News from our journals
On 7th July, Breast Cancer Research and Breast Cancer Now announced the winning images of the breast cancer research image competition.
The Overall Winner – Rainbow Kaleidoscope by Ansel Lim – depicts an unwitting accomplice in the spread of one of the most aggressive types of breast cancer. In this blog, we showcase the winning image together with some of the other entries that caught our eye.
Peer review is perceived as an important means of quality control by junior doctors. However, they rarely seem to take the opportunity of checking the quality of peer review, according to a recently published study in Research Integrity and Peer Review.
The study surveyed 178 trainee doctors and Jigisha Patel, a member of the research integrity team at Springer Nature and the lead author, explains the study’s findings and the implications her blog.
Earlier this year, we announced that BMC Research Notes is going back to its roots by focusing on short research notes. Now, we are pleased to share some of the first articles published in our new ‘Research note’ format.
In a quick and concise way, you can read about whether anti-Müllerian hormone levels affect preeclampsia, and how Zhang et al. built the India Allele Finder. To find out how you can submit your own improved computational methods, null results, small scale clinical studies and other dark data – visit BMC Research Notes.
Journal of Congenital Cardiology has now launched and is publishing its first articles in all areas of congenital cardiology. Submissions are welcomed on all subspecialties including genetics, epidemiology, electrophysiology and interventions.
Cardiology aims to provide an essential resource for cardiologists, surgeons, general practitioners, researchers and healthcare professionals interested in congenital heart disease.
By bringing together open-access research and knowledge published in these areas, Journal of Congenital Cardiology aims to provide an essential resource for cardiologists, surgeons, general practitioners, researchers and healthcare professionals interested in congenital heart disease.
We are living in times of unprecedented scientific advancement, yet we are faced with many global challenges. We asked the Editors-in-Chief across Springer Nature to nominate one article published in their journal in 2016 that could help humanity and protect and preserve our planet. We are delighted to see articles from Genome Biology, BMC Public Health and Infectious Diseases of Poverty take part in this initiative. To read these and others, visit our website and learn how together we can change the world – one article at a time!
Other important news
Did you know that there are almost 250 open access article processing charge (APC) funds available to researchers worldwide? At BioMed Central, we offer a free advice service to help our authors discover and apply for funding. On our support pages you can find our OA checklist and FAQs, along with a list of research funders and institutions that make APC funding available.
BioMed Central and Health Systems Global partnered to deliver a series of five webinars covering the peer review and publication process. This series aimed to give insights to both early career researchers and seasoned academics into topics from choosing the right journal for your research, to understanding publication ethics. If you missed the webinars, you can still watch the recordings and download the slides for free here.
BioMed Central in the news
Rice bran, the outer covering of the rice grain, has high nutritional value and is a rich source of proteins, fats, minerals and micronutrients such as B vitamins, according to a study published in Rice.
Researchers at Colorado State University suggest that rice bran, which is removed from whole grain rice during processing and used as animal feed, could have benefits for human health and nutrition.
The research attracted the attention of national and international media. It was reported by outlets including the Daily Mail and the Independent in the UK, the Irish Independent , and Times of India. It was also widely syndicated in the US.
This study, published in BMC Public Health, found an association between regular high alcohol consumption and binge drinking from age 16 with higher glucose concentrations in women’s blood – an important risk factor for type 2 diabetes – later in life.
The article generated significant global coverage with the majority of the stories appearing in the UK, where it was covered by the Daily Mail and the Telegraph. It was also reported by Business Standardand NDTV in India, and AFP in France.
The authors of this BMC Public Healthstudy found that dog owners aged 65 and over spent on average an additional 22 minutes walking, taking an extra 2,760 steps per day when compared to people who didn’t own a dog.
The research attracted considerable attention internationally. In the UK, it was reported by outlets including The Daily Mail and Reuters. It was widely syndicated in the US and covered by outlets including National Public Radio, and Time Magazine. It was also reported by CTV News in Canada and Times of India and Business Standard in India.
Early-life exposure to the Chinese famine increases risk of dyslipidemia in adult women, but not men
Exposure to severe famine as a fetus or as an infant significantly increases the chance of having dyslipidemia in adulthood, according to research published in journal BMC Public Health. Dyslipidemia is a risk factor for coronary heart disease and is defined as an abnormal amount of lipid in the blood.
The press release was syndicated by Health Medicine Network and Healio in the US and by Scienmag and Medical Xpress in the UK.
Vitamin D levels in most occupational groups are well below those considered optimal for health, according to a study published in BMC Public Health. Shift workers, healthcare workers and indoor workers in particular are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency, researchers at the University of Alberta, Canada suggest.
The research was widely reported in the international media. In the UK, it was covered by outlets including The Times and Daily Mail. Via Associated Press, it was syndicated widely to local outlets in the US. In India, it was covered by NTDV and Business Standard.
Water bottles replicated in the traditional method used by Native Californian Indians reveal that the manufacturing process may have been detrimental to the health of these people. The study was published in Environmental Health.
The research was covered by the Los Angeles Times, Smithsonian Magazine, Gizmodo and STAT News in the US, Wired and IFL Science in the UK, and Naked Science in Russia.
Mice exposed to second-hand smoke only during gestation undergo abnormal changes to lung structure and function that persist into adulthood, according to research published in Respiratory Research. The study provides new insight into the role second-hand smoke exposure may play in predisposing unborn offspring to adult lung diseases.
The research was reported by Medical News Today in the UK and syndicated by Medical Xpress and Ethics & Health Law News in Australia.
The role of urban green spaces on mental wellbeing was the most popular blog across the BMC blogs network in June receiving 9,668 views.
In it, Victoria Houlden, author of new research published in BMC Public Health, explores the question of whether greener urban environments could benefit our mental wellbeing.
The study examined local-area proportions of green space and the mental wellbeing of residents.
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BioMed Central on the road
Portland, United States, 8/1/2017
Paris, France, 8/13/2017
Washington, United States, 8/20/2017
Barcelona, Spain, 8/26/2017
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