SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot.com.ar]: DIRECTORIO DE DOCUMENTOS EDITADOS EN ENERO de 2018 [*] ▲ SALUD EQUITATIVA - GESTIÓN EN SALUD PÚBLICA ► Contenidos Copyright by Cerasale Morteo, Víctor Norberto, 2008 a 2018. SALTA / ARGENTINA.
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2018 (500)
- ▼ enero (500)
- HRSA eNews January 18, 2018
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: La ANMAT clausuró un labora...
- FDA In Brief > 2018 Compounding Policy Priorities ...
- Ciudadanos dice que Madrid ya incumple la ley de g...
- Otra sentencia condena el abuso del contrato tempo...
- La bioética 'dirigida’ por políticos no funciona -...
- Las ausencias debidas a la enfermedad de un discap...
- Rebajan la pena de cárcel a una enfermera por inte...
- La validación, clave en el contrato social del méd...
- Oncología, Ginecología y patología cardiovascular ...
- Aragón: el Hospital Militar de Zaragoza podrá tene...
- Acuerdo entre Sanidad y la SEIS para impulsar la t...
- Cantabria demandará al Estado por las obras de la ...
- Ciudadanos dice que Madrid ya incumple la ley de g...
- Cataluña: ¿Qué diputados tienen vínculo sanitario ...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- RFA-HS-18-001: Patient Safety Learning Laboratorie...
- CDC - January 2018 Edition - Public Health Law New...
- Public Health Law News: Scott Burris, JD, Temple U...
- Disparities in Preconception Health Indicators — B...
- MMWR Vol. 67 / No. 2
- DEA speeds up application process for research on ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Application Reminder
- CDRH New Update
- CDER New January 18, 2018
- SEMG y ANEFP impulsan la educación sanitaria de la...
- La Comunidad Valenciana apuesta por el Interlocuto...
- Presentan al Defensor del Pueblo la Declaración Co...
- Premian al impulsor de las jeringuillas sin aguja
- El grupo HM Hospital recibe el sello ético de Feni...
- Más del 30% de pacientes VIH están polimedicados y...
- GENOMICA ya tiene presencia en China
- Las mejoras en imagen contribuyen a un diagnóstico...
- Carburos Metálicos y Fundación curArte presentan s...
- Los médicos de Madrid firman una alianza con otras...
- El turismo sanitario supondrá más de 1.000 millone...
- La falta de financiación impide que todas las solu...
- Sanidad esgrime los mismos argumentos que Aeseg en...
- What’s New for Biologics
- AHRQ Releases FOA to Fund Patient Safety Learning ...
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Por la salud del abuelo...
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: A falta de información, bue...
- New Jersey Finalizes New Limits on Pharmaceutical ...
- Comparative Health System Performance (CHSP) Initi...
- Physician Practice Transitions to System Ownership...
- Factors associated with the receipt of antimicrobi...
- Evaluation of the association between Hospital Sur...
- Impact of programs to reduce antipsychotic and ant...
- A Family-Centered Rounds Checklist, Family Engagem...
- RFA-HS-18-001: Patient Safety Learning Laboratorie...
- RTI and AcademyHealth Partner to Advance Evidence ...
- About the Patient-Centered CDS Learning Network | ...
- eGEMs "Better Decisions Together" Call for Papers:...
- An Innovative Community-based Model for Improving ...
- WebM&M Cases & Commentaries | AHRQ Patient Safety ...
- TeamSTEPPS LMS: Log in to the site
- Effectiveness and Safety of Bronchial Thermoplasty...
- Cardiac rehabilitation and readmissions after hear...
- Assigning responsibility to close the loop on radi...
- Implementing Antimicrobial Stewardship in Long-ter...
- Spending Carveouts Substantially Improve the Accur...
- Acute Renal Failure Hospitalizations, 2005-2014 #2...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Observatorio de Bioética, UCV | Todo sobre Bioétic...
- Israeli hospital sends aid to cholera-stricken Zam...
- Update: Health IT Advisory Committee
- Observatorio de Salud UBA: Sin sonrisa perfecta
- Dra. Marisa Aizenberg: "2084" Mundo Big Data, una ...
- FTC Staff Publishes Guidance for Multi-Level Marke...
- FDA and DOD announce joint partnership | Health.mi...
