viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

Read our BMC series journals on Health Sciences

The BMC-series journals
Biomed Central

The BMC-series journals


Given your expertise in health science research, we have selected the following articles from our open access BMC series journals, showcasing relevant and highly accessed research. We hope you find these interesting, and that you will consider publishing your research with one of our BMC series journals below.
Please also take a look at our BMC series blog for news, opinion and perspectives from our staff, journal Editors, and many guest bloggers.

Read Highly Accessed Articles

Understanding how dogs encourage and motivate walking: cross-sectional findings from RESIDE
Understanding how dogs encourage and motivate walking: cross-sectional findings from RESIDE 
C. Westgarth, M. Knuiman and H. E. Christian

Highlighting Public Health 
This year BioMed Central brought together relevant article content in support of World Diabetes Day, Monday 14th NovemberBMC Nutrition was amongst some of the journals within the BMC series who showcased some of its most highly accessed and relevant journal articles. Click here to see their support.
Click here to also take a quick quiz and test your knowledge on diabetes.

Highlighting Public Health 
BMC Public Health features on our Public Health page which showcases all content to do with public health, as selected by out editors.

The journal was highlighted on the BioMed Central stand at this year’s APHA conference, as well as at the 9thEuropean Public Health Conference.
Read the blog for BMC Public Health by our Editor, Natalie Pafitis, on APHA 2016 highlights: Zika epidemic, suicide, and prescription drug overdose

Highlighting Public Health 
BMC Medical Ethics currently has an on-going article collection on ‘Translation in Healthcare: ethical, legal and social implications’, emerging from the Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX) conference on ‘Translation in Healthcare: Exploring the impact of Emerging Technologies’ in 2015.

Other Health Science journals from the BMC series

About the BMC series – open, inclusive and trusted
The BMC series publishes subject-specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all areas of biology and medicine. We do not make editorial decisions on the basis of the interest of a study or its likely impact. Studies must be scientifically valid; for research articles this includes a scientifically sound research question, the use of suitable methods and analysis, and following community-agreed standards relevant to the research field.
Specific criteria for other article types can be found in the submission guidelines.

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Kind regards,

The BMC series Team
For further information or enquiries please contact Customer Services
BioMed Central Ltd 
236 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HB, 
United Kingdom.

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