. Community Hospitals, 2009 (PDF file, 146 KB; HTML). |
#125 | Cancer Hospitalizations for Adults, 2009 (PDF file, 215 KB; HTML). |
#124 | Clostridium difficile Infections (CDI) in Hospital Stays, 2009 (PDF file, 412 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#123 | Components of Growth in Inpatient Hospital Costs, 1997-2009 (PDF file, 327 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#122 | Septicemia in U.S. Hospitals, 2009 (PDF file, 406 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#121 | Readmissions for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 2008 (PDF file, 251 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#120 | An Update on Hospitalizations for Eating Disorders, 1999 to 2009 (PDF file, 206 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#119 | Emergency Department Visits for Injuries Caused by Air and Paintball Guns, 2008 (PDF file, 111 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#118 | Hospital Stays for Children, 2009 (PDF file, 121 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#117 | State Variation in Inpatient Hospitalizations for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Conditions, 2002-2008 (PDF file, 215 KB; HTML). |
#116 | Emergency Department Visits in Rural and Non-Rural Community Hospitals, 2008 (PDF file, 189 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#115 | All-Cause Readmissions by Payer and Age, 2008 (PDF file, 141 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#114 | Sports Related Concussions, 2008 (PDF file, 144 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#113 | Complicating Conditions of Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2008 (PDF file, 289 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#112 | Emergency Department Visits Related to Eye Injuries, 2008 (PDF file, 311 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#111 | Headaches in U.S. Hospitals and Emergency Departments, 2008 (PDF file, 217 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#110 | Hospitalizations Related to Childbirth, 2008 (PDF file, 211 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#109 | Medication-Related Adverse Outcomes in U.S. Hospitals and Emergency Departments, 2008 (PDF file, 814 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#108 | Uninsured Hospital Stays, 2008 (PDF file, 199 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#107 | The National Hospital Bill: The Most Expensive Conditions by Payer, 2008 (PDF file, 760 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#106 | Overview of Hospitalizations among Patients with COPD, 2008 (PDF file, 247 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#105 | Emergency Department Visits and Inpatient Stays Related to Back Problems, 2008 (PDF file, 322 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#104 | Medicaid Hospitalizations, 2008 (PDF file, 421 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#103 | Hospital Utilization among Oldest Adults, 2008 (PDF file, 295 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#102 | Hospitalizations Related to Diabetes in Pregnancy, 2008 (PDF file, 121 KB); HTML). News Brief |
#101 | Emergency Department Visits and Inpatient Stays Involving Dog Bites, 2008 (PDF file, 149 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#100 | Emergency Department Visits for Adults in Community Hospitals, 2008 (PDF file, 225 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#99 | Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations for Acute and Chronic Conditions, 2008 (PDF file, 152 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#98 | Trends in Hospital Risk-Adjusted Mortality for Select Diagnoses by Patient Subgroups, 2000-2007 (PDF file, 207 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#97 | Most Expensive Hospitalizations, 2008 (PDF file, 161 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#96 | Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations among Medicare-Medicaid Dual Eligibles, 2008 (PDF file, 178 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#95 | Public Hospitals in the United States, 2008 (PDF file, 154 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#94 | Adult Hospital Stays with Infections Due to Medical Care, 2007 (PDF file, 162 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#93 | Hospital Stays for Patients with Diabetes, 2008 (PDF file, 162 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#92 | Mental Health and Substance Abuse-Related Emergency Department Visits among Adults, 2007 (PDF file, 279 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#91 | Diagnostic Groups with Rapidly Increasing Costs, by Payer, 2001-2007 (PDF file, 213 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#90 | Hospital Readmissions and Multiple Emergency Department Visits, in Selected States, 2006-2007 (PDF file, 182 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#89 | All-Cause Hospital Readmissions among Non-Elderly Medicaid Patients, 2007 (PDF file, 150 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#88 | Trends in Uninsured Hospital Stays, 1998–2007 (PDF file, 213 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#87 | Characteristics of Weekday and Weekend Hospital Admissions, 2007 (PDF file, 270 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#86 | Hospital-Based Ambulatory Surgery, 2007 (PDF file, 277 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#85 | Inpatient Stays in Rural Hospitals, 2007 (PDF file, 215 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#84 | Emergency Department Visits Associated with Motor