- FDA Drug Shortages (Updated)
- NOT-OD-18-126: Reminder: Updated Appendix Policy E...
- RFA-HS-18-001: Patient Safety Learning Laboratorie...
- Gone is protection by the Family Court for childre...
- It was the greatest pandemic in history - but how ...
- Suma y sigue: el TC también suspende la norma extr...
- 600.000 euros y una pensión vitalicia por sufrimie...
- Todos los hospitales deberán tener en mayo un dele...
- Otra sentencia condena el abuso del contrato tempo...
- ¿Cuánto estaría dispuesto a pagar por evitar una e...
- Cantabria Labs: nuevo nombre y proyectos de la ant...
- El 39% de los centros catalanes no tiene sistemas ...
- Las Urgencias pediátricas de La Paz incrementan su...
- Sólo especialistas de Madrid decidirán el contenid...
- Fernando Carballo: 'La formación continuada deberí...
- País Vasco pacta el retiro forzoso a los 68 años -...
- C’s fuerza al Gobierno a cumplir con la iniciativa...
- Register Now for January 18 Webinar on Adverse Dru...
- Caregivers: Get tips for helping at doctor’s appoi...
- SAMHSA is accepting applications for up to $76 mil...
- SAMHSA is accepting applications for up to $39.8 m...
- SAMHSA is accepting applications for up to $5.54 m...
- Opening Your Doors: Congregational Readiness and R...
- Theory, Evidence, and Activating the Adaptive Mode...
- Register Your Event | NIDA for Teens
- Bolstering the Role of Criminal Justice Coordinati...
- Human Trafficking and the Opioid Crisis Webinar
- SAMHSA's 14th Annual Prevention Day | CADCA
- Occupational Health Update
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ enero (500)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2018 (400)
- ▼ enero (400)
- CMS Coverage Email Updates
- What’s New for Biologics
- ProMED-mail
- Press Announcements > FDA Commissioner Scott Gottl...
- CDRH New Update
- Opportunity for Public Comment - US Preventive Ser...
- Announcing CDER’s Clinical Data Summary Pilot Prog...
- FDA's Cosmetics News
- Report on the Certification of Color Additives: 1s...
- Drug Safety and Availability > Medication Guides
- FDA Proposes to Update Procedures to Request Super...
- Press Announcements > FDA and DoD launch program t...
- Webinar: Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy Serie...
- CDER New January 16, 2018
- La Cátedra UCAM-SEPAR-MENARINI se renueva y lanza ...
- El Comité de la FDA rechaza en el último momento u...
- Los estudios están centrados en buscar las causas ...
- España destinó en 2016 un 0,2% menos del PIB al ga...
- CDRH Issues Revised Draft Accessory Guidance
- GE y Roche desarrollarán una plataforma de diagnós...
- El IIS La Fe, primera fundación de investigación d...
- Cardiólogos de Puerta de Hierro inician un program...
- Crean una guía internacional sobre recomendaciones...
- G-I-N Conference 2018 — Guidelines International N...
- Quick starting contraception. | National Guideline...
- Emergency contraception. | National Guideline Clea...
- Neck pain: revision 2017. | National Guideline Cle...
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Advisory
- Health Awareness Topics: January 2018
- El bróker británico BMS desembarca en el mercado s...
- La genómica protagoniza el arranque político de añ...
- La salud cada vez marca más la pauta en el sector ...
- “El futuro de la I+D en vacunas es prometedor” - D...
- DKV abre el plazo de sus 'V Premios Medicina y Sol...
- Los pacientes con aminoacidopatías reclaman amplia...
- Europa podría evitar hasta 10.000 muertes prematur...
- La Rioja impone el horario por turnos en Urgencias...
- 'Espero que el criterio político no sea el único p...
- CCOO exige una OPE para los centros de gestión ind...
- Hospital de Denia: ejemplo de mejora en la atenció...
- ‘Puntilla’ política para la fórmula de gestión más...
- Ya hay destino para Son Dureta - DiarioMedico.com
- El CNPT pide a los partidos prohibir fumar en coch...
- Trasplantes: ¿cómo crecer e innovar cuando nunca d...
- Happy 2018! - Latest bioethical and biomedical iss...
- Electronic health records
- Sharing rare data for a common cause
- How doctors are providing smarter care with electr...
- Power to the People: Data Citizens in the Age of P...
- Analysis commons, a team approach to discovery in ...
