jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

New! April 2017 CMS National Training Program Update

National Training Program

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

alcohol use and seniors
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends that people over age 65 have no more than 7 alcoholic drinks a week and no more than 3 drinks on any one day. For more information visit the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's website.
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers the alcohol misuse screening & counseling screening once per year for adults who don't meet the medical criteria for alcohol dependency. For more information, visit medicare.gov/coverage/alcohol-counseling.html or  watch this video.

Monthly Learning Series Webinar

April 13, 2017   1:00 – 2:30 pm ET
In observance of Minority Health Month, the Office of Minority Health (OMH) will present “From Coverage to Care” which will
  • Describe the work of OMH, their mission, and vision
  • Explain their suite of materials that help explain health insurance coverage and how to connect to primary care and preventive services
  • Summarize resources for individuals and partners
To join the webinar, visit goto.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1129991.

New/Updated CMS Publications

Did You Know?

af am pic
Introducing a new section to our NTP update. It will provide links and resources to commonly asked questions. Some of the topics will be seasonal or tied to national health topic awareness campaigns and others will reflect your interests. If you have suggestions or comments about this section, email us at training@cms.hhs.gov.
Volunteer Appreciation Week is just around the corner. Be it on the front line helping people with Medicare or training other volunteers to help the over 100 million Americans that rely on our programs, the CMS National Training Program thanks you for your time and dedication. We have a variety of job aids to help you help others. Check out the overview of PowerPoint so you can easily edit our training modules to meet your audience’s needs. Share your favorite tool with another volunteer to show your appreciation of his or her efforts.
April is also National Occupational Therapy (OT) Month. Visit medicare.gov/coverage/pt-and-ot-and-speech-language-pathology.html for more information about what's covered.

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