Vehicle Accidents, 2006 (PDF file, 231 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#83 | Potentially Preventable Hospitalization Rates Declined for Older Adults, 2003–2007 (PDF file, 190 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#82 | Procedures with the Most Rapidly Increasing Hospital Costs, 2004–2007 (PDF file, 139 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#81 | The Costs of End-of-Life Hospitalizations, 2007 (PDF file, 149 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#80 | Emergency Department Visits for Injurious Falls among the Elderly, 2006 (PDF file, 264 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#79 | Hospital Utilization among Near-Elderly Adults, Ages 55 to 64 Years, 2007 (PDF file, 237 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#78 | Hospitalizations in which Patients Leave the Hospital against Medical Advice (AMA), 2007 (PDF file, 167 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#77 | Payers of Emergency Department Care, 2006 (PDF file, 105 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#76 | U.S. Hospitalizations Involving Osteoporosis and Injury, 2006 (PDF file, 134 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#75 | Sports Injuries in Children Requiring Hospital Emergency Care, 2006 (PDF file, 123 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#74 | Potentially Avoidable Injuries to Mothers and Newborns During Childbirth, 2006 (PDF file, 232 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#73 | Hospital Stays among People Living in the Poorest Communities, 2006 (PDF file, 228 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#72 | Nationwide Frequency and Costs of Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations, 2006 (PDF file, 133 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#71 | Hospitalizations Related to Childbirth, 2006 (PDF file, 373 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#70 | Hospitalizations for Eating Disorders from 1999 to 2006 (PDF file, 109 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#69 | Hospitalizations for Colorectal Cancer, 2006 (PDF file, 139 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#68 | Hospitalizations for Brain Cancer, 2006 (PDF file, 146 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#67 | Trends in Uninsured Hospital Stays, 1997 - 2006 (PDF file, 154 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#66 | Medicare Hospital Stays: Comparisons between the Fee-for-Service Plan and Alternative Plans, 2006 (PDF file, 187 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#65 | Hospitalizations for Gastrointestinal Bleeding in 1998 and 2006 (PDF file, 150 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#64 | Hospitalizations Related to Pressure Ulcers among Adults 18 Years and Older, 2006 (PDF file, 195 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#63 | Hospital Stays for Lung Cancer, 2006 (PDF file, 143 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#62 | Hospital Stays Related to Mental Health, 2006 (PDF file, 145 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#61 | Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations among Hispanic Adults, 2006 (PDF file, 141 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#60 | Tuberculosis Stays in U.S. Hospitals, 2006 (PDF file, 131 KB; HTML). |
#59 | The National Hospital Bill: The Most Expensive Conditions by Payer, 2006 (PDF file, 214 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#58 | Hospital Stays Related to Asthma for Children, 2006 (PDF file, 130 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#57 | Meningitis-Related Hospitalizations in the United States, 2006 (PDF file, 171 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#56 | Hospital Stays for Children, 2006 (PDF file, 192 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#55 | Hospital Stays Resulting from Excessive Heat and Cold Exposure Due to Weather Conditions in U.S. Community Hospitals, 2005 (PDF file, 207 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#54 | Hospital Stays Related to Asthma for Adults, 2005 (PDF file, 177 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#53 | Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Hospital Patient Safety Events, 2005 (PDF file, 209 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#52 | Pediatric Emergency Department Visits in Community Hospitals from Selected States, 2005 (PDF file, 247 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#51 | Hospital Stays for Stroke and Other Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2005 (PDF file, 208 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#50 | Clostridium Difficile-Associated Disease in U.S. Hospitals, 1993-2005 (PDF file, 199 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#49 | Hospital Stays Related to Child Maltreatment, 2005 (PDF file, 191 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#48 | Violence-Related Stays in U.S. Hospitals, 2005 (PDF file, 178 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#47 | Emergency Department Visits for Adults in Community Hospitals from Selected States, 2005 (PDF file, 243 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#46 | Hospitalizations for Epilepsy and Convulsions, 2005 (PDF file, 255 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#45 | Circumcisions Performed in U.S. Community Hospitals, 2005 (PDF file, 212 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#44 | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Hospitalizations in 1998 and 2005 (PDF file, 1,132 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#43 | Hospital Stays Involving Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease, 2005 (PDF file, 171 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#42 | The National Hospital Bill: Growth Trends and 2005 Update on the Most Expensive Conditions by Payer (PDF file, 391 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#41 | HIV Hospitalizations in 1998 and 2005 (PDF file, 196 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#40 | Hospital Stays Related to Depression, 2005 (PDF file, 176 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#39 | Hospitalizations Related to Drug Abuse, 2005 (PDF file, 209 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#38 | Trends in Hospital Risk-Adjusted Mortality for Select Diagnoses and Procedures, 1994-2004 (PDF file, 167 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#37 | Pediatric Hospital Stays for Cancer, 2005 (PDF file, 187 KB; HTML). |
#36 | Trends in Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations among Adults and Children, 1997-2004 (PDF file, 199 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#35 | Infections with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) in U.S. Hospitals, 1993–2005 (PDF file, 188 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#34 | Hospital Stays Involving Musculoskeletal Procedures, 1997–2005 (PDF file, 164 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#33 | Reasons for Being Admitted to the Hospital through the Emergency Department for Children and Adolescents, 2004 (PDF file, 173 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#32 | Hospital Admissions That Began in the Emergency Department for Children and Adolescents, 2004 (PDF file, 142 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#31 | Childbirth-Related Hospitalizations among Adolescent Girls, 2004 (PDF file, 171 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#30 | Hospital Stays for Prostate Cancer, 2004 (PDF file, 166 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#29 | Adverse Drug Events in U.S. Hospitals, 2004 (PDF file, 228 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#28 | Procedures with the Most Rapidly Increasing Hospital Costs, 2000–2004 (PDF file, 332 KB; HTML). |
#27 | Hospital Admissions for Traumatic Brain Injuries, 2004 (PDF file, 174 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#26 | Hospital Stays for Circulatory Diseases, 2004 (PDF file, 170 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#25 | Hospital Stays for Burns, 2004 (PDF file, 173 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#24 | Hospitalizations for Birth Defects, 2004 (PDF file, 1,068 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#23 | Bariatric Surgery Utilization and Outcomes in 1998 and 2004 (PDF file, 190 KB; HTML). |
#22 | Hospital Stays for Cervical Cancer, 2004 (PDF file, 184 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#21 | Sickle Cell Disease Patients in U.S. Hospitals, 2004 (PDF file, 160 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#20 | Obese Patients in U.S. Hospitals, 2004 (PDF file, 163 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#19 | Common Injuries That Result in Hospitalization, 2004 (PDF file, 206 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#18 | Frequency and Cost of Hospital Admissions for Injury, 2004 (PDF file, 123 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#17 | Hospital Stays among Patients with Diabetes, 2004 (PDF file, 147 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#16 | Hospital Stays for Influenza, 2004 (PDF file, 189 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#15 | Hospital Stays for Breast Cancer, 2004 (PDF file, 159 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#14 | Trends in Elderly Hospitalizations, 1997–2004 (PDF file, 160 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#13 | The National Hospital Bill: The Most Expensive Conditions, by Payer, 2004 (PDF file, 307 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#12 | Hospital Stays for Gastrointestinal Diseases, 2004 (PDF file, 178 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#11 | Hospitalizations Related to Childbirth, 2003 (PDF file, 152 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#10 | Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations, 2003 (PDF file, 170 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#9 | Hospitalizations among Males, 2003 (PDF file, 380 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#8 | Conditions Related to Uninsured Hospitalizations, 2003 (PDF file, 301 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#7 | Uninsured Hospitalizations, 2003 (PDF file, 314 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#6 | Hospitalizations in the Elderly Population, 2003 (PDF file, 340 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#5 | Hospitalizations for Women with Circulatory Disease, 2003 (PDF file, 327 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#4 | Hospitalizations for Alcohol Abuse Disorders, 2003 (PDF file, 311 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#3 | Hospitalizations Related to Pressure Sores, 2003 (PDF file, 319 KB; HTML). News Brief |
#2 | Reasons for Being Admitted to the Hospital through the Emergency Department, 2003 (PDF file, 296 KB; HTML). |
#1 | Hospital Admissions That Began in the Emergency Department, 2003 (PDF file, 292 KB; HTML). |
sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016
HCUP-US Statistical Briefs Chronological
HCUP-US Statistical Briefs Chronological

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