- Big Data: Astronomical or Genomical?
- Future cancer research priorities in the USA: a La...
- Expanding Access to Large-Scale Genomic Data While...
- Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Big Data and De...
- Genome-wide Association Study of Idiopathic Osteon...
- Planning for the Future of Epidemiology in the Era...
- Health Disparities: Big Data to the Rescue?
- Public health approach to big data in the age of g...
- Big data for clinical trials: a perfect blend
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Human gene editing: revisiting Canadian policy. - ...
- Disabled by Design: Justifying and Limiting Parent...
- HIPAA's Individual Right of Access to Genomic Data...
- Accessing your own genomic data is a civil right b...
- Ethical Considerations Related to Return of Result...
- Warn patients about privacy issues associated with...
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of germ-line BRCA test...
- Cost Effectiveness of Gene Expression Profile Test...
- Genetic risk score - OMIM - NCBI
- Genetic risk score AND (genetic OR genomic) AND re...
- Genetic risk score [NEW TOPIC PAGE]
- Genetic risk score [NEW TOPIC PAGE]
- Genetic risk score [NEW TOPIC PAGE]
- Genetic risk score [NEW TOPIC PAGE]
- Genetic risk score [NEW TOPIC PAGE]
- Genetic risk score [NEW TOPIC PAGE]
- How can polygenic inheritance be used in populatio...
- Genetic risk score [NEW TOPIC PAGE]
- Announcement: Special CDC-NIH Collaborative Webina...
- Videos|Genomics|CDC
- Proposed outcomes measures for state public health...
- Training Opportunity Through NCI's Division of Can...
- Webinar: Opening Your Doors: Congregational Readin...
- BioEdge: Chinese black-market surrogacy is booming...
- BioEdge: British fertility doctors back government...
- BioEdge: Some Canadians unhappy with restrictions ...
- BioEdge: Quebec nurses back euthanasia for the dem...
- BioEdge: Rebuilding the tarnished image of utilita...
- BioEdge: President Trump is in ‘excellent health’
- FDA OMH Celebrates MLK Day
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Denies Qualified He...
- What’s New for Biologics
- Measure Comparison Template | National Quality Mea...
- Total hip arthroplasty (THA) and/or total knee art...
- Stroke: hospital 30-day, all-cause, unplanned risk...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ enero (400)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2018 (300)
- ▼ enero (300)
- Pneumonia: hospital 30-day, all-cause, unplanned r...
- Hospital-wide readmission (HWR): hospital 30-day, ...
- Heart failure (HF): hospital 30-day, all-cause, un...
- Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG): hospital 30-d...
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): hosp...
- Acute myocardial infarction (AMI): hospital 30-day...
- Thyroid Awareness Month | National Quality Measure...
- National Glaucoma Awareness Month | National Quali...
- Cervical Health Awareness Month | National Quality...
- Cervical Health Awareness Month | National Quality...
- G-I-N Conference 2018 — Guidelines International N...
- Guidelines on Quick Starting and Emergency Contrac...
- National Guideline Alliance
- Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma
- Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
- Thyroid Awareness Month (see related guidelines)
- National Glaucoma Awareness Month (see related gui...
- Cervical Health Awareness Month (see related guide...
- Note: January 16, 2018 CDC Public Health Grand Rou...
- BioEdge: The ‘greatest pandemic in history’ did it...
- CDRH New Update
- The next CMS Hospital/Quality Initiative Open Door...
- New FDA Drug Safety Communication on prescription ...
- A Story of Progress: Healthcare-associated infecti...
- Press Announcements > FDA acts to protect kids fro...
- MMWR Vol. 67 / No. RR-1
- MMWR Vol. 67 / No. 1
- CDER New January 12, 2018
- While You Were Away: CDRH Announces Pilot Voluntar...
- CDRH Issues New Draft Least Burdensome Guidance
- Court May Confirm the Rigorous Materiality Standar...
- FDA Law Blog - “Litigation Briefing: HP&M Issues R...
- FDA Law Blog - “How to Lose $350 million” plus 1 m...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Rep...
- FDA Issues Immediately-In-Effect Guidance on Uniqu...
- FDA notifies health care professionals that Becton...
- CDRH New Update
- FDA approves new treatment for breast cancer with ...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - FDA Extends Comment Per...
