sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

HRSA eNews April 20, 2017

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Grants technical assistance presentations in April

several people on a webcast, watching a presenter on a computer screen
Join one of our three grantee technical assistance presentations in April. We're offering the session three times to accommodate different time zones:
Tuesday, April 25, 1-3 p.m. (ET)Wednesday, April 26, 9:30-11:30 a.m. (ET)Wednesday, April 27, 7-9:30 p.m. (ET)
URL: Join the webinar
Call-in number: 800-369-1861 (international: 1-415-228-3898)
Passcode: 2862640
Download the presentation deck
The calls will be recorded and uploaded to HRSA.gov, typically within one week, and will be available for 60 days following each presentation.

National Health Service Corps (NHSC) new site application open 

More than 16,000 strong! Become an NHSC-approved site.
Have you wanted to hire an NHSC clinician at your health care facility? Here’s your opportunity: Apply to become an NHSC-approved site during the 2017 NHSC New Site Application Cycle
As an NHSC site, you will become eligible to recruit and retain qualified health care providers who are willing to practice in underserved areas.
Interested sites should read the 2017 NHSC Site Reference Guide (PDF - 575 KB) for all program requirements, as well as the NHSC Sliding Fee Discount Program Information Package (PDF - 599 KB). The application cycle closes June 6, 2017, at 11:59 p.m. ET
Eligible sites include health care facilities that provide outpatient, ambulatory and primary health care services (medical, dental, and behavioral) to populations residing in high-need areas. Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) are the only inpatient facilities that qualify and must be affiliated with an NHSC-approved outpatient clinic.

National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day

69,935 Youth and young adults are served by the ryan white hiv/aids program
On April 10th, HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) recognized National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day. 
A significant proportion of RWHAP clients are youth and young adults.
In 2015, more than 69,000 of the half a million clients served by the program were youth and young adults aged 13 to 29. 
For more information about clients served by the program, read the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Annual Client-Level Data Report, 2015 (PDF - 1.3 MB).

Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program National Program Brief

child sitting on mom's lap pointing at something out of frame
The Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) supports voluntary, evidence-based home visiting services for at-risk pregnant women and parents with young children up to kindergarten entry.
The program builds upon decades of scientific research which shows that home visits by a nurse, social worker, early childhood educator or other trained professional during pregnancy and in the first years of a child’s life improves the lives of children and families. Home visiting helps prevent child abuse and neglect, supports positive parenting, improves maternal and child health and promotes child development and school readiness. 
In FY 2016, MIECHV grantees reported serving over 160,000 parents and children in 893 counties in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and five territories. Nearly 69,000 of those participating were new enrollees and nearly 1 million home visits were provided in FY 2016. Almost 3.3 million home visits have been provided over the past five years. 
Read the full Program Brief (PDF - 441 KB).

Zika virus: CDC Vitalsigns report and map

Image of a pregnant woman at an airport with text: In 2016, pregnant women with evidence of Zika were reported in 44 states.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have issued a new Vitalsigns report on Zika virus
The report includes a short video on The Zika Virus: Protecting Women and Babies
The CDC has also created a new interactive map of areas with Zika risk which lets you search for location-specific Zika travel recommendations and health notices.

Partnering for help and hope

Gold medalists Michael Phelps and Allison Schmitt help highlight the importance of integrating physical and behavioral health care for children and young adults
three kids playing on playground equipment
Olympic champions Michael Phelps and Allison Schmitt are partnering with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) over the next year to focus attention on the needs of children, youth and young adults who experience behavioral health disorders, such as mental illnesses and addictions.
Phelps and Schmitt will serve as Honorary Chairpersons of SAMHSA's National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day 2017 national event: "Partnering for Help and Hope," 7pm Thursday, May 4 at The George Washington University.
“Allison and I are excited to be a part of this national effort. As we travel all over the country, we’re often asked about our training, diets and routines for staying fit,” said Phelps. “Being involved in Awareness Day and with SAMHSA gives us the chance to emphasize that paying attention to mental health is another important component of growing up healthy.”
SAMHSA will webcast the event, and NBC4 Washington and its sister stations across the U.S. will livestream the event.

Funding Opportunities


Healthcare Systems

Rural Health

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