jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016

NIAID Funding News, December 7, 2016


December 7, 2016 NIAID Funding News

Feature Articles 

Take an Early Look at FY 2016 Application and Award Totals

NIAID received more research project grant applications in fiscal year 2016 than ever before, and since we set NIAID’s Research Project Grant (R01) payline higher than it’s been since FY 2006, we also saw the highest success rate for R01-equivalent applications of the past five years.

Opportunities and Resources

An Opportunity for Establishing Systems Biology Centers for Infectious Diseases

As part of NIAID's Systems Biology for Infectious Diseases Research program, a new funding opportunity announcement seeks applications to establish Systems Biology Centers for infectious diseases.

Develop Tools To Advance Therapeutic Discovery for Select Antimicrobial-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria

To facilitate therapeutic discovery for select Gram-negative bacterial pathogens, a recent R01 funding opportunity announcement seeks applications for milestone-driven research projects focused on developing and using novel predictive assays, models, and/or research tools based on penetration and efflux of small molecules.

In The News

NIH To Enhance the Grant Closeout Process Next Month

Effective January 1, 2017, NIH will replace the Final Progress Report with a Final Research Performance Progress Report, which grantees will be able to complete and submit through a new eRA Commons module.

Institutions: Apply for Administrative Supplements To Cover Stipend Increases

On December 1, 2016, NIH raised stipend levels for postdoctoral recipients of NIH institutional training and individual fellowship awards.

Help Shape NIH Strategies for Data Management and Sharing

To further develop priorities for data management, sharing, and citation, as well as strategies for expanding the Data Sharing Policy, NIH issued a request for information soliciting public feedback on data sharing stewardship.

News Briefs

Advice Corner

To Name or Not To Name

In your application, we advise you to name only formal co-investigators, consultants, and collaborators as key personnel. Avoid the temptation to list largely uninvolved people or suggest reviewers.

Reader Questions

New Funding Opportunities

See other announcements at Opportunities & Announcements.
Send suggestions or comments to deaweb@niaid.nih.gov.

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