- January Opioids Update – Recent Releases
- Webinar: State Solutions in Workforce
- Sharing stories of women in high-tech inspires oth...
- Revolutionary MRI device images preemies right in ...
- Israeli hospital opens unique rapid cancer diagnos...
- Australian kids are drinking and smoking far less ...
- Alcohol related ER visits on the rise especially a...
- SHEA releases new guidance on contact precautions ...
- Dire view from within accident and emergency wards...
- ATS to hold 2018 International Conference in San D...
- Emergency department program reduces unnecessary a...
- Research provides insights into mechanisms governi...
- Register To Join the 42 CFR Part 2 Listening Sessi...
- CDC Treatment Guidelines (STDs) Update
- Statement Regarding the National Registry of Evide...
- Edición Digital - Anuario 2017
- Non-occupational Uses of Respiratory Protection – ...
- NIOSH eNews - January, 2018
- U.S. Departments of Commerce, Homeland Security Re...
- Technical Correction to SMDL: Limit on Federal Fin...
- Maintenance key to medical device precision, accur...
- Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement | ...
- NORD, FDA & Pfizer will be there- get involved now...
- Should it matter if the public is wary of gene edi...
- Global glyphosate herbicide ban would cause substa...
- Even if you don't believe in God, religion may sha...
- Are seed patent protections abused by Monsanto and...
- Male pregnancy may be closer than you think | Gene...
- Banning glyphosate: France may replace well-tested...
- La FDA advierte que los medios de contraste basado...
- Recently Posted Guidance Documents
- Increase in hepatitis C infections linked to worse...
- 3 Funding Opportunities from the Ryan White HIV/AI...
- The next CMS Physicians, Nurses & Allied Health Pr...
- PubMed Clinical Queries
- Genetic testing and genomic analysis: a debate on ...
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Persona...
- Introduction to Bioethics Special Supplement V: Et...
- Guideline Recommendations for Preventive Healthcar...
- Engaging a state: Facebook comments on a large pop...
- Cancer Genomics Best Practices for Connecticut Hea...
- An Appreciation of The Gene: An Intimate History b...
- Cost-effectiveness of early treatment of ACPA-posi...
- Electronic medical records and genomics (eMERGE) n...
- Cost-effectiveness of HIV drug resistance testing ...
- Translating personalized genomic medicine into cli...
- Using needs-based frameworks for evaluating new te...
- Genomics: this time, it's personal.
- Regulations Under the Americans With Disabilities ...
- Influence of pharmacogenomic profiling prior to ph...
- Clinical utility and cost of non-invasive prenatal...
- A simple, fast and inexpensive method for mutation...
- Evolution of the "drivers" of translational cancer...
- Economics: Cost-effectiveness of cell-free DNA in ...
- Advanced Molecular Detection Clips Database|AMD Cl...
- Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database|Weekly Scan...
- Events|Genomics|CDC
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ enero (300)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2018 (200)
- ▼ enero (200)
- PubMed Clinical Queries
- Data sharing in stem cell translational science: p...
- Giant study poses DNA data-sharing dilemma
- Data Sharing Statements for Clinical Trials: A Req...
- Accessing your own genomic data is a civil right b...
- The role of epigenomics in personalized medicine. ...
- Individual Biomarkers Using Molecular Personalized...
- Putting the Patient Back Together - Social Medicin...
- Clinical Informatics Researcher's Desiderata for t...
- The who, what, and why of research participants' i...
- Genome | A Modified CRISPR Tool Creates New Treatm...
- Physicians' Awareness and Utilization of Genetic S...
- How Much More Research is Needed? | Front Line Gen...
- In a milestone year, gene therapy finds a place in...
- Maintaining Tissue Sample Quality Might Reduce Med...
- Investigation of the Use of a Family Health Histor...
- How much should we trust genetic ancestral tests? ...
- Patient and provider perspectives on the developme...
- Infographic: Genetic testing and research. - PubMe...
- CRISPR in 2018: Coming to a Human Near You - MIT T...
- Proposed guidelines to evaluate scientific validit...
- Prioritising the application of genomic medicine. ...
- Preparing for genomic medicine: a real world demon...
- Precision Military Medicine: Conducting a multi-si...
- Application of active learning modalities to achie...
- CRISPR, Patents, and the Public Health . - PubMed...
- Blood From 1 Million Americans May Offer Clues To ...
