The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is inviting public comment on its draft recommendation statement on screening for bladder cancer. This draft recommendation is an update of the USPSTF 2004 recommendation regarding screening for bladder cancer in adults. To provide comments, please go to
The opportunity to comment on this draft recommendations statement is available until December 28, 2010.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is working to make its recommendations clearer and more useful. This is part of its ongoing effort to keep its work and methods clear to the public it serves.
The USPSTF is a national, independent panel of medical experts that makes recommendations, based on scientific evidence, to primary care doctors and other health care providers about which clinical preventive services they should offer their patients.

Opportunities for Public Comment on Draft U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statements
Draft Recommendation Statements Available for Comment
* Screening for Bladder Cancer
(November 30-December 28, 2010)
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Draft Recommendation Statement
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is inviting public comment on its draft Recommendation Statements before they are published. The USPSTF is a national, independent panel of medical experts that makes recommendations, based on scientific evidence, to primary care doctors and other health care providers about which clinical preventive services they should offer their patients.
The USPSTF is taking this new step as part of its ongoing effort to keep its work and methods clear to the public it serves.
Please look at these draft Recommendation Statements and offer your comments on the USPSTF's decisions and how the decisions are communicated. The USPSTF is seeking comments to help make the Recommendation Statements more useful for the primary care provider. All comments will be considered fully as the USPSTF finalizes these recommendations.
How to Comment
Any visitor to this site can comment on any USPSTF draft Recommendation Statements listed here. However, readers should note that the USPSTF writes its recommendations for primary care doctors and other health care providers, using medical and scientific language as appropriate for this audience.
To comment, click on the title of the draft Recommendation Statement at top right. Comments must be received before the comment deadline listed below each title. The comment period for draft Recommendation Statements is 4 weeks.
Once the draft Recommendation Statement is removed from the public comment page, the USPSTF begins considering comments and finalizing the Recommendation Statement. Until the final Recommendation Statement is published, the USPSTF considers the Recommendation Statements on its Web site to be current.
You will receive acknowledgement that your comments have been transmitted. At the present time, the USPSTF can not provide responses to individual comments.
Previous Opportunities for Public Comment
Screening for Testicular Cancer September 21, 2010–October 19, 2010
Ocular Prophylaxis for Gonococcal Ophthalmia Neonatorum August 16, 2010–September 13, 2010
Screening for Osteoporosis July 6, 2010–August 3, 2010
Current as of October 2010
Internet Citation:
Opportunities for Public Comment. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Opportunity for Public Comment