- Working Group Outlines Possibilities for All of Us...
- Crispr Isn’t Enough Any More. Get Ready for Gene E...
- More Genetic Data May Not Lead To Better Health : ...
- Developing a 'personalome' for precision medicine:...
- Clinical implications and considerations for evalu...
- Precision Medicine: Functional Advancements. - Pub...
- "Not pathogenic until proven otherwise": perspecti...
- Taking and Drawing a Family History en Vimeo
- Proposed guidelines to evaluate scientific validit...
- National Society of Genetic Counselors : Blogs : S...
- Developing the science and methods of community en...
- Ethical Challenges in Biomarker-Driven Drug Develo...
- Guideline Recommendations for Preventive Healthcar...
- Genetic Testing: Multiple Problems to Solve. - Pub...
- When Personal Feels Invasive: Foreseeing Challenge...
- Gene therapy for inherited blindness sets preceden...
- Autonomy, Well-Being, and the Value of Genetic Tes...
- Genome | Do You Belong to You?
- A community effort to protect genomic data sharing...
- Genetics in the 21st Century: Implications for pat...
- An Appreciation of The Gene: An Intimate History b...
- Gene Editing in Humans: Towards a Global and Inclu...
- What Is Trust? Ethics and Risk Governance in Preci...
- Trends in CDC Publications in Public Health Genomi...
- What a Year It Was! A Look Back at Research Progre...
- Happy Holidays! Celebrating the Arrival of 2018 an...
- From public health genomics to precision public he...
- Announcement: Special CDC-NIH Collaborative Webina...
- Research Integrity and Peer Review | Home
- BMC Medical Ethics | Home page
- Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine | H...
- BMC Bioinformatics | Home page
- BMC International Health and Human Rights | Home p...
- BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making | Home...
- BMC Public Health | Home page
- Conflict and Health | Home page
- Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation | Home ...
- Global Health Research and Policy | Home
- International Journal for Equity in Health | Home ...
- International Journal of Health Geographics | Home...
- Israel Journal of Health Policy Research | Home pa...
- Health Research Policy and Systems | Home page
- Human Resources for Health | Home page
- International Journal of Mental Health Systems | H...
- Population Health Metrics | Home page
- Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy ...
- Safety in Health | Home page
- Public Health Reviews | Home page
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice | Ho...
- Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine ...
- Journal of Biomedical Semantics | Home page
- Big Data Analytics | Home page
- Check Out New Resources for Disaster Survivors
- ProMED-mail
- CDRH New Update
- REMINDER: FDA Webinar on Draft Guidances and CLIA ...
- China announces scheduling controls on two fentany...
- GHSP Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4
- MMWR Vol. 66 / Nos. 51 & 52
- New! January 2018 CMS National Training Program Up...
- About the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Rese...
- Up in Smoke? Will the Feds Ramp Up Enforcement Act...
- Heed the patient | The Indian Express
- Condena por omitir una analítica en un paciente ci...
- Madrid: entra en vigor la ley de gestión profesion...
- Amyts y Satse auguran cientos de demandas por la p...
- El Congreso insta a Imserso y CCAA a cumplir mejor...
- ¿Se puede definir y evitar una visita 'inadecuada'...
- USDA Offers Food Safety Tips for Areas Affected by...
- ¿Hay un sesgo nacionalista en el periodismo sobre ...
- SALUD EQUITATIVA [https://saludequitativa.blogspot...
- ▼ enero (200)
Archivo del blog
- ▼ 2018 (100)
- ▼ enero (100)
- CESIF y Eupharlaw llevan el Máster en Derecho de l...
- El grupo biotecnológico BDi cierra una ronda de fi...
- La generación de nuevos agentes terapéuticos nos p...
- Analizan la adecuación a la OMS de la ingesta de a...
- Problem with Quality of Mammograms at Palm Beach B...
- Summary of REMS@FDA website updates for December, ...
- Substantially Equivalent 510(k) Device Information...
- CDER New January 4, 2018
- FDA Law Blog
- CDRH New Update
- Reminder to Register for AHRQ Webcast - Understand...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Enforcement Discretion ...
- Press Announcements > FDA warns American CryoStem ...
- Public Health Grand Rounds Presents “Public Health...
- NIAID MERS-CoV work in Jordan | NIH: National Inst...
- SNF QRP- Full Confidential Feedback Reports- Now A...
- Good ANDA Submission Practices Guidance for Indust...
- Global glyphosate herbicide ban would cause substa...
- PharmaMar solicita el proceso de reexaminación par...
- La llegada de 2018 alumbra la entrada en vigor del...
- Las balas de goma no son seguras
- IVI amplía su expansión por la costa este norteame...
- Ya está disponible la revista IM Médico nº23
- El programa avanzado Ayuda Múltiple de Teva ofrece...
- Necesitamos abordar la incorporación de los estudi...
- Press Announcements > Statement from FDA Commissio...
- Understanding the Economic Benefit Associated with...
- Webinar: Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy Serie...
- Global Health Matters Newsletter - Fogarty Interna...
- Two New “All About Grants” Podcasts: 2018 Appendix...
- Funding News from Fogarty Int'l Center at NIH
- Israel's flourishing biotech sector looks set for ...
- FDA Issues Final Guidance on Additive Manufactured...
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- Archive | CDC Learning Connection | CDC
- CMS Launches Data Submission System for Clinicians...
- CDER New January 3, 2018
- CDRH New Update
- Sterilmed Reprocessed Agilis Steerable Introducer ...
- Extremadura: Simex reclama que la subida del presu...
- Aragón persigue una vacunación 'en todas las etapa...
- 'Ciencia en el Parlamento' busca más relación entr...
- Valencia: mejoras para el personal de atención con...
- Condena penal por dar el alta a una niña de 19 mes...
- Reig Jofré fusiona sus cuatro sociedades en España...
- Cinco regiones se suman a la 'e-receta' interopera...
- AHRQ Webinar Focuses on Better HealthIT Design to ...
- What's New at CBER
- Uchicago Medicine begins treating patients in new,...
- Care suffers as more nursing homes feed money into...
- Trump administration relaxes financial penalties a...
- Condena por perforar el duodeno durante una CPRE -...
- Aumenta el número de víctimas por la anulación de ...
- Biotecnología: el gasto empresarial ya supera al d...
- La vía sanitaria, destacada en el arranque del pac...
- BOE: el médico no tributará al ser invitado a cong...
- Trece nuevos proyectos de investigación en el IIS ...
- Ni el Estado ni 5 autonomías saben aún cuánto gast...
- Cooperación sanitaria: Un avance y mejora para tod...
- New Year’s Resolutions for Digital Communicators |...
- Siguen los preparativos para Infors@lud 2018, el X...
- ¡Con tu salud no te la juegues!, nueva campaña con...
- El Consell autoriza dos acuerdos marco de compra c...
- Acuerdo de PharmaMar con Megapharm para Aplidin (p...
- El departamento de salud de Gandia incorpora la pr...
- El perfil más buscado en el sector sanitario en 20...
- G-I-N Conference 2018 — Guidelines International N...
- Safety Alerts for Human Medical Products > Long-Ac...
- Guideline for the prevention of acute chemotherapy...
- (1) Use of biomarkers to guide decisions on adjuva...
- Stereotactic body radiation therapy for early-stag...
- Final Rule: Confidentiality of Substance Use Disor...
- New Drug Safety Podcasts - Drug Information Update...
- See what’s new for the new year in health IT!
- CDER New January 2, 2018
- Apply now to become a PHAP associate!
- CDRH New Update
- Hospice Compare Updates
- SOPS Value and Efficiency Supplemental Items for t...
- SOPS Value and Efficiency Supplemental Items for t...
- REMINDER: Register for AHRQ Webcast: New AHRQ SOPS...
- Browse by Organization | National Quality Measures...
- Browse by Measurement Setting | National Quality M...
- Browse by Measure Domain | National Quality Measur...
- QualityNet - Specifications Manual
- Total hip arthroplasty (THA) and/or total knee art...
- Pneumonia: hospital-level, risk-standardized payme...
- Heart failure (HF): hospital-level, risk-standardi...
- Acute myocardial infarction (AMI): hospital-level,...
- CFSAN Constituent Update - Voluntary Qualified Imp...
- FDA “Finalizes” Rule on Health Care Antiseptic Dru...
- OMS | Banco Mundial y OMS: la mitad del mundo care...
- Press release: As global mobilization against sexu...
- ProMED-mail
- EURORDIS wishes you a Happy New Year!
- ▼ enero (100)
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